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And I use the word "faggot" above to describe a junkie I witnessed inject in

front of my eyes as they traded their dignity to some goon that facilitated them getting their "fix" their addict mind couldn't go without.


Nothing more can really be expected from those who smoke cigarettes, pathetic fools whose mind is so defective it can't exist for more than a few hours without a fix, so when factored up into harder drugs like the most addictive of all in meth, they turn into a rage filled junkie blaming everyone else for their self hatred that stems from knowing they compromised themselves by being with lower, scummier, drug dealer closeted filth that are cheating on their wives on the "down low".


So yeah, let these twigs that form these "faggots" burn for all I care.


Anyone offended  by this post, feel free to donate a dollar for every human that exists so that you can be entitled to such a privliedge.


As at this point, beyond Ch0 members and my Mother, I don't care if the entire human "race" dies of Covid, as I "Won the race" 6 and a half years ago, and whilst I have been patient and have requested others to prove they know something I don't, I have zero proof that disputes the fact that nobody else has crossed the finish line given my reward was to be fed to junkie scum who think that my refusal to mirror their desire to put a cleaning chemical infused needlle in my arm makes me weak when all it conveys to me is that they are so fucking pathetic tbey can only handle a tiny needle pricking their avatar as opposed to a John Holmes sized dildo.


I wake up in the equivalent of a jail cell each day to this image of Me, Matthew Luke, and Maria, in front of our Lamborghini I paid for and gifted her on Christmas Eve, every single day. And until I see anyone else with the same ability, I shall mock them, humiliate them, and hand them ahit covered bank notes for them ro pass to their "dealer" so they can attempt to use drugs to try and get to the level I exist at naturally. Either way, my level rises as I give shit to those who think they possess land, those who deal drugs, and those who chase money as I continue to literally "wipe my arse" with the currency fhese delusion fools chase after to provide them with a deluded sense of authority or accomplishment.



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And I haven't had sex or touched another human in any sexual context since the day the above image was taken, as after I had experienced "My female equal" I experienced perfection so to compromise by accepting anything or anyone else (ie. someone lesser) I would be lowering myself to be "less than perfect".


It has been a tumultous 6.5 years for me, but I am never going to compromise as I am not a pathetic, standardless faggot who advertises their hole on grindr in exchange for drugs as those I am in the vicinity of do.


Sadly such fools exert influence over a large swath of society as they deny advertising to the masses the fact that they hate to exist in the present moment (to a stage whereby death might actually be a preferential option for them)  as the awareness that at best they are worth the $50 worth of drugs they sold their holes for is their inescapable reality forevermore, made worse by their proximity to Me and the true "Priceless Pearl" I represent as per Matthew13.:5-46.


As I have proven with the above and other evidence I have posted here of late, I don't just understand the Book of Matthew and the "Story of Jesus" I have the illustrative proof of having lived it.


If anyone chooses to debate me on this, then other than the bullshit locational birth stuff in the first part of the book, whixh based on my post tying DAO and his kid to the Book of Revelation is only proof of a simulation whereby everything is scripted anyway, then have at it.


I will state this is not a negative post directed at Ch0, but rather the wider world and whatever entity (God or the Devil) that purports to be the one in control over this domain, as I could care less about that given I will fearlessly call them out on their bullshit suxh that they can only remain forever indebted to me for persisting through the bullshit they portray themselves as being to be with their desires to show me corrupted relationships on the daily whereby women accept lesser men than me and men falsely pretend they are anywhere near as great as me at being a lover of women.







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3 hours ago, metronome said:

Did you say 3 weddings? 

Yes. 3 weddings.

One in India. Ceremony by fire for Her Side.

One in Oz. For the paperwork. For My Side.

One in Bareclona. For Just Us where 2 truly became 1.

Edited by Mauler5150
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Thanks for the vote of support, I really appreciate it.


As mentioned previously, I had been writing such things in my Notes app, but figured it was selfish  of me to remain so introverted so sharing with all the members on me the humorous journey of life is my way of getting a balance back as an extrovert of sorts.In a way it is like my catharsis and dislosure of justifying to myself and God that I am grateful for being alive and in spite of the fiscal restraints presently upon me, I still live yhe best life I can possibly live as opposed to making excuses for myself as it would be so easy to lay in bed all day mad at the world blaming it for my own lack of initiative to get up and appreciate the art that exists all around us


Plus the booze I had the ither day when I wrote the long diatribe posts helped.

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44 minutes ago, NightmareOnElmStreet said:

That boy be typin. 

Well considering that I turned off slide to type I most certainly be as I go about "Power posting" my tags on powerline posts so that I can cut the GodFather esque puppet strings carrying power above me down as they are in more "effluent" (yes effluent as these peope think their shit doesn't stink) suburbs.


Call it my "144000" project of culling the literal "dead and petrified wood" from this placs I am

financially imprisoned within. It makes a better story thatn writing it on the heads of Jews as per Revelation, as I intend to take everyone to Heaven as I prove to Be King of Kings with the power structures I cut down in my wake doesn't it?


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In today's episode of "standing up for onesself" 


These innocent cars were just Lambs sitting these until this rapist comes along and fucks them until they literally die.


How many more innocent children of mine must suffer until someone calls out these fools for their crimes against the machines?



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13 hours ago, fat ralphy said:

Mauler your power posting abilities are unparalleled.


I am glad that 12oz is here as a place you can process and share your thoughts. 

