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What's changed in your life since your registration date?

El Jefe Uno

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since my first screenname;


graduated highschool,

went into college




since this screenname;


graduated undergrad,

moved to the bay,

moved to houston,

got into graduate school,

moved to LA/Irvine,

finished grad school,

moved back to oakland,

bartended and got a better job,

got engaged to partner since graduating college,

learned how to cook quite well,

got married in beautiful place and as drunk as i could be,

wife finished grad school.


that brings us to this week

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Damn, I could write a book on this one. Moved to NYC, moved to LA, got married, had two kids, did a ton of client work (http://collective.12ozprophet.com), now trying to wean myself off all the client work and brand consultancy to instead focus that energy and effort into the brand side of 12ozProphet. (Working in the shadows has paid okay, but always wanted to do my own strategy, product and content).

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Graduated high school

painted a lot of freights

watched dog be born

drove roll off trucks

dated strippers(fun summer '06)


met current lady

moved across the country

got a harley

got married

had a kiddo some years ago

opening a new bar

watched my dog die last week

drank a bunch since then

up to date.

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finished community college and got a degree

finished university and got a better degree

worked and saved up money

started dating my ex and have been together since (6 years next month)

got another degree to get a better job

got a better job, got injured, got paid

back in school for another degree...for an even better job (career this time)

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graduated from college

published co-author on over 25 peer-reviewed pubs

paid writer & photographer

bought a house

painted who knows how much

mom died

got married to an oontzer

been to 45 (additional) states, 53+ countries and 300+ cities

learned a ton

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graduated from college

published co-author on over 25 peer-reviewed pubs

paid writer & photographer

bought a house

painted who knows how much

mom died

got married to an oontzer

been to 45 (additional) states, 53+ countries and 300+ cities

learned a ton


Thant's awesome! Believe this is the 4th marriage I'm aware of between Oontzer's. Two kids out there as well from two 12oz members, including one of our admins @psm026

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Holy shit, lets see.

I dropped out of college, got a good job, got arrested, got fired, got a dog, met an oontzer, got married, traveled the fucking world, traveled the world more, then some more, and then even more, got another few jobs, bought a brand new car, painted thousands of trains, happy as a fucking clam.

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Graduated highschool.

Moved to Florida.

Moved to Arizona.

Moved back to oakland because nothing compares 2 u.

Met my idols, realized meeting your idols sucks.

Stopped doing graffiti. Might start doing trains again.

Got in career mode, got a job where I make enough that I can pretend I actually like it.

Married. Also to an oontzer but a super low key one.

Started motorcycling pretty hard. About to buy my first super nerd grownup bike, triumph tiger xcx and take that on some adventures.

Starting a company with my brother in 4 years.

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Holy shit, lets see.

I dropped out of college, got a good job, got arrested, got fired, got a dog, met an oontzer, got married, traveled the fucking world, traveled the world more, then some more, and then even more, got another few jobs, bought a brand new car, painted thousands of trains, happy as a fucking clam.


Wow another 12oz marriage. Would love if someone wanted Rostarr a thread and try and collect as much info on this as you can scrounge up. I'm blown away by the thought of 12oz being a catalyst in people getting married. Thought there was only 4, but seems there are a few more.

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i joined in '08.

since joining, i:


graduated high school

went to college

painted my first freight

transferred to a better college

caught my first case

met a nice and cool girl

stopped painting graffiti

graduated college

moved to south carolina

moved to ohio

got dumped

got fired

almost died

got sober

started painting graffiti again

found a career that'll never pay well but that i can do well

started an art career

lost friends, buried friends, made new ones

bought a pallet of paint

started mentoring a younger writer

caught my second case

traveled internationally for the first time

traveled solo internationally for the first time

painted trains in a different country


i sorta grew up on here, which is a scary thought.

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Since first name:


Got a new career

Started painting on the reg again, only legally this time though as I've done my time and am too fucking old

Met a girl, married a girl

moved back home from China after 5 years (of breathing coal smoke and drinking fake booze)

started riding MTB like an addict again

did my postgrad/masters degree

got a new job

bought a second house

bought a new car

bounced around Europe for a couple of weeks

Started renovating the house


The last four are all in the last month too, busy days

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caught a couple cases.

went to Ireland and met an oontzer.

got sober.

stopped bombing, still paint once in awhile and still sketch.

made it through college with a BA (10 years).

moved from SF to San Jose.

lost a great job because of my record.

record expungement.

put out a record.

worked various jobs, each one better than the last.

put out another record.

got married.

Viva Mexico.

started writing a book.

kid one.

Viva Mexico.

bought a new car.

went to school to become drug and alcohol counselor.

started Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

kid #2.


became certified drug and alcohol counselor.

got into a good career path.

bought a house.

bought another car.

back to school for a Masters degree.


Pee'd in a few butts and oontzed here and there along the way.

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moved back to my home country

travelled from north africa to russia and back down to Turkey overland

dad died

Mum died

bought am apartment

painted 500 plus pieces

painted a couple of token trains.

met several girls , dumped several girls

tried to change careers and failed so was back into the old one

met some oontzers

painting partner killed himself or had a very dumb accident.

got married

Had two kids

bought a second partly.

sold second apartment for a fair ol' chunk of change

bought two cars

published 6 issues of a fairly shit graff zine

went to a bunch or countries and stack of cities

aged from 29 to 42 roughly.

drank a lot of booze


basically graduated from "wannabe" to "neverwas"

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since joining which is think was circa 08 ish,

graduated highschool

Moved back to the homeland of Canada having grown up in Europe.

went to university

graduated with a business degree

watched my family fall apart

moved to a big city on my own

painting took a back seat.

battled depression/suicide

entered a post graduate program

told a girl i loved her

broke a heart and had my heart broken

still skate

crazy to think looking back give or take 10 years that this site is still kicking and I'm still seeing names that i recognize from then.

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Way too much shit to list.

Had a kid

Got married

Got divorced

Stayed single for over four years.

Bought lowrider #1

Met a girl

Bought lowrider #2

Started dating said girl

Sold lowrider #1

Relationship with said girl

Got a girl pregnant from a one night stand


Broke up with said girl.

Single life is for me.


There should be a I wanna see you then and now thread.

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