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Everything posted by cancelculttourist

  1. Caught an unprepared @mr.yuckttype bench, seen a ich before I got the phone acclimated for what it's worth.
  2. Sanded then stained some floors recommend to go lighter although espresso was chosen, now resanding and staining them to a lighter tone as I suggested because espresso is way too dark. More pics later.
  3. Smoothie sludge, home made full spectrum espresso tincture, mushroom capz, glucosamine.
  4. Shipping container barges wrecking were a cover up for evidence in pdiddys child sex trafficking ring.
  5. I enjoyed the recent one with optimist, although I'll never pull the parachute!
  6. Yeah and plus those new foot door openers COVID brought about are hella key for not touching anything. @Mauler5150at this point all we can do as a people is just fight the good fight and rise above the crap like eagles do to get free loaders off there backs, just set new goals and reach for the sky and ignore this petty worlds system ans if your smart enough hack some banks and redistribute the wealth too your fellow oontzers for paint funds. 🤑
  7. I'm happy with it now I just want one of those 12oz shirts with the dove on it. 🙏
  8. Exactly why if I'm ever drawing down I'm pulling the trigger that second a gun is a weapon not a prop or tool for negotiating.
  9. To Rob drug dealers is another one I know someone who's done it.
  10. Portajohns are for pussys on our remodels, ole squat and hang from a tree dumper oners. But @Jokeras far as conference calls on the turlllette idk about work related but nothing better then making phone calls on the crapper and telling people about your bm, sometimes just sporadically sending pictures of my stool to homies to warm up their appetite around lunch hour.
  11. I have been having top notch uploading speed and can literally close out of the Internet tab and make a phone call then reopen the tab on my phone and it's still uploading, soo far all my glitches have been worked out other then trying to watch video uploads from Androids on iPhones or iPhone vid uploads from Androids all being said great job keeping an awesome forum running very professionally @misteravenhats off to you OG
  12. Natures made organic peanut butter cookies are my dirty habit might go make that the next last thing I bought, but most concurrent was this free pack Montana sent me plus rainbow scribs and inkstufZ , but I guess the last thing I really bought was a oil change but nobody wanna hear bout ur mortgage car payment or property tax... Or maybe they deeew?!
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