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Dear Rolf,


I barely understood a word of that :)


- grd




Dear dears,


I've had an awesome morning thus far, the sun is coming out and I'm pain/stress free for the first time in ages. It's gonna be a good week :)


I hope you all had excellent weekends and have an even better week to come!



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Dear NOES,


that's what you get for working with lots of little walking germ factories.

I read an article a while back that said you need to take 50mg of vitamin C per KG of body mass and don't take it all in one go, spread it out throughout the day.


feel better soon innit, grd

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dear humans


for me, it's all about the handwashing

might seem OCD at first but i stay healthy




dear youth


there ARE always jobs.. just less of them

as people age they become replaceable

have perseverance and determination. and of course, connections and luck. ha .

easier said than done in many cases

once you land that job you like, make yourself indispensable





dear lady who T-boned me today


glad you weren't going faster

these old bones aren't doin too bad i guess

but i'll probably be seeing you in a few days [see below]





'insurance' scam artists:


$100 copay?

fuck off





dear new wide angle


can't wait to touch you in your special places




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dear self...


been doin ok cuttin doon on the beer... keep it up and remind yourself you are no longer a professional when you are oot and aboot... yir back to bein fuckin' canned aff o' twa pint again


and well done for being a gentleman and not kickin' seven shades o' shit oot that boy infront of his wife and kids in the tesco car park... even though he definitely deserved that shit.


oh and keep up the sketchin'... you normally don't...



dear nike ootlet shoppy...


please hae some fuckin' rare gems this weekend... it's too far to go for another pair of air max 1s that i can only wear to the gym... plus i need to get the young ain something decent for his 18th



dear symbols. i hope you hae a bra holiday and get a bonny tan an shit... but watch oot for the men over there... they are as fowl as my mouth




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dear boy-o's


cheers fir ah the weed smoked in the pub and free beer and free j-egg-oos...


dear chrristoph..


stop bein a dick to your lass... i ken she's hard work, but so are you...



dear joe king...


your mother blessed you with the best name in the world...




dear oontz...


i watched a four foot nothing man, wearing a three piece suit and a motha fuckin' bow tie swagger into my local pub tonight not only singin eye of the tiger but making the "DUN...DUN-DUN-DUN ... DUNDUN!" noise too...

my mate thankfully recorded that caper... but you can hardly hear the boy singin over my laughter...i'll be sure to share the joy if it ever gets uploaded to teh internets...


you can't actually see too well but it's the same boy in the suit here...



"Rising up!" ROOOLF

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dear capital 1.


Why are you charging me interest? I paid my CC balance in full and you are still going to touch me up for 17 dollars this month... Whats up with penalizing me for being responsible and paying my shit in full and on time.


any of you know why this is? Is it a mistake? There are 2 interest charged fields, Interest of the Period and interest on the year. I'm looking at interest this period. Is a period one month? Beyond this why did my APR go up 2 points? They bump my credit limit and raise my APR. Feels like they just gave me more rope



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dear edoggg


nice job getting that contract approved on the last day- last 5 credits of undergrad earned through a teaching internship? rad. now get your sponsor from summer to stop losing those essays to he can turn in your fucking eval.





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dear tiny kitten,

just realized you were sleeping in my kimono sleeve...

after you sneezed in it...ah, you're still cute tho.

love, cat-luvaluva





dear evil bastards,

text i rec'd on 9-19-11:

it was timmy's body


from the water


he was beaten to death last night

then thrown into the creek at the point.


i cry

my funny friend

no more crazy 4am phone calls

no more laughing till we fall down

no more fighting with the deli guy who won't sell us beer

on sunday morning

then finding beer at the gas station anyways

remember that?

i wanna see your smile with that missing tooth

you broke more cell phones than anyone fighting with your girl

i lost count at 12


dear murderers,

yes all 3 of you,

you sick motherfuckers

ruined your own lives

& the lives of four families



I wish I could've saved your life.

Missing you dearly.

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