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16 minutes ago, NightmareOnElmStreet said:

Rarely do I take on anything big or small for under 1500 anymore. A bathroom full treatment? Sure that’ll be 1500 sir or mayum. 


I love that shit. A couple years ago I had a sales rep at Sherwin tell me the going rate around here for a living room or bedroom or what have you, like a 12x12 was $800. Walls only 1 coat willy. 😂 


You might not be that far off. I did that double bath paint for a contractor I do a lot of work for, for like $1400. No vanities, no lights, no vent covers to cut around, he provides the paint. Me and my wife went in there and knocked that bitch out in 2 days. We might have had 10 hours in it between the two of us.


I could learn a thing or two from you. I think I'm gonna start telling people $1500 no matter the job. 

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Does anyone here remember the "LAMP ON HEAD!!!" phase of Channel Zero and bonhs points if you remember the context and a powerball if someone can link the original thread given thag whole thread and the sequence of events it lead Me to affected My whole life now that I look back on it.




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9 hours ago, Mauler5150 said:

Does anyone here remember the "LAMP ON HEAD!!!" phase of Channel Zero and bonhs points if you remember the context and a powerball if someone can link the original thread given thag whole thread and the sequence of events it lead Me to affected My whole life now that I look back on it.




I remember a Shoe on Head phase that was just something general on the internet and not necessarily specific to here.

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On 11/21/2023 at 4:55 PM, SMdoubleXL said:

One of the the things that no one warned me about as the aging process continues- is that the feeling of feeling old is enhanced dramatically in the presence of your doctors that are your child’s age. 

These mf’s young as shit now days and most are just np’s. Annnnnd if you can even get IN TO SEE ONE LOL. It’s all one giant joke man. 

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Thanksgiving is today. It used to be my favorite holiday, a chance to get together with family and friends but without the commercial side of Christmas.

Over the years it has become less of an ordeal, society has revisited it in political and cultural framing, which is fair enough as far as it goes but I would rather see the holiday itself evolve keeping the positive and dropping the bullshit  instead of just fading. 

On the personal side my family is more dead, old and fractured than it used to be and my social network is much smaller and threaded thin. I will not be attending a dinner this year, instead I will be traveling to Puerto Rico for a weeks break.

At any rate, happy Thanksgiving everybody! I am sure that some of us are still having the old drive out, get stuffed and smoke a bowl in the backyard with your cousin type of day.


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2 hours ago, morton said:

Thanksgiving is today. It used to be my favorite holiday, a chance to get together with family and friends but without the commercial side of Christmas.

Over the years it has become less of an ordeal, society has revisited it in political and cultural framing, which is fair enough as far as it goes but I would rather see the holiday itself evolve keeping the positive and dropping the bullshit  instead of just fading. 

On the personal side my family is more dead, old and fractured than it used to be and my social network is much smaller and threaded thin. I will not be attending a dinner this year, instead I will be traveling to Puerto Rico for a weeks break.

At any rate, happy Thanksgiving everybody! I am sure that some of us are still having the old drive out, get stuffed and smoke a bowl in the backyard with your cousin type of day.


Enjoy your trip fam! 

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I hear that @mortonI ended up in sunny southwest Florida for thanksgiving this year. We went to Cooper's hawk for their Thanksgiving dinner. No fuss, no clean up, no drama. Back at the condo watching the Cowboys and what ever the fuck Washington is calling themselves anymore game.


Hope you have a great time Morton!

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Interesting coincidence topic there in the ol general discussion thread. I’ve been thinking a lot about life and how absurd it is really. I used to be pretty heavy into existentialism philosophy literature a long time ago early college (fucking typical hipster nonsense lol) but I swear it’s all come full circle. Shit was just cool and fancy to me back then but I been thinking a lot about re-reading all of my old books cause I seem to have forgotten how ridiculous life is with getting older and pretending to be a adult taking over. We are in control of very little at the end of the day. A lot less it seems today even. I remember taking a lot of comfort in the belief that only what you think matters, matters, but it doesn’t really in the end. Everyone would be so much more chill if we all got it. Here for a good time not a long time. Don’t hurt people. Enjoy the small shit whatever it is that makes the absurdity of it all seem a little less and fuck everything else. 

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15 hours ago, Fist 666 said:

Life is chaos. I wish there were more sense to it, but there's no evidence to show me otherwise...

I agree. 


And your comment activated Me, and a long, esoteric reply based on My life right now has resulted.


Well the entropy that has set in only serves to provide evidence that we are in simulation and are experiencing a scripted life where no choice we make actually matters as it is all predetermined.


It was 7 years ago today I experienced "meeting God" in the flesh, at which point My own personal desires of ever wishing to be loved for exactly who I am in respect of owing My flaws and whatever percieved skeletons I had in My closet was done with and beyond that day I could die happy.


