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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/18/2020 in Posts

  1. I'm paying for a legit copy of Premiere and After Effects. First time for everything, boys.
    5 points
  2. That's pretty hilarious. So when is the next cat bath?
    4 points
  3. @ndvknows a tax guy, no dark web required.
    3 points
  4. Indeed-keb4l2xtkph51.mp4 Black people on Channel Zero when @Boris The Butcherposts in 2020
    3 points
  5. This fucking guy, never left so here we go again.
    3 points
  6. Try coming at my brefast sammich game.
    3 points
  7. 1) doubt anyone is shocked 2) they’ll settle out of court, I’m sure. How much $? 3) Kinda clear now that the TikTok shit is because it’s a competitor, right? 4) isn’t this what the fear of that app that made you look old was?
    3 points
  8. Does your nieghbor know you did this to their cat?
    3 points
  9. Since I was here last: * Been working DevOps at a new job that is 100% remote. * Upgraded my cummins to 600ft/lbs'ish of torque. * Picked, dried, froze, and germinated pepper (tepin) seeds from the plant in our back yard. * Germinated "horse herb" that grows natively in my back yard. Highly recommend this stuff if you can find it as a replacement for grass. * Re-arranged my guest room/office. * Bought a 37-ton log splitter to split logs from a massive oak tree branch that fell on a family friend's property. In no time flat I told my gf that I know of some wood it can't crush. She attempted, and she's rather seasoned at it, to not acknowledge my prized joke but my friend that was also there lost his shit after just 2 seconds and she also couldn't keep from admitting that shit was funny.
    3 points
  10. @aimeri think you can sync an Xbox controller w your PC since they are both Microsoft. Of you can stick w the keyboard and mouse though it seems like you end up getting the better performance no idea about pc gaming. I’ve thought about going that route instead of buying new console over and over again though...
    2 points
  11. I haven't gamed since I was a teenager playing Tony Hawk, Need for Speed and GTA on my PS2.. but this new Tony Hawks game got me hyped to get back onboard Scored a new decently spec'd PC deal through work this week and figured I might give PC gaming a go, any recommendations on where to start? Grabbed an xbox game pass last night to play Forza (just cause it was cheaper than buying Forza on its own) and so far I cant use a keyboard as a controller for shit
    2 points
  12. Back to the future IMG_0880.MP4
    2 points
  13. I never phreaked but find the old tech fascinating. I was just amazed by the who covered the holes to the wistle to produce the 2100mhz that he stumbled across to get free calls. But it had me thinking what frequencies can do. I guess the R.E.M. song Whats the frequency, kenneth? Has some deeper meaning.
    2 points
  14. Our operations manager brought these in for his facility shoes. Never worn-out of the box. (In feb) Said he probably would have never worn them outside, so he made them facility shoes. they are beat now
    2 points
  15. @CLICKCLACKONER I miss their made in america series the ones from ronnie fieg
    2 points
  16. DHabz is an old phreaker. I think he used to build rainbow boxes (if memory serves). I used to phone phreak, too. I never did build a box, though.
    2 points
  17. There was a story like that where this kid surfing in Indo(or somewhere like that) The shark bit his ankle off so he ripped the sharks eye out and eye for an eye or uh ankle
    2 points
  18. Holy Fuck! I would have called at the very LEAST 10th grade!
    2 points
  19. Speaking of nerd 🤓 I stumbled accross a phreaking site which I found pretty interesting on its history and how some dude used a captain crunch cereal box wistle to make free calls on pay phones. I'll see if I can find the site and share.
    2 points
  20. I will admit I am probably a little to young to see some of this nasty grown man shit
    2 points
  21. Yeah I've not been on the darkweb in my entire computer "career" except I think i tried to get on onion sites one time.... but gave up because I was like fuck this nerd shit.
    2 points
  22. But why tho? You are Lord Casek, god of the computer world and internets? Show me how to get on the dark web so I can find myself a good tax guy.
