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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Girlfriend,


Don't be mad at me for coming home at 3:45am, drunk, stoned, and very fucking hungry. WE ATE AT 5:30pm!


I hope the ruffling of the bag of girl scout cookies didn't wake you up. And about the dog waking up? Yeah, she's retarded.


So don't get all mad at me for being hungry and getting on the computer. You left the thing on. I mean "Shut Down" is an easy enough function. If you had just shut down I wouldn't be up typing this stupid shit to a bunch of people you will never know or meet.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear poker game,

thanks for letting me win when i drunkenly pushed all in with eight five off suit.

it was looking grim until i hit that straight on the river.

your generosity will pay off the $200 speeding ticket that overzealous cop gave me.


thanks again,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear mother-in-law,



this is fucking bullshit. and i am not happy.




ps - how about keping your opinions on what we need to do/where we need to move etc, to yourself and taking them with you when you leave.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear all-in-laws,


What thE FUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ever meet someone and learn that its a bad idea for that person to drink, ever?


Well, I married into the whole family.


I need a swirly in the hot tub time machine.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear filthypeter


i miss you, buddy. i miss sitting outside albies, eating gyros. i miss having somebody to drink with during the day. i miss making fun of joel with you. its getting boring down here... but im stayin outta trouble and stackin chips, so my game plan is workin out... you better come down soon and go crabbing/fishing with me. i woke up this morning at a friends crib and started conversation with a cute girl on the couch next to me. we talked about chip kelly's coaching abilities and i fell in love. seriously, all a girl has to do is like chai tea and the oregon ducks, and im boutitboutit. im weak like that. -dow

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear last night,


my first "official" 3some..fucking awesome!


....i just wish the 3rd female that was there with us didnt chicken out like she did and leave....because if she didnt chicken out, i couldve typed "my first "official" 4some"



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear guy whos tripping out on acid that i'm talking to,


i'd like for you to bone me PLEASE. Give me some of your acid and we can have wild acid trip sex. i dont even care that you're not big and mean looking.


love, melinoe.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo
























dear landsquids,

Thank you for the congrats bbq!

It made us feel not so um antisocial.

My apologies for the awkward response to your

toast for our honor....we are realizing that

we are not so good with public attention.

Its why we spend time on the internet.

<3 soon to be squid-fish

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo




Yes we do. Only right now my life is chaotic and


year 2022 hood adventure awaits. :[

I am on spring break though...so

not this week but next week might be promising.

Does that work for you...

wait we have to make a list right?

sincerely- B.fish

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear bfish,


that works out for me....we should try to do it on a saturday, because i noticed a lot of hustles on saturdays we could flick....people selling oranges, people selling rugs...people selling 2pac and michael jackson shirts, etc etc etc



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear guy whos tripping out on acid that i'm talking to,


i'd like for you to bone me PLEASE. Give me some of your acid and we can have wild acid trip sex. i dont even care that you're not big and mean looking.


love, melinoe.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear new roomies.


i get that youre hippies, i get one of you was on mushrooms when i showed up, i get that there were just boys living here till now, but i just spent an hour scrubbing dishes that had been piled up filling both sinks and on the counter for god knows how long. i think the pitcher was filled with vomit... this will not stand. you have two girls living with you know and we will NOT put up with this shit.






no one lives like that.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo




that shit sucks hard. I've been livin with my girl for a few years now, and it definitely takes some time to get used to. Guys don't think about some nasty shit until it is pointed out that it is really, really gross and should be cleaned regularly. I wish you the best, hippies suck ass.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear guy whos tripping out on acid that i'm talking to,


i'd like for you to bone me PLEASE. Give me some of your acid and we can have wild acid trip sex. i dont even care that you're not big and mean looking.


love, melinoe.


Dear Melinoe,


Hacked? Or is you tweakin?


Real Talk,





Dear friend who's being a whore,


Happy birthday to you, but I refuse to

go to your house today just because.

I'll stop by sometime this week with homemade

pastries. I'm sorry.


-Ms. firstname

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo




that shit sucks hard. I've been livin with my girl for a few years now, and it definitely takes some time to get used to. Guys don't think about some nasty shit until it is pointed out that it is really, really gross and should be cleaned regularly. I wish you the best, hippies suck ass.





i'm a dude and ocd clean about 90% of the time. call it what you will but i can't stand some dirty assed niggaz. and hippies suck.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear girl


god damn, you're fun. im glad your roommate vouched for me. i told you once the whiskey kicked in, our blackjack game would be unstoppable. i was right. you are sexy. we are awesome. i told myself id stay clear of women that are familiar with the term "sunny side down", but youre kinda rad and you knew the words to "a land down under", so im making an exception....

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