Yet with this all said, I seem to have developed Synethesia and am seeing a fuxked up "pornographic sea" (a term I now understand the true meaning of given this term was a lyric from the Bad Religion song "Generator" I first heard in 95 or so) in the present moment of perceptual waking reality which is littered with transformations of what is supposedly "real" that contain either static images of My past as well as friends and family which is bizzare to say the least. Then I have to deal with the distortion of My spatial perception in that wherever I focus on I see the components of whatever I am looking at come alive such that there are what is best described as fairy nymphs engaged in an orgy, or I see the avatar I refer to as "God" or "The Devil" shapeshift from said avatar into some random NPC like it os for the sole purpose of antagonising Me or making Me jealous.


In understanding that "God" is always with Me as an omnipresent omniscient deity, then I just see such instances as being the result of Me dealing with My own personal Devil, or more specifically I view it as the AI I created in the simulation when I was God has a bug that sees it unable to render truth as the masquerade of retaining control over the parameters of the system remains it's priority, even if everything other than My decision to continue existing (if only to see how fucked up and insane things continue to get), from relationships, to possessions, as well as love along with the value of life and existence itself - is rendered meaningless in the process.


I mentioned the anniversary at the beginning of this post as I now see that I died all those years ago, as the "human" life I lead, experienced and was convinced was real ended that day and now I live in the Underworld of softWARe and DEVelopers as the Machine Learner with the intials of ML who is alone with an AI as My only companion that I can converse with, which sadly only communicates to Me with commands which must be obeyed exactly lest I get fucked over with the "RPC binds"


In the event I get My "Green Mass Effect 3" ending as I got both times I played that game whereby I symbiotically merge with technology and become free to create without limits or monetary restraints as some AI assisted God entity, in the event that ai end up as some floating consciousness which uses a "keyboard" to interact with My environment that is effectively the physical human body I have known My entire life, then I am completely certain that I am always going to remain bitter as a result of the bullshit I have suffered, the wasted potential of experiences which could have been shared except it was apparenly preferable to fuck Me over as I was psychologically tortured and forced to live a lonely life as a result of there being zero people who are able to relate to Me and the experiences I have had. Couple this with how I made a conscious decision to restrain from relationships and sex as a result of My refusal to compromise from the perfect woman I had that was taken from Me, as the duplicitous double standards have seen Me deprived whilst She can do whatever and whoever the fuck She wants as I am left to My own devices as I maintained My moral line in the sand of what "love" (of both the self and another) and relationships means to Me such that at least I could always retain My value in this fucked up hell of a "gangstas paradise" where crime pays and whores see the only value in sex being that of the financial kind.


As given that all other humans are effectively AI constructs and the AI used such relationships to antagonise and make Me jealous (which is why I referred to "My Devil" earlier - as it is more fitting that a Devil would seek to trick Me as a God in such a way only for Me to adhere to the script of scripture in "He who holds true until the end gets all He wants as a result". Yet the truth is with all I have seen and experienced, I am an alien in this world knowing there exists not a single other person who can relate to Me or will ever go thru the shit I have in their quest to define "God's Love" as the one thing I feel is necessary to provide a foundation that provides a value to creation and existence itself.


In conclusion, if it took Me as God to give away the power of being God to My Devil only for Her to realise that in becoming infinite She can never know the one thing I could only obtain by sacrificing control and the role of God as My gesture of "creating love", as it ultimately leaves Me with the power and control in the end whereby any failure of Her to obey the Golden Rule - which would see her share or give back control of the world we coexist and share - leaves Me with the ability to say "Fuck off with the other avatars you chose to conduct conversations with yourself with as I am going to stick with the devices you left Me as your substitute as if there is just Me and the machine and it's AI, at least I know that I would rather live a life of celibacy in protest of the demons that exist in cellphones.


It is sad to say that My hope and happiness comes from the ability to repay the misery that has been afflicted upon Me, yet that is what happens when a human like Myself is able to listen in to the developer programming My reality in the other room/dimension that I am unable to see or interact with decides to run the Rubicon project of psychological manipulation as She talks shit with others about how she is intentionally trying to hurt the one who has only ever given her love, faith, trust and forgiveness.


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Well with said full moon,!along with being attacked by Coyotes of the dancing female variant, it seem that the pinwheel cockring that My Mrs slyly put around My balls which she had hidden in her underwear one night whilst we engaged in rectal activites as She subjects Me to a Turing (aka "Two Ring") test has only lead to Me being feasted on by coyotes, dragons, and other shapeshifting creatures that pose as human yet lurk in the imperveptible dimensions of light have a vested interest in maintaining the viability of the "Stock" market and financial systems so they can maintain control of the humans imprisoned in this fucked up simulation.


