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58 minutes ago, misteraven said:

Weeded out my strawberry patch and planted a few more strawberry plants to expand it a little more. Also planted three new raspberry bushes. 

I found the culprits that were stealing my strawberries on the weekend!


the bloody Currawongs!


Pied Currawong - eBird

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I forgot to add yesterday that we picked up 32 bricks from the shop yesterday and brought them back home with us.  We're going to make a pad in the back yard for the gas grill (that we never use) to sit on.


@Hua GuofangCurrawongs.... that's a cool looking bird.  Reminds me of a smaller grackle.

edit: upon further inspection it appears to be a giant grackle.... lol.


I've got a fruit eating story from within the past few weeks.  My neighbor has a peach tree that my friend that used to live there planted in the back yard when he lived there.  It's gotten to where it puts out maybe 30'ish or so peaches during the right season.  Anyway, this time the tree put out quite a few peaches..... they BARELY started to turn from green to orange/red and the squirrels just went ape shit on them.  That tree never got a fully ripe peach on it this year and they're all gone.  My gf and I caught the squirrels several days in a row for a week navigating that little tree out to spindly limbs to get a peach prize at the end.  It was entertaining for sure and the neighbor didn't care that they were doing it.  We have some FAT squirrels running along the fences now and I told my dad jokingly that i was going to get some sweet, peach flavored squirrel meat.

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@NightmareOnElmStreet- 2 things. 


1. I didn't explain that the work to do that involves a 2.5h roundtrip drive each time if you don't stop anywhere to diddle and this was done across 2 afternoons w/ limited daylight left 🙂 . I don't like driving home from the lake at night because of the deer and I don't have that bad ass deer slaughterer bumper on my truck yet.

2. Some of the stuff in there is beyond organizing.  What you cannot see is the perfectly lined up spare cylinder heads and transmissions stacked on the shelves closest to the doors (behind the black car).  Getting storage racks to get things that were strewn across the floor was step #1.  I should have taken a before picture when all that shit was taking up floor space like a mother fucker.


Organizing the mess is next on the list but the main reason for doing this is so that I can store my brother's Skyline for him since it's currently just under a car cover outside up in Dallas.

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@NightmareOnElmStreet- I live in a rented duplex in Austin and have a 1 acre property with shop and manufactured home on it in the Canyon Lake area.  It's about a 1h drive south from my house to get there.  My duplex garage/driveway/street space in front is full of my shit too, so I'm trying to utilize the shop space at the lake for storage.


edit: also it's flattering that you think I'm a master mechanic.  I'm just a guy with a packratting problem and a hobby that takes a lot of space.

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Installed a temporary electrified bear fence to buy time until I can build a permanent one all the way around my chicken coop and run, gardens and orchard area (which the deer decimated two summers ago or it would be an actual orchard and not just an “orchard area”. )


They did tear some shit up last night but didn’t manage to get in. 



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20 minutes ago, NightmareOnElmStreet said:

Thats dope. Waterfront??

Oh no no... The marina is close though. 


edit: also I'd recommend working on your own car to anyone.... i don't care who you are.  Obviously some people, like my mom, will never work on her car..... but it's a good skill to learn.


I need to finish the Kubota tractor project soon too.  That one is on the near future to do list.... the one @misteravensaid is just a lawn mower lol.


That's the back side of the chicken coop they tore up?  I can hear you sweet chickunz sleeping in there.

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11 hours ago, Schnitzel said:



I can see why you'd carry a gun .


Are they scared off by things like sensor lights etc?





No, not really. Deer will sort of keep distance from stuff like that, bears definitely won't.


Bears are pretty smart. In fact a lot of the predators are. Wolves will actually send a younger wolf out and have it act like its hurt to draw out dogs so the pack can ambush it. They also send bitches that are in heat to do the same thing and then literally coordinate an ambush. Most predators rather not deal with humans, but thats more based on their own decision to go for easier prey versus how hungry they are. Livestock is usually fair game though, so you really need to take precautions if you don't want to end up feeding the local predator population.


Its interesting to consider perspectives on nature outside of areas with real nature. Until I moved here I sort of went with the POV I see most often where nature is this idyllic beauty and its all peaceful, etc. Reality is that nature is violent as fuck and exists in a perpetual state of flux where almost everything in nature is essentially sleeping, eating, fucking or fighting. It's far more savage at the micro and macro level than most people realize, unless they have the experience of actually living in or near the wild. Since fucking and eating are highly competitive, it means that fighting makes up most of it and its far more brutal a competition than most people realize.

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Wifey and I bought a new fridge last month, so I have converted the old one for fermenting beer. Drilled a hole in the side of the fridge to run a thermometer (the black wire in the top right) that controls an external thermostat to keep the beer at a consistent cool temperature while fermenting... Massively hacked together, but works well.  Will get around to building a better shelf for the beer, but at the moment it’s just wood off it’s and scrap bricks with some bonus rap letters.


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Planted starts (jalapeno, ancho, cherry peppers, celery, cabernet onions, misc tomatoes, tomatillos, diva cucumbers), three hanging baskets to bring pollinators to said starts, three raspberry bushes, one acer maple (can't remember the specific name), one jack pine, one rhubarb, and some other random shit. 


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