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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear wisconsin,




why the fuck is it snowing......not even a polite "hey i'm gonna snow for a few hours and then melt away" but more of a " so yea i'm gonna blizzard on your asses".....

i had plans ..drunken beach dancing, girls, spinning records, handing out cd's, girls... but nooooo

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear black guy with face tattoos and "187" tattooed really big across the front of your neck,


Thanks for offering to beat my ass for not letting you use my account to three-way call someone.


Dear other black guys with face tattoos,


Thanks for crowding around and also handing out offers of shankings for not letting 187 neck use my phone for 3 way.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Cali-

One of my friends lives in Oak park. I dropped her off at her house one time and got lost in that insane neighborhood (partly because I am careless/retarded and only know Sacramento by landmarks...and it was dark). I have to say I saw some wild things going on there at midnight to three -ish (I suppose the time of the day really is no factor to the ridonkulousness there though)

If you do the hoods thread I'll contribute and do the heights and garden land. ;)

-banana fishes


Dear nana fi,


yeah...one of my good friends lives right in the middle of a crazy neighborhood in oak park..we stopped by his house at like 1pm in the afternoon once and watched 2 huge black ladies fighting a couple houses down...shit was crazy..


i took suki and heartattack out there and we seen some black dude getting beat down by like 5 other black dudes at like 2 in the morning...


funny thing is if someone who doesnt live in sac heard the words "oak park" theyd think it was a nice neighborhood..


oh yeah....and my hoods thread was gonna have flicks from all the hoods in sac..del paso heights, north highlands, oak park, meadowview, civie circle, g parkway, etc....


maybe we can go get flicks together...that would be an adventure!



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Cold/Flu/Whatever the fuck you are,


Enough is enough. I've taken all the medication I have at my disposal and I don't feel like i'm getting any better. I haven't left my house in few days and this shit's getting ridiculous. FUCK YOU TO HELL!



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear 12oz,


I went to church today and right after the gospel, the father started to talk about graffiti.

Finally!!!! something interesting to listen to :lol:


He goes on saying...


"There was a journalist that did a report on graffiti. no my brothers and sisters, not the graffiti you see pass by on the train tracks, but graffiti in Rome and In Russia. And not just any graffiti, but christian graffiti. Statues painted with christian graffiti, such as crosses, good messages, and many other artwork."


Orly? Tell more...


"You see my brothers and sisters, there are many talents in the world. If we can but them in good use, the world would be a much better place to live in. Many of you have good talents, but ask yourself, are you putting them in good use? Or, are you using them to hurt others, to hurt the environment, or to hurt yourselfs?


Then, i got bored.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear caligooooola-

Going to the hood without you would be

“like camping with no tent” it

definitely would be a half step on hood lurking/ flicking.

let thee adventure begin- the fish


dear younger sibling-

your Ebonics jargon is getting annoying.

At first it was pretty funny but now I think

you have taken the joke too seriously and way too far.

Further than its ever been before. Like so far it makes

up your whole vocabulary. I dont mind that all that much really. Its just

with your new found slang comes this alter ego of finger

snapping, "out of pocketness", and hair flipping. Please return to the nerd

I once knew. That person was way funnier.

-Banana and fish

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear pregnant girlfriend,


all my life i heard pregnant chix get very horny. so naturally by your 7th month i figured i'd be swimming in pussy. Why is this not the case?? Why are you not horny at all?? why did pregnancy kill your previous mad hunger for sex???

i'm trying to be a good guy & not cheat on you, but it's very difficult, maybe tonight when i get home from work you could give it up?? huh?? HUH????


thanx 4 the sexless past 6 months



ps. maybe just some head???

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear ooooki


what the fucks.... i be stealin fancy hair clips from yo stores butt ass neked in front of all the

spy cams and nobody busts me...Your employees throw pennies at me like some 2 bit whore WTF


heart wrex

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