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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/2024 in all sections

  1. tweakers still don't even know what hit 'em 😤
    5 points
  2. My husky/lab rescue. She’s a lazy bum.
    4 points
  3. Thick bush needs knitting
    3 points
  4. Bruh, there's no way you listened to 15min of that dude talking in slow motion, like how stoned is he?
    3 points
  5. Thread feels like it was posted by someone who recently stole a t-shirt from a mailbox
    3 points
  6. Don goes down covered by SS then pops up with some blood on him raising his fist before the flag. Acting! Just like in Pro Wrestling. I know tho, Don's an old man and former pres., no way he could pull some pro wrasslin type shit, right? No way he could get covered up by SS while someone knicks him on the ear with a razor, right? Those female SS stumbling around , come on! Is the SS really that bumbling, or could it be that they were actors? Who is going to go through the facial recognition for this event and match up the actors to past events? In conclusion, Hillary Clinton is a lizard, but not how you think.
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. Fishing had been tough, we should have had more. Sharks and barracuda were making us pay.
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. Planet Ethanol ⛽️ Over here, anything below 91 has a mix ratio of Ethanol and Gas. 93 is for performance vehicles or bigger engine vehicles (no Ethanol, pure gas, also 91) That's why you see different numbers. @DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER Remember yall, the higher the number don't mean it's best for your vehicles. Your fuel injectors can only hawk tuah so much, so know your ratings before your car doesn't talk tuah.
    2 points
  11. Came upon a very fruitful “Take a book/Leave a book”
    2 points
  12. Better swallow no spitting
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. LOL if the feds are ever looking for me, this guy is fucked. 😆
    2 points
  15. Local boozer having some fun with the sours. We also did a chocolate stout on top of a cider.
    2 points
  16. If @Deine Mudderwas here he'd save this thread. But since he's not.... here's what's missing
    2 points
  17. Chicken parm (air fryer, battered with crushed jalapeño cheddar chips) on toasted ciabatta w/ marinara, home grown basil lettuce and tomato
    2 points
  18. I've been urged by a few fellow 12ozers to make this post. On December 26th I was diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal adenocarcinoma. This cancer of the lower esophagus was caused by acid reflux, something I never even knew I suffered from. It spread to my stomach, liver, and other spots. Back in the late-summer I noticed there was a pressure and constriction in my mid-chest after eating food. Foolishly I waited until early October to mention it to my physician. I was put on an over-the-counter acid and heartburn reducer. In November I met with a gastroenterologist who recommended an upper endoscopy. Mid-December the endoscopy revealed a 2" growth in my lower esophagus. The biopsy results came back a few days later and revealed it was cancerous. I did a CT scan and met with an oncologist a week later where I was told that the cancer had spread. I was told that without treatment my life expectancy would be 6 months. With treatment, 1-2 years. Surgery and radiation would no longer be an option at this stage. Chemotherapy begins January 6th and I am fucking terrified. This is not meant to be a pity post, but more of an open dialog about cancer and how much it fucking sucks. I'm sure in some way we've all be affected by cancer either personally, or through family and friends. What's your story? Also, I urge all of you to get screened or tested for cancer. Even if you don't show any signs or symptoms. It could save your life. On a positive note, I bought a new digital camera and lens as a "Fuck it, I have cancer" present to myself. My goal is to document what little time I have left. When it's all over my digital archive will go to a trusted friend who will see fit to publish a book.
    1 point
  19. ^^^ Yeah............ And the fact that she started spray painting from the bottom and finishing on top , hitting em with one of these. . . . Deuces.
    1 point
  20. finally added to my collection but I had no idea there was a danish edition and and english edition. I stupidly bought the danish one.
    1 point
  21. I… did not fulfill my end of the bargain lol @Schnitzel
    1 point
  22. Need to sleep in this before I right about it for work. Very surreal and off beat.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Yeah, he spoke tonight, I didn't watch it. Seen the beginning of him walking out, for a minute there he liked like he is a little more humble which iwould be too after almost getting killed. But with an ego like his, I am certain it won't last long. Absolutely! Getting by on the skin of his teeth, definitely solitifed his supporters to an even greater belief he is the supreme leader of the west. It's really going to be interesting for the next for years. Wonder what his Stance on guns are now?
    1 point
  25. did they start hiring all these women agents after all those guys got bagged for banging hookers in Columbia?
    1 point
  26. I hope you would be right.I don’t think it would necessarily be anything immediate but things would happen over time…..:there are some absolute lunatics out their. He is now truly sent by/saved by God to his supporters. It wasn’t just a lucky turn of his head to them. It really is mind blowing how seriously people invest themselves into politics.
    1 point
  27. dang….pontoon goon is a really good one i am def going to borrow that
    1 point
  28. no, if I had been at a keyboard I could have composed a better sentence lol phones make us stupid
    1 point
  29. i paid Pricasso to paint my buddies portrait - I was going to have him paint the dudes parents and gift it to him as a wedding gift. But his fiance left him 30 days before the wedding and he was diagnosed with terminal cancer 2 months later..... semi related to this convo haha Pricasso is an Aussie and it was like 400 usd so couldnt pass that up
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Homemade bread, homemade mayo,homemade picked eggplant, homemade pickled banana peppers, red onion, mortadella.
    1 point
  32. Who signs off on these fortunes?
    1 point
  33. Had an opening shift today and didn't get a chance to eat at all so I went to my homegirls job to get a discount and make the first meal of the day count.. southwest salad with steak and some Brussel sprouts..
    1 point
  34. I had a hot dog bun and a pack of fruit snacks for dinner
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Came home to a box filled with gems from Mr. Gastman at Beyond the Streets. Haven't opened the Martha Cooper boxset yet but I'm super excited to.
    1 point
  37. Damn Rage. This news fucking sucks. If there is anything we can do, please let us know. fuck cancer, for real
    1 point
  38. I'm sorry to hear this Rage. I remember back in the early 2000s when we were going nuts on this site posting all the time, staying up late. Checking it every day. I think we're around the same age (I'm 37). The news saddened me greatly the other day to hear this, someone close to me on this site was suffering. Is there anything as a forum that we can do to ease these tough times for you, and if not is there anything that I can do for you? Will you make sure that your mate has access to keep us updated here please? Thank you for having the strength to share with us here and you're in my prayers.
    1 point
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