    2 points
  23. https://www.foxnews.com/world/australian-man-punches-10-foot-shark-after-wife-attacked-while-surfing
    2 points
  24. Some day I will learn the southern dark arts of real biscuit making instead of griddle good pilsbury fakeness.
    2 points
  25. @Ko SprueOneI finally found a basic af photoshop for my phone
    2 points
  26. I'm officially off FB and it's been fine. I actually miss the marketplace the most for second hand cars and shit. But even that was a waste of time and money. I canned Reddit and also removed myself from all marketing emails that I was keeping in case of sales etc. Again all a waste of my time and money. My phone is super boring now, though my Instagram use has probably increased. I still find that a positive app for my purposes. As for Messenger....fuck. I told my family I was looking to remove it but my sister indicated the family chat makes her really happy and it would be a lot to ask the older family to jump to a new app for my sake.....so it remains for now and I'm ok with that. I realised there are other distractions in the way of Slack and Discord groups I follow. I remove all but two Slack groups (1 work + 1 design network - all muted) and muted all discord groups. It's a tough time to be entirely removing myself from interactions so I'll keep these around for when I need to jump in and chat to peeps. Lockdown is isolating enough. Anyhow....I feel much better about myself and life generally having done this. And I have more time for me and my family. Next up is booze.....gonna be a tough one but I know it will be worth it.
    2 points
  27. @Dirty_habiT @KILZ FILLZ @mr.yuck Thanks y’all for the word contribution. end of the day we’re all kind of missing the mark a smidge. For starters, I definitely included “family resources” as a main line highway to one of the 2 ass things the state, in all it’s glory should/could get involved with. Schools...paired with family resources...this means more than just some Michelle phifer saves the day ass teacher hoe comin in trying to fix every nigga in the hood....as a former educator I know things about that system your average joe simply doesn’t understand. A good school ain’t shit without the right teachers in there. And good teachers that are compensated for their sincere dedication and compassion ain’t shit either without a healthy arsenal of equally dedicated and compassionate clinicians. The hoods we are all talking about are so fucked up, no amount of money can be thrown out to save these niggas mane. They need severe family therapy paired with highly compassionate educated cats in a carefully crafted school system. This is some shit that could be takin care of with the right attention and funding but it probably won’t be and the decades will move along and we’ll see more 1 year olds getting accidental bullets because well the blacks just keep on killing them selves etc etc whatever.
    2 points
  28. Sorry fells, going to have to flex on you motherfuckers...
    2 points
  29. 2 points
  30. @misteravenmentionned the're kinda gimmicky, I agree but still stands out in the recent releases
    2 points
  31. Facebook facial recognition tech has been being used on Instagram https://www.businessinsider.com/instagram-facing-500-billion-in-fines-in-facial-recognition-lawsuit-2020-8?op=1 Instagram is accused of illegally harvesting people's biometric data without their knowledge or consent in a new class action lawsuit filed against Facebook, Instagram's parent company. The lawsuit, Whalen v. Facebook, claims that Instagram has a face-tagging tool that uses facial recognition to identify people and create a "face template" that is stored in its database. While Instagram discloses this practice in its terms of service, the lawsuit alleges that the tool automatically scans the faces of people pictured in other users' posts, even if they don't use Instagram and didn't agree to the terms of service. That practice violates an Illinois state law that bans companies from collecting people's biometric data — like a facial recognition scan — without their knowledge or consent, the lawsuit alleges. "Once Facebook captures its Instagram users' protected biometrics, it uses them to bolster its facial recognition abilities across all of its products, including the Facebook application, and shares this information among various entities. Facebook does all of this without providing any of the required notices or disclosures required by Illinois law," the plaintiffs wrote in their complaint. In a statement to Business Insider, Facebook spokesperson Stephanie Otway said Instagram does not use facial recognition in the way the Facebook app does. "This suit is baseless. Instagram doesn't use Face Recognition technology," Otway said. Facebook has already faced litigation stemming from the Illinois law. Last month, the company offered to pay $650 million to settle a lawsuit that claimed a similar face-tagging tool was being deployed on Facebook users without their consent. The new class action Instagram lawsuit seeks damages for as many as 100 million Instagram users. Under the Illinois law, Facebook could be forced to pay $1,000 to $5,000 per violation, meaning the full damages could reach $500 billion if Facebook is found responsible. Facebook did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
    1 point
  32. let's hope it picks up...that first ep was brutal.
    1 point
  33. breakfasts. lunch/dinnerish.
    1 point
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