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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear painting weekend coming up,


oh I so can't wait for you. I have over 100 cans and I am so going to empty a bunch of them. None of this little pieces with dribs and drabs of apint these are gonna be big and well filled in with no concern for economy.


I can't wait

I can't wait

I can't wait


3 cities 5 pieces I hope.

schnitzel is very excited.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear douchebag that sat behind us at the jo koy comedy show,


you kept talking and would not shut the fuck up.

i tried to not get angry and hoped you would shut the fuck up.


but when you didnt, and my homie asked you to "keep it down, please"

and you replied with "it's not a library"


i got really fucking angry, turned to you and told you off big time....in front of your girlfriend too.


and you didnt say a single thing after that.


then when you came out of the venue, you didnt even make eye contact...


next time watch your fucking mouth especially when you open it in front of a big and intimidating person as caligula.


you fucking douche.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear job,


i get up at 3am for you, you nearly kill me moving hundreds of pounds of boxes for 2+ hours straight. atleast putting products on the shelf isn't too bad. but you're all i have right now.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear tea,

I think I got an addiction problem with you now.

I feel like a teaholic, but blue mountain coffee is also the shit.

Green tea and corn tea, I love you both.


hot drinks anonymous,



Dear Cali,

The world needs more people like you.

I hope you enjoyed the show, minus that mouth flappin bonehead.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear _________

You can keep on with the "most people your age have this, that, and those...why don't you?" comments all you want, I don't really want any of that. Most of those people aren't happy or are in those situations for the wrong reasons. Just look at yourself. You have all of those things and are nowhere near happy nor in a good mindset. Why would I want to do that to myself? I'm not the most well adjusted person, but I'm happier than you with where I'm at and what I have.


-almighty____ ________





dear flo ho

taking pics of yourself rolling around on bathroom floor half naked is not a good look. but thanks for texting me the pics while i was at work. It provided lulz.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear mr famous aka T locc


i tried to call u tonight, with no luck. im jonesin for some bay area shenanigans, so let me crash w/u next fri n sat. im comin down solo, so there will actually b room in my pickup for u when we decide to go to the city. ill bring the obligatory fifth of sj rum. you supply the breakfast and bed. and drug induced heterosexual embraces.


ps: youre fatter than me now.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Ex,


Thanks for reminding me today that the bad does outweigh the good. So you came to the conclusion that I must've have been unfaithful because of a comment I left after we broke up. And how is that you even found that comment being that I have you blocked? WTH!!!




P.S. You don't get to ask me if I'm going with a female to a concert. You gave those rights up.. Remember?

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear man friend,

I am very sorry that I yelled at you for wanting

a muffin and coffee

in front of everyone at the store.

It ended up prolly embarrassing me more than you.

Next time I will have my morning cigarette(S)

before I come to get you.

<3 B.fish


Dear vegan cookie-

You make me feel better when I am

a jerk to people.

Nom nom-B.fish

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear iou,


in your other thread i sounded kind of like a jerk.

just thought i'd apologize.

they're all nuts man.

she's an ex, out of your life, your best bet is to leave it that wayy.





dear buddy from highschool,


we shared some laughs at lunchh talking bullshit,

not gonna lie though...

seeing in the paper that you killed your mother and burned your house down...kinddd of trips me out.

u were a good dude.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


readers of the dear____ thread...

you are my only source of socializing i have (besides work) since i am such a fucking recluse. & i appreciate the laughs.

tell me though, whats worse..when you lose faith in people..or when people lose faith in you?

(not really lookin for an answer..just sharing thoughts)

being a girl,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo



Personally I think it's worse when people lose faith in you.

I say that, only because I easily lose faith in people.




Dear life,

You suck at the moment, just for now, but life is generally good.

However, bad news is rarely ever good. I'm dealin with it.



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