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Pass the Corona ese... Novel Corona aka COVID-19


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We made a game time decision to postpone the Lisbon trip this morning. The flights were guaranteed to stay in place,  but if just one fuck face tested positive on the return flight, we’d all get quarantined 😷


I’m also canceling my ski trip to Denver next month 🚫🎿 


My kids have spring break next week and we debated taking advantage of low airfares, but we’re staying the fuck away from Petri dishes 🧫 


Instead we booked a couple resorts in North Tucson we’ve been to before that are within driving distance and we know are spread out and in desolate areas. We just got inside info our kids’ school is gonna shut down after spring break, so this may be our last chance to get out before the national lock down.


My company told us we can work remotely indefinitely. Three to six weeks with the kiddos and toilet paper 🧻 rationing💩, canned goods.... and I should probably hit the dispensary 🍁


This shit is getting wild.

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Logistics Dept at work just got told to take their laptops home for the wknd in case they get told to telework for a while. 

waiting to hear whether my Dept will be told the same. Boss is at a mtg right now and will come back with some info. 

a lot of my coworkers are Americans who live in Tijuana, curious how this will affect them. 

a lot of coworkers are freaking out about child care because the schools have been closed up for now but they haven’t been given any info about work. 

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33 minutes ago, Kults said:

now i think it’s being overblown, especially the supply chain woes. i give it two weeks until the shelves are full again.


be safe and vigilant but this isn’t the end of days. breath everyone 

I agree, but one of my bosses' wife works at a local grocery warehouse distro centers and they are promising to quarantine any questionable workers (runny noses, common colds, etc)--that could affect the resupply.  

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1 hour ago, Kults said:

now i think it’s being overblown, especially the supply chain woes. i give it two weeks until the shelves are full again.


be safe and vigilant but this isn’t the end of days. breath everyone 

I have to admit. I went into slight panic yesterday And mostly because I have started watching the news in my new living situation. There is just basic tv here.  

I shut it off for the day and kept away from social media and had to really look at my situation (not everyone else’s) I can only do so much.  But I will (like you said) be vigilant about it. I believe exhausting all you can do (no matter the situation) the rest of It is out of your control after that. As long as you know you are doing all you know how.   And ironically I have been doing it with no smoke (for almost two weeks now) so I really had to work on my mind. 

I slept a whole  night last night knowing I do all I can. 

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I just went to the grocery store to get some stir fry noodles and people have lost their fucking minds. As soon as I got into the middle of the store people started hacking and sneezing all out in the open like they have no fucking home training. I probably have this shit now. 


Pray for me y'all.

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Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton has confirmed he has coronavirus.

The Federal Government frontbencher said he felt fine but woke up with a temperature and sore throat.

"I immediately contacted the Queensland Department of Health and was subsequently tested for COVID-19," Mr Dutton said in a statement.

"I was advised by Queensland Health this afternoon that the test had returned positive.

"It is the policy of Queensland Health that anyone who tests positive is to be admitted into hospital and I have complied with their advice.

"I feel fine and will provide an update in due course."


Mr Dutton participated in Cabinet's national security committee meeting on Thursday, during which the Government decided to extend its China, Italy, Iran and South Korean travel bans, via phone.

The US deputy press secretary, Judd Deere, released a statement saying the White House was aware Mr Dutton had tested positive for COVID-19.

Mr Dutton had been in the US last week, where he met with Ivanka Trump, Attorney-General William Barr and officials from the Five Eyes intelligence alliance on March 6, according to a Twitter post from Australia's embassy in the United States.

"He was asymptomatic during the interaction," the statement said.

"Exposures from the case were assessed and the White House Medical Unit confirmed, in accordance with CDC guidance, that Ivanka is exhibiting no symptoms and does not need to self-quarantine.





put that cunt into the detention centres for isolation.

so he can see how it feels.


infecting the trumps

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On the real, I sincerely hope everyone, especially the community here and the rest of the friends and family we all care about, that if nothing else, take this as a lesson as to your personal situation / stability. Some of you have lived through earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, massive fires, etc... Sometimes the crisis is localized to just you, like losing a job or waking up to find out you have cancer. Whether zombies somehow walk the earth or you figure out you have something as significant as cancer, its a massively life affecting event that to you, might feel something like an apocalypse. When the event affects more than just you, it compounds a lot of that mess, and when it literally affects the entire world, well fuck... I suppose we see what we're seeing.


