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If QR code menus stick around…


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My only problem with it is it's an excuse for people to just keep their phones out on the table during their meal, which translates to less paying attention to the food, or the people you're dining with during your meal.


I always wonder if people with their phones out in restaurants even want to be there. Why not just stay home, in a more comfortable environment. You can even eat some microwaveable processed chemical shit while leaning over your kitchen sink alone, in your underwear, so even the cleanup is more convenient.

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11 hours ago, diggity said:

or if you used it to force an exploit through a download.


This is EXACTLY fuckin why I don't participate in those things.  I ask for a paper/laminated menu everytime i see those qr codes in place of menus..... another thing, I usually leave my phone in the car when I'm out eating.  I am definitely not that person, and neither is my girlfriend, that will sit there and fuck around on their phone while ignoring their immediate company.


You literally do not know what the QR code does until you visit it.... would you walk through a door that you don't know what is on the other side blindly like people scan the QR codes on their phones?  Mind you, this is the same phone they have all their banking and social media apps installed on and authenticated to.


People are geniuses for not questioning this stuff. /s

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btw, this shit cracked me the fuck up.




Dipshits with their cellphones.  Amazing.


To answer the initial question, I think it could be used to fiddle prices, but I don't think that's the goal.  The tracking capabilities of "collecting the pokemon" for them is much more rewarding.  Ad companies pay huge for lists of people combined with their perceived interests.  This means that they KNOW you like xyz restaurant, so now they can start targeting ads for other things that are "similar" to you.  This has so much more value than a small upcharge or discount on the price.


The sign that they're definitely doing this is when they discount the price for QR code users.  Then you will know.

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2 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:


This is EXACTLY fuckin why I don't participate in those things.  I ask for a paper/laminated menu everytime i see those qr codes in place of menus..... another thing, I usually leave my phone in the car when I'm out eating.  I am definitely not that person, and neither is my girlfriend, that will sit there and fuck around on their phone while ignoring their immediate company.


You literally do not know what the QR code does until you visit it.... would you walk through a door that you don't know what is on the other side blindly like people scan the QR codes on their phones?  Mind you, this is the same phone they have all their banking and social media apps installed on and authenticated to.


People are geniuses for not questioning this stuff. /s


I have always wondered if it possible to attach a virus/malware and such to a qr or data matrix, I guess you answered my question in my first post.  


Perhaps I am gonna go around with qr 12ozprophet forum slaps all over town.  Perhaps lead them directly to this thread or a middle page of the most viral shit you found o. The internet thread 🤣 

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The QR code itself isn't a virus (although someone clever could probably figure something out in this regard), but rather, it just forwards you to a website that exploits your phone.  There are definitely exploits deliverable without any user action necessary.  Meaning, a certain packet could just be sent to a vulnerable device arbitrarily and cause it to be hacked/part of a botnet.


The same packet could just be triggered by a website.  Read up on 0-Day vulnerabilities if you're interested in learning a bit more about the black market of computer hacking.


It's very liberating to not be a part of any social media apps in any way.  I don't constantly check my phone anymore, for years now (since 2013 when I quit FB).  When I'm at home I'll leave my phone in the other room for hours, or it'll be on mute for days before i remember to turn it back on.  I'm not a slave to the phone, it's my bitch.... i check and interact with it as I see fit, not the other way around.  Too many people let their phones just rattle their chains and it's perplexing to me.


Slave to a little computer app run by fuckin pale shmegmaburg.

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3 hours ago, ndv said:


I have always wondered if it possible to attach a virus/malware and such to a qr or data matrix, I guess you answered my question in my first post.  


Perhaps I am gonna go around with qr 12ozprophet forum slaps all over town.  Perhaps lead them directly to this thread or a middle page of the most viral shit you found o. The internet thread 🤣 

Link one to the “2022, Year of the Diaper Crotch” thread that is currently in pre-production phase.

