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Dear ________,


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Dear !@#$%.

That is whattha fuck is up!!

that gesture means more than one could imagine.

i do have a lil bit of faith ..in this program.

if not..im yodellin. (not in ASL either).haha


you're pretty fucking amazing.





dear SM,


guccicondom came on here to start a thread beggin for money for his suboxone script

(that means he's dependent on opiates and needs help with his addiction)

i actually considered it, and prolly woulda thrown him about $3 if id' seen the 'business' link on paypal that allows a more anonymous way toi transfer cash.


now, if that sad sack can get help on here, i know someone in need and deserving like yourself could.


and we can tap into the huge market of 'people' and not even limit you to this site.

in addition, i do think there may be a way to get a foundation or uncle sam to pay for it.


thanks so much for your lovely compliment, but i really do like to help people.

if you want, i can also see if you might be able to get into some kind of clinical trial for some new technique or instrument as well, but then i need to know lots more specifics about what's wrong.


anyway, benefits are probably the easiest. we could get a buncha people to donate art and then have a show or an online auction as mentioned. i'll donate something. we can make this happen.


keep us updated on your progress, and if things aren't going well, we can figure it out.



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Dear thread,

Damn! Oontz people got some good hearts. Makes me hyped on the world today.

That's what's up symbols/sm/noesr/all.

I would definitely be down, I like stuff like this.



On another note does anyone on here run, like races and stuff. My girl signed me up to run this 5k in 9 days. I ran that this morning and it took me 30 minutes! I use to run all the time because I boxed and did muay thai and all that stuff. But that was for longevity and endurance. How do I get fast.....in 9 days.



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dear laughs


word, good to see people not being sarcastic about a very real problem.

just super stupid that our govt can't solve that shit. i really wanted actual health care reform. the greedy ones won that battle though.


for the other note, i usually save my running for when someone is chasing me.

i have been trying to pump up my heart strength though so i've been taking all the stairs.

i dunno, but good luck.

i used to have a fat coworker who became a bike racer and started running marathons. she was a huge german, and though she slimmed down from her original form she remained one massive lady

anyway i don't know how that applies to your story but if she could run a half marathon, you can prolly do it with no training...

you did muay thai? you should move here and we'll train together. ha




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dear laughs...


you should try setting yourself various different distances at different speeds for example. a short sprint... a long jog then something half way inbetween, and increase it as you go. ken?


5Km is fuck all to run though....

i think with a bit more fitness and shit you should be able to pretty much sprint the fucker...



i really wish i could still run...



dear smxxl...


i hope this all turns oot well for you as i think you are deserving of it...


it seems to me that you folk across the water seem to have an unhealthy dependence on prescription drugs... it's like you take big codine pills for headaches an stuff...


why is that? just cultural differences?



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Dear SM,


I hope that everything works out for the best. It can't hurt to turn off my sarcastic humor for a minute and say that you seem like a solid person who deserves the best in this situation. Keep your head up.


-Real Realism


Dear Rolf,


It's more than just cultural difference...unfortunately the shit is generally financially motivated. Doctors have a tendency to overprescribe strong drugs, such as opiates, which in turn keeps the companies that make them happy. Meth has gotten a ton of shine in the past decade as a destructive narcotic, but the story of opiates is an equally sad/rough one, and a lot of people are hooked without even wanting to be (i.e. they did not start taking the drugs in order to get a high). There are some especially hard hit areas in my neighboring state, and I know a few people who have ruined their lives with the shit, some of whom first got hooked due to an overzealous prescription.



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dear greeners


yall are fucking up in a few big was.


1, IF YOU STINK, SHOWER!!!! i know i know... you hate wasting precious water and conforming to the social standard of personal hygiene but if sitting next to you makes me literally gag, take a fucking hint. wash yourselves.


2. TO THE ASIANS AT THE GYM: evergreen is not an athletically inclined school, so our gym is not exactly up to par. we have 3,yes 3, treadmills. so i get pretty bummed with i come in and all three are being used- 2 of them by ASIANS WHO ARE WALKING ON THEM. /noracist, it really is ALWAYS asian chicks. do NOT occupy a treadmill with WALKING. that is straight up dumb.


