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Shooting at Batman screen in Colorado.


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all i know is rush limbough was definitely saying that the new batman movie was a media brainwashing tool of the democrats so this guy did it to try and kill obama's supporters. batman + illuminati = 9/11


i don't think i believe that Rush would ever shed negative light on someone being against Obama supporters like that.

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second worst bane ever..


how the fuck hard is it to put a motherfucker in a luchadore mask and give him a fucking greek/spanish accent...



and why call it dark knight rises when 90% of the fucking movie is in daylight...a batman final fight in the fucking afternoon..who does that


almost expected a burt ward cameo with a speaking part

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second worst bane ever..


how the fuck hard is it to put a motherfucker in a luchadore mask and give him a fucking greek/spanish accent...



and why call it dark knight rises when 90% of the fucking movie is in daylight...a batman final fight in the fucking afternoon..who does that


almost expected a burt ward cameo with a speaking part


I face-palmed so much during that movie. Once when the tubes in bane's luchador mask came undone and the actor was supposed to look like he was struggling to fix them but all he does is just pretend like he's playing an invisible clarinette.


The other was when Bruce was stuck in the pit and can't get out... and it never occurs to him or to anybody else to just climb the fucking rope.


And the other was when Gordon-Levitt's character was on the radio to someone and they say,

"Every cop has been captured!"

"Not every cop!" And then he pumps a shotgun...


Fucking lame.

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all i know is rush limbough was definitely saying that the new batman movie was a media brainwashing tool of the democrats so this guy did it to try and kill obama's supporters. batman + illuminati = 9/11



The conspiracy nuts are going off with this shit.

The best one I heard was that this Ronald McDonald lookin ass nigga is really a government agent who was trained by the FBI to pull off this massacre to influence some secret vote going down in a couple weeks to repeal the 2nd amendment.


Try telling one of these dipshits that there is no vote coming up having anything to do with the second amendments or even gun control at all.

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My landlords, brothers, cousins, friends cousin, told his sister, who is friends with my boss's mechanic, said that his best friends brother, was told by his lawyer, who was told by paralegal that they are indeed taking away guns.


You know this is a ploy just like when they said Obama is going to take away guns, Only to boost gun sales.

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What are you people bitching about?


Bane was a beast and his choice of voice was hilarious.

My brother and I have been using that shit for the past two days and ive been

geeking almost uncontrollably.


Next time your bitch calls answer like that fool and I swear youll crack a rib

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No I am not a Fox news reader, it was the first that popped up in google.


Not necessarily a direct threat to the 2nd amendment, but I can see where some

gun owners/anyone with a hand in fire arm sales could be pissed.


The state department already put out a statement saying that they would never sign a treaty that infringes on any part of our constitution including the 2nd amendment. And that this U.N. shit isn't even trying to come at the U.S.


Figures Faux News would still be trying to run with that though.

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I've been wondering if maybe dude blew his mind on too much psychedelics or some shit.

I've seen a couple people I knew completely do a 180 and turn into scatterbrained dipshits after doing too much LSD.


I have done a shit load of acid and even mixed it with coke once I never did shit like this

Maybe he just had alot of free time if your going to blame it on any drug blame it on the salts or shit blame it on Colorado what the fuck is there to do in Colorado any way just saying

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