Best thing you can do, whether it comes to be or not, is solidify your position. What that means to you, is a personal choice. Not saying all of you should doomsday bunker yourself, but having a stash of cash, food and whatever you need to bail out in a hurry or enough resource to not have to leave your home for a couple weeks is just common freakin sense and a really good idea. You all remember how much it sucks to depend on your parents, but at least they're generally looking out for your best interest. Depending on strangers to do the same is plain fuckin stupid and as we've seen time and time again, a really bad plan. Most of you can't stand Trump, so why put yourself in a position of depending on his administration to do right by you? Even if you somehow love the fuckin guy, you're a straight dumbass if you forfeit your resiliency and independence thinking him and his band of ass clowns in Washington DC are there to take care of you.


So whether hoarding toilet paper is your plan or building an offgrid mansion is your thing, just take all this as an opportunity to sort of wake up and assess how well you can manage when shit goes side ways on you. Do what you got to do, be honest with yourself, assess your situation and put effort at making your little corner of the earth as solid, safe and comfortable as it can be because sooner or later, some shit will pop up that really disrupts your life in a huge way. Don't make that situation harder than it needs to be. Not saying to live your life fearful, but hedge your fuckin bets.


***This has been a 12oz PSA***

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37 minutes ago, mr.yuck said:

I just went to the grocery store to get some stir fry noodles and people have lost their fucking minds. As soon as I got into the middle of the store people started hacking and sneezing all out in the open like they have no fucking home training. I probably have this shit now. 


Pray for me y'all.

Everyone is soooooooo fucking gross. That’s all I see, they’re doomed, and so are we because of them. 


Hosoi, my nigga.

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I should currently be on a flight to Lisbon, Portugal. A trip I’ve planned for a year defeated by Friday the 13th, Trump, and a virus named after the beer I hate the most.


It came down to three hours before boarding, unreal. 

/vent. 😢

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Rush on ammo is already happening. Ordered some a few days ago and they’re now sold out. Checked the usual places online and most are sold out or only seem to have the expensive match grade stuff left.

This weekend is going to be a shit show. All the toilet paper hoarding and shit we’ve been seeing were the early crowd. Now we’re going to see the real rush from that middle 70% that we’re passing this off as another flu but now starting to freak out. 

Hope this blows over but definitely going to get uglier before it gets better. Hope all you guys have something to wipe with. 

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1 minute ago, misteraven said:

Rush on ammo is already happening. Ordered some a few days ago and they’re now sold out. Checked the usual places online and most are sold out or only seem to have the expensive match grade stuff left.

This weekend is going to be a shit show. All the toilet paper hoarding and shit we’ve been seeing were the early crowd.



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I’m glad our healthcare system is putting measures into place and talking about all the what-ifs right now. I’m still of the mind that folks need to chill out.

If you watch the news there are 36 cases of COVID-19 in Louisiana. We’ve even been told in the hospital there are confirmed cases..




.. yet the state of Louisiana and the CDC have yet to confirm one.


Edit: It looks like Italy is seeing a slow down now that they’re isolating. China claims they’re over peak infection.. 

But, what the fuck do i know. I just signed my keys to the city though so if y’all go on lockdown i’m free to be about and about because i’m “essential medical staff.” 

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yup just got back from supermarket. Not too busy at first little bit - like an ordinary saturday but with less dawdling about.


but stock was low.


fruit and vegies in abundance.


dumb cunts though buying up maggi brand instant noodles and stressing when none left but forgetting the infinitely better asian ones in the asian foods aisle.


but by the time I left it was bit weird.


It was really full and every single person was buying loads of stuff. amnd impatient to get out!


I'm staying away for next few days unless I'm going in for chicken wings or something from the hot bar.


@Drue_Downsorry about your holiday man!










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Thanks @Schnitzel.


We went to the grocery store today once we realized we’re home for the week and shit is kinda going sideways. A couple hours later I booked a staycation for the next six days.


I go on Facebook two hours ago and saw my friends posting what’s happening in stores in Cali, Chicago, Pacific NW, etc.


I told my wife and kids I’m not a panicked idiot as I tucked them in tonight, but everyone else is so we need to react to their stupidity. Before our road trip tomorrow, we’re going in two cars to two stores. Buy up everything we’d need in every day life for two months. Other than toilet paper, everything is in stock locally here, but we live in a nice bubble. By the time we get home Thursday, all sorts of shit might have broken loose once the school closures come out.


Maybe not. Who knows. But other cities are in hurricane mode. I saw helicopter shots of insane Costco lines in the parking lots to get into what is basically a cruise ship on land. Good luck with all that 👍


Panicky idiot, or good father/husband ensuring my family is safe and taken care of?


I’d rather look a fool than be foolish and not prepared for what might be the oddest shit to happen in our lifetime. (Not alive for WW2 or ‘Nam)

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