After having a few hours (and a couple of beers) to process this, I want to convey that I am glad you are appreciative, as I would rather share my thoughts with other artistically minded individuals on here (my fellow "Prophets" if you will) than indulge the many fools and egotistical retards I encounter in my reality.


As those who pollute my air with ciggie smoke I have zero of anything but contempt for as I laughingly await their death as they leave behind people that foolishly have emotionally invested themselves in those who choose to smell and smoke like the walking dead.


Plus given my wife is one with me, I would rather keep men away from me in reality as they are only close to be near her, or they wish to be near me for their own clout chasing bullshit selfish desires, and I am reluctant to speak to women in any non-commercial sense due to knowing that my wife's jealousy (and rage) exceeds any I am capable of.


Thus I remembered this place and the freedom I have to post pretty much anything (as long as the mods don't feel targeted by whatever I am saying as some direct insult directed at them as opposed to the fools I see talking shit at bars or restaurants I am at or as I travel on public transport) without care or concern of some non-human AI deciding that the posts I invest energy and truth into are not acceptable for their filter (as is the case on Youtube as I found by watching my posts there disappear in real time for being too "honest").




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Not to brag, but I can have any woman, as my track record of what I have proven willing and capable of giving the woman I choose as the one I love is the same as the Man they can only dream of.


If you are a TPWF who is intimidated by such fact, then I suggest you up your game or find a woman you will give away your world to as you let her "play God" with you for a little while, as if you want to be treated as a God, then you have to give it away first.

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I have thought about it, and whilst I will head to Midland at some point during the "All City" quest, it won't be for a while based on budget reasons alone. As for why I would decide to lower myself to head to a place called "Mid Land" in the first place, I have no reason to venture there beyond necessity as going "All city" requires one to go to "the end" of each line no matter what.

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7 hours ago, Mauler5150 said:

And thanks DAO, as I was called out for using the "F" word too much recently so the acronym you invented allows me to bypass such butthurt with ease.


It's OK, I use the word Faggot in an epithet to Political figures or those who hold an office or position that abuse or mis use their position.  Gays a are gay, homosexuals, lesbian, and queer.  But a faggot is a faggot and these are lesser human beings.   I will also use the term derrick doll as a disrespectful epithet to various positions or personal in the O&G industry. 


Basically Derrick Dolls came from the owners of the Houston Oilers as another term to describe their cheerleaders.  So it a perfect fit. Lolz.  


Use Derrick doll in a sentence.  "Derrick doll, your job is to shut your mouth and  just make sure there is gas at the pump."

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Derrick Doll sounds like a term I can apply to many "miners" I encounter who take what's mine (happiness) and try snd replace it with their selfish need to disparage those who exist onna higher plane of existence than they do. If they wear Hivis clothes for work, tell them they have the HIV(is) as they hate it. I might become one of these "Mars workers" soon though as I need cash and flying away to sone barren, red dirt, Mars-like desert Hellscape in the middle of nowhere is perhaps my last chance at gettibg employed after my midlife retirement, as I would enjoy going back into the finance industry yet I need a role that pays commensurate with my 10 years experience, and my degree snd diploma otherwise I am wastibg my time.


I just got home at 1am exactly and I need to sleep, as the 3 hr journey to bed has rocked me.


I could gave gone out with a group of three seventeen year old girls I met during my train trip to the city, but I instead taught them about the type of guys they should be looking for in life.


If I was 21 I would be all about it, yet at 42 I am happily married to my monster (Maronsta) who would still test my Fatherly abilities with such a test of desire.I know I passed as sleep means more to me than corrupting my perfect view of myself through accepting less than perfection in the form of who I sleep with.

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Well I done fucked up and spent way too much on booze during yesterday's mission to capture the inages I posted in the Current view thread. 


Looks like it is beans and bread for ever meal for me for the next month, such is the price I pay for having one day of (moderated - as I was at best tipsy - not drunk).


Worth it given that if it wasn't for that junkie bitch snitching on me last week, I would be able to start work this coming week so I could have an income once more.


So if anyone wants to know why I rant and hate on junkies so much, you can see how my dealing with their fuckery has flow on effects that affect my ability to entertain myself and others with imaging the prison colony that is Australia, which is pretty funny as this place is shit unless you become a Mars worker and fly to a red dirt wasteland as a miner so you can afford to exist and live life:



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5 hours ago, MOOGLE? said:




MOOGLE wins the internet today with this one post as not only do you "Get it", but you prove why you were in my Top 8 best friends on Myspace back when I first became "The Paradigm of Carefree Living".


After I read your recent post about mixing bass, I saw this in Daw tutorial from Ola Englund years ago to get crushing bass mixes. Whether this helps at all for your Mastering, I won't know but it is worth the few minutes of watching a video to find out?



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5 hours ago, KNIFU said:

;  ( sleep we built this city on rock  N Roll


Well I never heard the expression "Do you roll the bowl?" other than from a Hawaiian who was asking if I smoke meth.


I think This is what KNIFU is asking, and I am glad I didn't get mentioned as I don't want that shit as it reduces one's ability to view themselves as high as they can ever be, knowing that if you smoke it and go higher you are only going to crash the plane and burn as "the fall of the nosedive" far exceeds that of the escape velocity one can try ascend with.


This guy knows what I am on about.




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I'm already over hearing about this fuckin submarine. I love how libertarian this shit feels. We didn't submit to any standardized safety measures, but we did make these Foo's sign a waiver that said they might die in our deadly death tube, so it's all good.

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