3. more gym etiquette- this one should be a no brainer. WEAR SHOES IN THE WEIGHTROOM. i know you fucking no-shoes-for-life hippies love prancing barefoot in the rain, but for the love of god wear shoes in the fucking weight room. no brainer, permafried dummy.




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Dear Dear_________ thread that has left me speechless and on the emotional side,


where oh where to begin.


!@#$%, Laughs, Noes, Realism, Rolf, and all that read this and left awesome props.

(time to get Sally-fied on ya..enter wall of text)


I have been completely taken back (in a good way) with the fact that simple words of support & encouragement has made me remember I have an emotional side and this strange ability to have water come from my eyes (but if you tell anyone, I will find you and steal your dog)

It's honestly more than I've recieved from my own blood.

I have faith that this program will work out. It, in some odd sense, found its way into my life-I didn't go looking for it. Losing hearing and everything else I lost along with the brain tumor has become a part of life.I still have hearing on one side. And I'd give that up to be able to have the ability to form a complete smile again.

Fundraising, shows, auctiuons are great ideas and I have learned that there are sincere people in the world (and on 12) that pull together.

But I will say this..I would not feel right gathering money for something that I see as a luxury now. There are kids who need education, and food and clothes. People who need chemo, and treatments and tons of dogs/cats/animals that need help. These people would need that benefit much more than I would.

I am going to push for the system to cover this one. It owes me. I have been screwed by the system much more than I have liked (and I like to screw)

dear !@#$%, if I have any quesions or want to push further, I will take you up on that.

I have a college bound kid, this is really my main concern at the moment. I have been saving for a new toy for myself, so my priorities might be all fucked up sounding to those who have offered and extended good hands.

I have read the Gucci thread. I didnt know what to feel really. I just wish him some strength and hope he finds a way through it.

Dear Rolf,

as they mentioned. We treat everything with pills. The treat the side effects of those pills with pills. Large med companies make a lot of money as well as the Dr.s who perscribe them. Like realism said, it all starts from something with no intent to get high. After brain surgery, you can imagine the daily dosage I had acquired. Some for pain, mental health, sleep, dizziness, nauseousness. It took my 8 yrs to get off of all of them. This last February was a real son of a bitch when the percocets-anitvert-phenergan-zofran ran dry finally. Without insurance, them bitches get pricey-also I had enough pride left to know not to ask for a refill when it wasnt time. he would have easliy given me one, but the one time I ask him for ways to help with the fucking withdrawls, it was like I was speaking another language. 2 months now-cold turkey-ftw.


dear Realism, I appreciate your non-sarcastic tone. dont let it happen too much though, I enjoy the laughs.

dear Noes, get it together-also I meant what I said in the prop box.

dear laughs, Susan G Koman race/marathon? either way,good luck.

dear Almighty, foofy drinks? they were good, huh?

dear !@#%$,

12 oz girls modelling your corsets (i cant stop thinking of how awesome this would be) sounds like 12 oz calander waiting to happpen.


Much love to all of you, I will post updates.


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dear SM


you sound like a benevolent person. i hope the universe smiles upon you.

good luck with the kid&paying for school. i know what a struggle that can be.

(a friend has 4 college bound kids and is VERY lucky they are good at sports)

definitely keep us updated.

don't worry that needy people are missing out. we all need help sometimes, and i regularly give back in other ways (my job is medical research on disease, i perform and highly recommend volunteer work, charitable contributions to responsible charities as well as micro-loaning @ http://www.kiva.org )


so in other news.

i went to the fabric store last night and bought some stuff.

i'm gonna get started on making the first article of clothing i've done in like, two decades.

once i get a little confidence, we'll start makin that calendar :p



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dear oontz...


i'm drunk and i've just been told by my mum and dad that i no longer have a job in the family business...


i've dealt with this by sitting in my favourite pub reminscing of times fuckin' long gone drinking too much overpriced beer that i can't afford...


after reading this i don't really feel hard done by... i have too high expectations in life, plus i'm beginning to think i've pretty much spoiled myself... as well as my family doin' the same.


you cunts all hae bigger and much more tropical fish to fry...


but i wish i could get a fuckin' job doing what i know for a fuckin' tenner an oor...

really i don't think that's too much to ask...

i'll keep lookin' or join the forces or some pish...


i can see myself knockin' someone the fuck oot tonight...



dear america, you health care system is fuckin'stuck in the dark ages, it seems to be if you've got money then you're fuckin; fine and fuckin' dandy... if no... tough shite..


your health care system seems to suit your american money greedy nature down to a whoorin' Tee.. i'm not saying eveyone's like that, jus tthat's the impression i have of y'all


it's like that to an extent here, but it's really nowhere near as fucked up as americazzz...

europeans call the UK a third world country... but we can still afford pills and things...




cheery though


drunk at 3pm rolf...

