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Everything posted by mosluggo

  1. The main ingredients in krokodil are codeine, iodine, and red phosphorous. The latter is the stuff that's used to make the striking part on matchboxes. Sometimes paint thinner, gasoline, and hydrochloric acid are thrown into the mix. hmm, so you're saying matches and gas aren't available here? and as for it's origins, we made it first Desomorphine didn't originate in Russia; the potent painkiller was patented in the United States in 1934. Codeine isn't available in illinois without a prescription. And as far as i know, most states are the same. The disgusting girls that supposedly had croc, with the nasty sores all over there arms are from illinois. And they were also speedballing with meth 24/7 according to one of the nurses at the hospital they went too. I could really care less weather its true or not. But Im pretty sure the blacks wouldnt fuck with this shit, and want it nowhere near there H. Dead junkies, or junkies with arms that are rotting off would probably be bad for business. And they aren't wasting there time mixing up some croc when theres an abundance of h around to sell. Maybe the girls themselves, or some junkie friend of theres decided to make a batch because they were out of money and had a bottle of T3's around. Who knows. Just sounds like the typical newspaper scare tactics to me
  2. Im calling total bullshit scare tactics etc. One of the main ingredients you got to use to make it is over the counter in russia. Its not in the us. Also, I really doubt theres any market here. Streets are flooded with good, cheap smack..Nobody wants this shit
  3. For some reason meth never hit Chicago.. I heard the gangbangers dont want it here cuz they make too much $ on coke. Who knows if thats true or not, but that shit isn't around. Seems like its huge everywhere but here. Guess thats a good thing. Rip to all those guys
  4. This is the last time I'll ever respond to you I dont know what a "joto" is. But I get the feeling that you couldn't wait to point out something I GUESSED wrong at. What a toy. You've proven you don't even know the basics of hockey numerous times. A waste of space you are. Congrats Silba, Boats and all the other Hawks fans. Also, to Boston fans, was a great series. Lots of respect for you guys. Only team I really didn't want to see the hawks play.. Anyway till next year, its been fun...
  5. Congrats Boston fans. This series is most likely over. Hawks haven't played 30 min, let alone 60. Theyre needs to be an option to decline the power play. Hawks cant score. Theyre lucky to get a shot on net on the pp. They need to plant all 3 fwd's in front of Rask to have any chance at scoring. Was a good run..
  6. Prob last post until series is over. Hawks really need their first line to start playing if they want any chance of winning this series. Quenville needs to have his shit in order and have the right people ready since we get the last change the first 2 games. That shit might make/break the series right there. Toews has been hot garbage all playoffs (1 goal, i still think he has a sprained hand etc from a slash in the det series) Hossa hasn't been doing much. Never seen his timing off like this, but he looks a step behind and his passes are 2-3ft in front of the target. Wtf dude. Hawks are going to have to plant Bickells big ass in front of the net as much as possible. Chara will handle his ass most likely. Their first line needs to start perfoming so we have all 4 rolling like the regular season. We've gotten really lucky so far that Det decided to fold like that, and that La had so many injuries. I still think the best team in the NHL this year is out of the west. But RIGHT NOW I think its boston, and thats all that matters in the end. I'll be surprised if the hawks can pull it off. Score first, and take the first game please. Really cant imagine losing game 1, on home ice. But its very possible Series going 6 or 7
  7. BIG win tonight.. Really would like to watch the other series.. Poor pittsburgh...Lawls ^^^ I know its not over yet, but hawks/bos should be pretty decent. Hate to say it, but Boston looks to have their shit together at the right time
  8. Game 3 is going to be the hardest game to win in the series once again. Im calling a game 3 loss, and game 4 win. Close it out in Chicago. LA looked like shit once again- but this series isn't over, yet. They did it once already this year. And La fans on that hockey message board are the most clueless fans ive seen so far. Cant imagine theres too many people that can hold a conversation about hockey in LA, but what the fuck do i know
  9. Probably about as mad as you get when San Jo shits the bed every year. Couldn't help myself Wow, did LA look like dogshit. 2 shots in 1 period??? Makes you wonder where they would've finished if they didn't have Quick in net. Still think the series will go 6 most likely. CROSBY IS A STILL A FAGGOT FOR ALL THOSE THAT FORGOT. SO IS COOKE
  10. Ain't even worth it.We've been down this road plenty of times already
  11. mosluggo


