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Dear rolfhaggiz,

I need a lazy gym partner because I need someone on my level. I can't

be going to the gym with no lance armstrong or julie hadden type kneegas

because I'll die from trying to move my chubby self.



Dear ryan,

Today we both had one of the biggest sighs of relief from what could have

been the end of my world and yours. Thankfully this domino effect type

deal thing was no what we expected it to be....Actually I'm more relieved than

you are.


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392? is that a page number reference? i have 40 posts per page so that is always screwing me up when people say 'this page is great' or sumpin.

anyway, big deal or no, it's never a problem.







dear snow


thanks. we got lambasted last year so i can't say i'm sorry we missed any of this

however, your melty alter-ego, ice, got me good this morning.






dear mubarak


just gtfo






dear egypt


thanks for the social unrest. the facility isn't being built until next week so i don;t have tons of work and you're really doing a fine job of keeping my boss occupied 24/7.

democracy for you, now, ish'allah



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Dear CaliG


I always get dreams where I am getting shot up or killed, I think one night I must have spent too much time on 12oz because I was running through a favela being shot at by drug dealers while half my head was hanging off after being shot. Also had some crazy dreams last night.




Dear Decy


Why is it that the pregnant woman on the team opposite you in work looks so fucking hot, normally pregnant women are all wobbling and walking like a duck, but she is heavy pregnant and dresses and looks sexy as fuck - get wife pregnant again enjoy pregnant sex haha



Dear job


you suck and bore the shit out of me, need a major change in life. fed up of being nice to customers who are richer than me and have a fucking attitude problem.

Call centers are the new sweat shops.



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dear symbols,


you've been a (INSERT STATE HERE) resident for how long and you still get tripped on ice!?!?? I skated to class this morning ... 'sall about the slip 'n' slide routine. Although I definitely fell last week right in front of a big group... i'm not perfect either.






dear caffeine,


Thank you, as always, you're there for me.






Dear seyer,


You are a-w-f-u-l at hittin me back on the text - i know i'm juss a gringo but damn! no love.



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i was on a bike. i came down the road (ice-free)

and came around the corner, and literally the ENTIRE road was a sheet of ice because of a leaky water pipe and an incline. i tried to slow down in time and couldn't, i only had about 2 feet, then the bike went out from under me. it wasn't bad. i didn't rip any clothes and only got a bloody knuckle.



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dear symbols,


yup!...it was a page reference...lol.

i forgot that not everyone has the default # of posts per page set.




dear decy,


yeah...i think my dreams are because ive been watching too many episodes of gangland (i dont think they show that show in the uk), but the last few dreams ive had have been realistic....in one, im sitting in the passenger seat of a car with the window down and someone runs up to the car and fires two into my chest....in the dream, my entire body gets warm and everything starts to fade out.



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Dear Bullystick,


While at the pet store today, I picked you up and after being told "the dog loves them, but they smell really bad," I put you down and moved on. Why did you have to curse me and make my hand smell like I just jerked off a homeless man? I do not like my hand smelling like the F train on a cold night.


So with that said, I will never let my dog chew on you because I don't want her to have dick breath.


Thank you kindly,

Earl Papadapolis

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