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7 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:


This is EXACTLY fuckin why I don't participate in those things.  I ask for a paper/laminated menu everytime i see those qr codes in place of menus..... another thing, I usually leave my phone in the car when I'm out eating.  I am definitely not that person, and neither is my girlfriend, that will sit there and fuck around on their phone while ignoring their immediate company.


You literally do not know what the QR code does until you visit it.... would you walk through a door that you don't know what is on the other side blindly like people scan the QR codes on their phones?  Mind you, this is the same phone they have all their banking and social media apps installed on and authenticated to.


People are geniuses for not questioning this stuff. /s


exactly right and i do the same thing. 


that said, qr codes are pretty primitive; they send everyone to the same place in the same way a URL does. maybe there's a backend way to read the device id and determine it's a newer phone (for example) and redirect to a cloned menu with a higher price. but even then if people at the table scan the menu with their phones and see something different the jig is up. 

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rideshare apps and airlines and e-commerce retailers already do the dynamic pricing thing, amazon has done it for years. it sucks to be read like a book and overcharged; if you really want to go down the rabbit hole you could argue that dynamic pricing creates different realities for consumers in a way that challenges societal cohesion. is there inflation? depends on who's shopping and where. but anyway. 

Edited by Elena Delle Donne
we live in a society
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  • 5 weeks later...
On 12/5/2021 at 4:43 PM, KILZ FILLZ said:

Think they may end up giving different people different menu prices?


Low key, I'm all for it. Let the servers single out the Karens, non-tippers, and people that generally ruin the vibe. Best part is their entire table would have different pricing for the same shit, lol.

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I would love to use this technology for my business. QR code filters you by zip code. Rich neighborhoods get the rich neighborhood pricing. Middle class neighborhoods get the actual costs and the poors get directed to a page informing them that I’m booked solid.

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14 hours ago, mr.yuck said:

I would love to use this technology for my business. QR code filters you by zip code. Rich neighborhoods get the rich neighborhood pricing. Middle class neighborhoods get the actual costs and the poors get directed to a page informing them that I’m booked solid.

do you want a hand with setting that up?

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19 hours ago, mr.yuck said:

I would love to use this technology for my business. QR code filters you by zip code. Rich neighborhoods get the rich neighborhood pricing. Middle class neighborhoods get the actual costs and the poors get directed to a page informing them that I’m booked solid.


This is brilliant. 

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I have always thought it would be neat if you could connect with your server/expo by text. When I want extra ranch I should not have to wait for the right moment; just zing a text and send the busboy.


That moment when QR code menu's got some traction at the hieght of the covid shutdown was a great time to get takeout. Shops were bringing there A-Game and the lack of business left them with more attention do devote to it.

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My brother said that there are likely laws against doing difference in prices via QR code (or any other similar method). 

Basically you could make something but you'd have to be extremely good with the programming of it so that people wouldn't catch on to what is happening. A hacker type mindset would pinpoint this rather quickly I think. 

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3 hours ago, morton said:

I have always thought it would be neat if you could connect with your server/expo by text. When I want extra ranch I should not have to wait for the right moment; just zing a text and send the busboy.


That moment when QR code menu's got some traction at the hieght of the covid shutdown was a great time to get takeout. Shops were bringing there A-Game and the lack of business left them with more attention do devote to it.


This is a sound idea in theory but in practice I can see this being abused completely by Joe Dickhead Customer and using it as an excuse to short change the tip when the server isn't instantly on top of things. 

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I’m sure there is a way around that. Through the years Ive noticed that the 

more well to do clientele I have served have a much higher expectation of quality and cleanliness and thinking their opinion on a technical subject matters because they skimmed a few articles on the subject at hand. These people generally get taxed a PITA charge by everyone in the industry. I feel like there would be a way to bake this charge in to a separate category possibly in the way of travel charges, consulting fees, or design hours off the job.


Im gonna turn my thinker up when I’m done for the day because once I have this frame work in place I’m also going to have to figure out how to get the QR code in front of people and also to actually use it.

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