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awe, feeling the oontz love. S'nice :)


Dear Rolferino,


Chin up ken, it'll all work itself out. Don't become cannon fodder though, that's just daft.

Get drunk, fuck shit up and get it out of your system tonight. PMA for the morra.




Dear ex sister in law,


Karma is a proper cunt eh? Enjoy your spell in prison you skeevy fuck. I hope you get jooked. With any luck I'll catch up with you this weekend and give your going away present.


toodles, /protectivesisteroner

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dear aunty grounded...



i ken!! it's no even valentines day and we're all actin' like pure poofs!


also, you're hopefully right...


just had a phone call with some potential good news...


i'll keep my fat soh-sahge finggerz (sausage fingers) crossed like...


i was gonna join the navy (pause...) if it come to a last resort. no homo...


i'd just hae to watch oot for ring pirates in that case...



Rolferino hustles on tha corner sellin' quarter Kilos

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dear miss piggy looking btich,


you bitch and complan about not being respected, swear to fucking god that you dont talk about people, then threaten to blow up on someone cuz nobody "actually knows you". you threaten me 2 weeks ago only becuase i caught you in one of your attention whoring lies, i hear you talk shit on me and my homie today but you threatend my little sister? if you can turn your car on without it exploding dont expect your breaks to work.


watch your back.

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dear souls,


possibility. its def getting a new paint job. i could take the pshycological route and superglue a dead semi-mutilated rodent to the windshield every once in a while. clog exhasut/fill exhast with heat sensitve HE. break keys off in teh locks. loosen the rims, let a cat loose inside it with cat treats filled with laxatives.





Dear Oontzers,


im thinking of taking a security job at a resturant. not like the gay ass rent-a-cop shit more like a bouncer or bodyguard. any dissentions?


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dear runine...


padded leather gloves... leather gloves, where the knuckles have padding over them...


therefore when you belt someone of english descent in the coupon/teeth, it only hurts the english person... which these days is how the world should work...


you should train on the heavy bags with at least 16OZ gloves too... one would reccomend 3 times a week...


that way when it comes doon to takin' someone's life, you don't realise the weight's right off yo hands... you can punch quicker and harder than them... nae doot! (no doubt what so ever)



dear life...


can you please stop being a fuckin' fanny basher...


i would love you for that...


rolf x

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Dear Rolferino,


I'll cross my fingers for you innit.


Sailors are cool, you can have a lassie in every port and who wouldn't want to fight pirates on the daily?! Crazy people that's who. Pirate fighting = win.





Dear headache,


Quit it. I've shit to do tomorrow and while I realise it's self inflicted and I shoulda gone to sleep hours ago if you could just gimmie a break it'd be most appreciated.



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dear advertising niggas


graffitis being used to sell tampons/pads and fucking pharmacutical companies?! cmonson.jpeg...that really makes sense..cus being hip really is important for bitchs to buy that shit or niggas to need medicine....."Oooh i got the aids...i dont want my medicine from pfizer im getting my shit from novartis cuz they have graffiti in their commercials"




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dear harriet

you were a great dog. we rescued you at the age of 9 years old, and being a lab we didnt expect you to make it far past that. 5 yeras later, we finally said goodbye last night. i hope we gave you a good life to live out your final years in, you were a crazy, weird, crooked-faced dog but i loved you, everyone did. im sorry i wasnt with you to say goodbye. i hope you were happy in life and comfortable at death.


so long old friend.


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Dear edogggggg


sorry to hear about the dog


Dear best friend,

HAHAHAHAHAAAA you gotta get laid my brotha, fool got an email from his prof. and at the bottom it said Ms.whatever and her phone number.....he came running to me saying how he was gonna bang his teacher...because she gave him her number.....hahahaaa



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