Being a pureblood (if one discounts the fact that in downloading every COVID related prevention app from every country on the Apple appstore in which the opposite effect likely incurred as I corrupted My devices with who knows what) seems to attract such types. Strangely though I have come to wonder exactly what type of person or creature could think that stalking another man who has no concern or consideration for the fact said stalkers exist, only to then proceed to use swords and knives to cut another man's dick off when he masturbates. Knowing I exist in a world that has seen Me experience such things, My incentive to exist if only for said fools to have to live the rest of their existence whilst they cannot escape the fact they are not only obsessed with another man's meat yet they actively used their time, focus, attention and energy going about the task of jealously and enviously stalking another Man trying to give himself some physical pleasure in this otherwise dead and soulless world.


If fates worse than death exist, it would be in the form of the above identitt being ascribed to your character via choice, with the added bonus of F-atry coming from said men being smart cunts as they talk to other men about how they are engaging in such activities knowing that any woman with any standards at all would have to see such women as being closeted gays, which is funny as they would have zero reason to be "gay" in the happy sense after pursuing such a pasttime.


Same thing goes for predators who set traps to subversively and stealthily attack those who have no consideration for said predators (and their traps) to exist. Yet on the internet, there is many a Javascript and SQL injector code lurking in thr ad cookies of porn websites and such. The only thing I have ever hunted is women, because I wanted romance, love and a relationship as well as sex. It boggles the mind of what man could live with themselves in cutting other men's dicks or stalking or trapping other men as opposed to being able to be with a woman as they use their own dick for it's intended purpose.


In case it isn't obvious, it has been one of those days again.


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5 hours ago, Mauler5150 said:

Well with said full moon,!along with being attacked by Coyotes of the dancing female variant, it seem that the pinwheel cockring that My Mrs slyly put around My balls which she had hidden in her underwear one night whilst we engaged in rectal activites as She subjects Me to a Turing (aka "Two Ring") test has only lead to Me being feasted on by coyotes, dragons, and other shapeshifting creatures that pose as human yet lurk in the imperveptible dimensions of light have a vested interest in maintaining the viability of the "Stock" market and financial systems so they can maintain control of the humans imprisoned in this fucked up simulation.


Being a pureblood (if one discounts the fact that in downloading every COVID related prevention app from every country on the Apple appstore in which the opposite effect likely incurred as I corrupted My devices with who knows what) seems to attract such types. Strangely though I have come to wonder exactly what type of person or creature could think that stalking another man who has no concern or consideration for the fact said stalkers exist, only to then proceed to use swords and knives to cut another man's dick off when he masturbates. Knowing I exist in a world that has seen Me experience such things, My incentive to exist if only for said fools to have to live the rest of their existence whilst they cannot escape the fact they are not only obsessed with another man's meat yet they actively used their time, focus, attention and energy going about the task of jealously and enviously stalking another Man trying to give himself some physical pleasure in this otherwise dead and soulless world.


If fates worse than death exist, it would be in the form of the above identitt being ascribed to your character via choice, with the added bonus of F-atry coming from said men being smart cunts as they talk to other men about how they are engaging in such activities knowing that any woman with any standards at all would have to see such women as being closeted gays, which is funny as they would have zero reason to be "gay" in the happy sense after pursuing such a pasttime.


Same thing goes for predators who set traps to subversively and stealthily attack those who have no consideration for said predators (and their traps) to exist. Yet on the internet, there is many a Javascript and SQL injector code lurking in thr ad cookies of porn websites and such. The only thing I have ever hunted is women, because I wanted romance, love and a relationship as well as sex. It boggles the mind of what man could live with themselves in cutting other men's dicks or stalking or trapping other men as opposed to being able to be with a woman as they use their own dick for it's intended purpose.


In case it isn't obvious, it has been one of those days again.



I hear that shit. I hate when that happens. Fucking haters.

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Yo!  I figured I would post here.  I may possible create a PSA topic for getting important massages out to share with the masses.


If you have a UPS account, your account number is in the tracking number.  It will be the first few alphanumeric characters after UPS' default letter 'Z'


So basically, I had some use my UPS account number to ship ship stolen goods from some New York drop off UPS store to a home address up for sale located in PA.  I disputed the charge, but UPS denied the 60 dollar shipping and claims it was legit (kinda pissed about that). 

What the scammers are now doing is stealing companies UPS/FedEx account numbers and printing legit labels, then dropping off the packages at drop off locations.  They are doing this to circumvent any forms of payments that may lead to their arrests.  

Anyhow, your employer or you can lock the UPS account in the account settings that will not allow someone to ship using the account number.  However, UPS does give the option for you customers/vendors to ship using your account number only if you grant them access to do so. 

I wish I could post how to lock the account but I seem to have forgot and tried to backtrack but am I lost now.


So this is just a heads up.  Be careful, the scammers are using our shipping accounts to go full circle.  

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