    Can anyone post the article on Kerse that was in Mass Appeal I think, about 10 years ago?? know someone has it or knows what im talking about
  12. Rafi might want to not target anywhere near the head area at this point. He's a well known piece of shit and will get suspended for any hit similar to that one. San Jo LOL going out in typical CHOKE fashion shit is pathetic at this point it would make it hard to route for them as a fan. Same shit as Vancouver
  13. Man, thats brutal dude. Didn't get to see it but from what I've read sounds like one of the biggest choke jobs ever, before one of the greatest comebacks ever.. Taking the Hawks in 6, and who knows after that. Really don't know who I'd rather see sj or la.. Prob san jo. The fold around this time of the year for some reason.. And lol at Ovechkin. He'll never win a cup on that team-
  14. So this guy shows up to pick up hockey this morning, can barely skate, all new gear, but no cage. After everyone realizes he didnt know the rules of the game or what offsides is, everyone tries to help him out by explaining things while on the bench between shifts... I heard a couple guys mention he should really put a cage on his helmet. Unfortunately no one told him not to stand in front of the net, and have no fucking clue what was going on.......because about 10 minutes after being there he takes a slapper from the point right in the fucking face. Dropped like he had been shot. Blood all over the place, blood across the ice, they ended up calling the ems. Fucking retard. Ha, always love the guys letting a slapshot rip into a crowd in front of the net during rat hockey... His fault for not having a cage on but still.
  15. Boats, here's a little history lesson about the hawks as I understand it. The Wirtz family owns them. Old man Wirtz could not have been much worse of a owner. He was really cheap, and wouldn't have home games televised so more people would go to the games. It didn't matter since he wasn't putting any $ into the team anyway. It really pissed off a lot of the die hard fans. When he died in 07, the team was taken over by his kid, peter. The Wirtz family is involved with a bunch of different shit, but liquor is their money maker. They get 33% of ALL LIQUOR SOLD IN ILLINOIS. Anyway, So peter I guess wasn't as interested in running the team, so he made a deal with his bro, Rocky. Peter took the liquor, Rocky took the Hawks. He started putting a lot of money into the team, televising home games, and getting good people to work for him. So long story short, he's been awesome since he got here. Took over in 07, and had a cup within 3 years. He's awesome, and a super nice guy. I usually see him at games shooting the shit with the fans at intermission etc. The hawks are going to be good for a long time. They're going deep this year. I think the winner this year is going to be from the west. Hate to say it, but san jo might be tough to beat. Them and LA are going to be tough. Doesn't seem like any team in the east really has it clicking right now. Oh ya, and since they started getting better and winning they've sold out a crazy number of games straight. Like 200 something games. If you ever get a chance to go to a game here, DO IT. Atmosphere is one of the best in the league IMO
  16. Not sure exactly how the back end is going to finish - but hoping for the wangs or min in the 1st round. ill pass on columbus
  17. Not a big fan of the re-alighnment (?) at all... Think only 1 or 2 games vs. detroit per year????GTFO Love how when the hawks last played Minny and Colorado, the announcers mentioned several times how there was a rivalry between the 2 teams.. Gtfo again, aint no rivalry going on with Chi and Col, Or min. A rivalry is pit/phi chi/det etc this shit is garbage imo And is Perry getting suspended?? Really hope so, Anaheim needs to start losing.. And he's gone with the fuckton Getslaf just got id imagine...
  18. Toews is a goddamn pimp ^ Great game to go to Seabrook who tipped the puck into a wide open net for his 3rd goal of the year and the Hawks 18th win. If you watch the replay below you can see Toews using the reflection of the glass to find where Seabs is. Seabrook didn't even have to shoot the puck, all he had to do was keep his stick on the ice. This was just a beautiful play.
  19. IDK Doing Dmt at a concert sounds like the worst idea ever.. By far the best drug i've done so far.. Looking forward to doing it a lot more..
  20. This thread blows. That other hockey forum, the good one, had 19 pages for the hawks in game thread the other day alone lool. Pretty good so far.. Don't like Karlsson as our backup.. Hopefully Crawford's not concussed too bad.. Outdoor college games es were pretty fun..
  21. Nothing like taking a Ripper to the nads ay?? 16 games now without a regulation loss. They shouldve won in regulation tonight..Faggot Canucks. Hossa went out again.. Hope he's not that hurt he was a fucking beast tonight. Shaw with the SICK winner in the S/O
  22. Kinda early for the Sharks to be in playoff form....:lol: And good/lol at Toews dropping em..
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