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Yo 12oz what should I do with this


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Some mexican family threw it out of the car in front of my house earlier today and it came running up a friend of mine who was outside smoking so of course she brought it in instead of throwing it back at the mexican family and yelling keep your fucking rat like she should have.

So now this thing is residing inside my house, and I'm not sure what to do with it so I am eliciting your help 12oz.

I'm hoping to get my friends girlfriend who brought the dog inside to keep it so I can laugh at him having to deal with the dog. I went to the store and got it some food and some treats cause I'm at least that nice of a guy. I also am really hoping the people have a change of heart and come knock on my door so I can illustrate to them some of the finer techniques of how to properly utilize a baseball bat in a fight.

I'm open to all other suggestions and will most likely follow one of your suggestions with photos.

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He keeps saying we're gonna eat it....I say wait till we figure out whether it's full grown or not.


It's a mini-Pinscher in case anyone's wondering. It's cute, pretty timid, pees a lot. I have a feeling the previous owners are going to show up some time in the next few days, in which case I'm going to bust out their windshield.

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I had a coworker named Bill who had a tree fall on the cab of his truck. Being the kind of guy to look for solutions he cut the crushed roof off his truck and would drive it wearing his motorcycle helmet when he needed to move stuff from his house to one of his rental properties. The police did not agree with his interpretation of a windshield however.


Man I miss that guy, one time we got pulled over for speeding and the officer wrote him a second ticket for not wearing his seat belt. The cop asked him why he was not wearing his belt and Bill who was like 65 at the time looks at him and says "because I do not believe in em" and the cop was all "well would you put it on now, sir".


I bet Bill would take that dog and make it his own if he were in your shoes.

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Bill and I were working on the side of the road once and I found a left handed leather work glove, I was going to leave it there but bill said to put it in the van. I asked him why he wanted just the one glove and he said that he would find the other one eventually.


Three years later we were working and he found a right handed glove that matched, all he said was "I told you I would find it".


He would go for hours and hours without talking and had this approach to life that was super honest in a way that most people are not.

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I had a coworker named Bill who had a tree fall on the cab of his truck. Being the kind of guy to look for solutions he cut the crushed roof off his truck and would drive it wearing his motorcycle helmet when he needed to move stuff from his house to one of his rental properties. The police did not agree with his interpretation of a windshield however.



One summer my friend got the salvage title on a Datsun B210 that had been rolled but ran fine. He cut the roof off, straightened out the frame and replaced the windshield. BOOM! Instant Road Warrior car. Then we painted it flat black and put a Motorhead logo on the hood to top it off. We used to joke with him "But what are you gonna do when it rains?" and he'd say "It's still nice out, fuck it" and change the subject.


A few months go by, then one day I saw him driving around in a storm wearing an old Army helmet and a poncho, leaning as far forward under the windshield as he can. Shortly after that he traded it for a bunch of ecstasy.


Now everyone's trying to figure out what to do with the dog. All I know is that I can barely take care of myself...having a dog to look after would be a disaster for all concerned.

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dogs are awesome

be best friends with it or find it a home.

small dogs are usually pretty easy to find a place for.


don't do craigslist or you might as well toss it back in the street

take a few pics and put them up at a local vet office or a good university.

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The first question most people ask when shopping for a new lens is “Is it sharp?”, yet if you were to pop the lens cap off that new lens a month down the line there’s a 50-50 chance you’ll find dust and a fingerprint or two on it. And if it’s not on the lens, there’s a 50-50 chance there’s dust or a fingerprint or two on the “protective filter,” which was purchased to keep dust and fingerprints off that new lens. And that’s on a DSLR.


If it’s a point-and-shoot camera, there’s even a greater chance of dust or fingerprints on the lens because when you turn the camera off, the lens usually slips behind little louver blades that A.) protect the lens, and B.) hide the fact there’s dust or a fingerprint on the lens.


Checking your lens for dust and smudges is something you should do on a regular basis, not only to ensure you’re getting the sharpest possible pictures, but also because a fingerprint or alien smudge left to “ripen” can cause permanent damage to the lens coatings. Keeping your lenses clean isn’t rocket science, but nonetheless, is a chore that should be performed carefully, thoughtfully and with the proper tools and techniques.


Dust and smudges on the front element of your lens (or your filter) are the easiest to spot because they’re front and center. While dust and smudges on the front element can diminish sharpness and contrast levels, you lose greater levels of sharpness and contrast when you have dust or smudges on the rear lens element because that’s the one that ultimately projects your image onto the camera’s sensor (or film). If your “projector lens” isn’t clean, your pictures won’t be sharp as they can be.

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