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dear girls at my college,


wtf i thought you all thought it was cute when i came to school lookin like i just woke up?

and im not looking forward to masturbating tonight, but it prolly gonna happen.




dear jill,

i cant see your twat, you need to shave more.


also you need to step your face game up today.

its called makeup.


prolly gonna end up two fingers deep in you,

twinky, but you know me as that guy you wanna get cornholed by.

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dear cali.


you make a good point. but then again i hate kids and birth control equally so being infertile could solve all my problems. the weather up here sucks. its been 80 degrees for the past few weeks now and i want some god damn rain. to much heat makes me grouchy, in case you couldnt tell.


misribly yours,


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dear roomate,


you are one lazy mother fucker. a fetus takes more responsibility than you do. grow up you lazy fuck, you're an adult. start taking care of your own shit, and try and clean the fucking cat box for once in your goddamn life. oh, and don't think because you did the dishes for the first time in a year an a half, that i'm going to pat you on the back and say "good boy."


oh yeah, that apple pie you left on top of the fridge, and never ate --that's why the house is full of fruit flies. good job fucko!


good riddance in two weeks you sorry bastard,

MF Earl

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dear cali.


you make a good point. but then again i hate kids and birth control equally so being infertile could solve all my problems. the weather up here sucks. its been 80 degrees for the past few weeks now and i want some god damn rain. to much heat makes me grouchy, in case you couldnt tell.


misribly yours,




dear edogggy dogg,


doesnt it rain like 90% of the year in your city?


staying dry,


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