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Sir Doodles

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Everything posted by Sir Doodles

  1. Dear Friday, thank you for showing up at the right moment, and now this weekend marks the end of summer. YES!!! I don't need to thank God for this one...would you please tell Saturday & Sunday to take their time in ending before Monday comes in? Thanks, Doodleism
  2. Dear 4:00 pm I await your arrival with eager anticipation...oh and tell your fellow time mate 4:20 it's on! Working smart not hard, Sir Dood
  3. Dear Conscious, I should have listened to you more when it came to dealing with these females. Please don't be mad and I'll be sure to listen more closely, okay? Okay! Best wishes, S. Doodles....
  4. "Be good or be good at it."
  5. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD It is funny. It's almost as funny as wearing a t-shirt that says "I survived Sept. 11th and all I got was this lousy t-shirt!"
  6. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Damn Nigga knows about thee nicest looking P-Star and she's from Espain! (insert latino accent here)
  7. Taking transportation to a new level... nice scenic glorys.
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