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other terrible adults....


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back to stories..


a homeless dude came up to my buddies and i while we were fishing several years back and handed us a free medium pizza with 2 slices missing.

we all knew this guy from back in the day so my friend decided to fuck with him by throwing the pizza into the water and mooning him.

he left after staring for 2 mins and ends up coming back 20 mins later to buy fish off us :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Also, feed your ego had almost the same exact story that you wrote on the page before this.


yeah seriously


except mine is better cuz it was a husband and wife


and i actually fucked her


also, fighting some random drunk at your 20th birthday party at your birthday isn't terrible adult behavior because 20 isn't even an adult. that's just a kid doing kid shit


but yeah

i recently found out they weren't officially divorced until like 2 weeks ago


yeah still smashing (she does ballet and was on an olympic gymnast training team. the vagina is very excellent)



anyhoot, i'm pretty sure i said this in another thread...nobody believed me, but it's real


over the summer one day i was drinking tequila shooters at work and proceeded to drive a cop car


and i don't even have a license. especially not a license to drive pig mobiles all buzzed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not sure it this really belongs here or not. But a while back I was bullshitting around at work with my buddy. Was reading through the "Dear Abby" type shit in the Chicago SUN TIMES. Abby had a question that she wanted to ask women about there sexual experiences in college, and how many men they slept with etc... I decided to write my own, made up version of what wouldv'e happened if I ever went to college, or was female. I wasn't expecting it to get published. Figured If I didn't go too ape shit, I'd have a shot at making the paper... So a few weeks go by at work, and I'm reading the paper and what do I see???


300 sex partners in 2 years of college


BY CHERYL LAVIN cheryllavinrapp@gmail.com April 15, 2012 9:28PM


Updated: April 16, 2012 3:01AM


DEAR CHERYL: In my freshman year of college, my roommate and I started discussing sex. We both liked to party, and we bet on who could get the most guys in a year. I know, very immature, but we were young. To make a long story short, I won the contest. By junior year, I had slept with over 300 guys.


I now have HIV and herpes. On top of that, I experience debilitating anxiety when I’m out. I feel like people recognize me and know my reputation. It’s very embarrassing. I’ve been alone for over five years and have only been with women for the past two years. I have a nasty resentment towards men because of what they did to me.






DEAR SORRY: You’ve suffered enough for your behavior. It’s time to forgive yourself. It’s time to move on. Everyone else has. People are not looking at you and gossiping about your past. They have their own problems. You’re not even a blip on their radar.


You need to forgive “men,” too. The men you were with were young and stupid, just like you, and they’re also suffering for their behavior. You need to stop condemning all men. Get to know a man before you judge him.


And it’s time to start going out. Take baby steps at first. You can overcome your anxiety. Plan short outings. Sit in a coffee shop for 15 minutes, then the next time for a half-hour. Walk through the mall. If it’s too difficult for you to do this on your own, talk to a therapist.


The bottom line is you don’t have to keep punishing yourself. People can live long, happy lives with HIV and herpes. It’s time to start enjoying your life again.


Here's a few of the comments lol>THE COMMENTS




11:45 PM on April 15, 2012


The bottom line is that "SORRY" needs to start contacting as many former partners as possible to let them know that they need to get tested so they don't unwittingly spread HIV to others



12:48 PM on April 16, 2012


Men didn't do anything TO you, they did what you wanted them to and let them do. They were NOT criminals or sexual predators preying on the weak; they were h-o-r-n-y college men who wanted to have s-e-x with a WILLING partner. Stop resenting all men for the behavior of 300 who acted exactly how you WANTED them to act.



12:52 PM on April 16, 2012

Oh, and Cheryl - where do you get off calling Sorry's men "young and stupid"? How many of them did Sorry tell that she had 100 or 200 before them? What's "stupid" about them asking her to sleep with them - and she said yes? Or, more probably, SHE asked them to sleep with her and they said yes. Just because young men acted like young men, driven by their hormones and not rational thought, does NOT make them stupid!



8:41 PM on April 16, 2012

Sorry, you were a slut


hey you

10:44 AM on April 17, 2012

Um, Okay, yeah Sorry needs to forgive herself for the past and stopresenting men because it was her own actions that put her in her predicament. But I don't think that telling her to go out and date (men or women) is the best advice.... She needs to chill.


Anyway, pretty funny I thought. Probably 5 people the day it ran came up to me at work saying "check this shit out dude." Not knowing that I wrote it , until I told them ...I knew I'd make the paper someday...

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