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Dear Mama...


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Ya mothers day is coming up but whatevs this really aint about that.


I moved from a city I loved were I knew almost everyone and had everything I ever wanted, I gave up all of it and moved to the mid west with nothing but a couple bags full of clothes and some random shit I could fit that I couldn't part with to come here and help her out with things.


My mom is now disabled and was having a really hard time maintaining her house she was basically given by my grandma because of her condition.


I have been here since January and still have no friends really just acquaintances at the bar i work at , have no personal space, and am basically miserable all the time... My life pretty much sucks fucking ass but when I think about her nothing else really matters and I get a feeling of joy and a smile.


Love you mom,













Moms are the shit, show some appreciation if you gots it. :)

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my dads job just got relocated. my parents dont really like each other, but they have gotten old enough where they just said fuck it. my mom had to move with him, 5 hours away. they lived in the house i grew up in. sure they rented, it was a duplex, behind some ghetto apartments near a busy street and a 7-11, but they lived there for so long.


she was hella sad to move far away from me...but she has a new house and im hoping she will like it.

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I was gonna go back home to portland on the 10th but I couldn't leave her, I felt to fucking bad. I only saw her a couple times in the 10 years I lived in oregon and I can see it in her how much she enjoys my presence since i been here, I am always gonna be her little boy I guess and Im really all she has here as well.

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I always dedicate this verse to mom--------


Pour out some liquor and I reminisce, cause through the drama

I can always depend on my mama

And when it seems that I'm hopeless

You say the words that can get me back in focus

When I was sick as a little kid

To keep me happy there's no limit to the things you did

And all my childhood memories

Are full of all the sweet things you did for me

And even though I act craaazy

I gotta thank the Lord that you made me

There are no words that can express how I feel

You never kept a secret, always stayed real

And I appreciate, how you raised me

And all the extra love that you gave me

I wish I could take the pain away

If you can make it through the night there's a brighter day

Everything will be alright if ya hold on

It's a struggle everyday, gotta roll on

And there's no way I can pay you back

But my plan is to show you that I understand

You are appreciated

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I need to get my eyes checked! I thought this thread said "Dear Mams," as in El Mammero.



I get along really good with both my parents, even though I've given them plenty of reasons to disown me. When I was 13, I called a bunch of 1-900 numbers one summer. When we got the bill my father was pissed. They both called me into the kitchen and asked me about it. My mother started looking through the phone bill, and with a sarcastic laughter said "$32.79 for 3 minutes! JESUS CHRIST, for that kind of money a hand should just come out of the phone and do it for you!"


She also farts and says "Oh, did you hear that Portague tree frog?" or "I think someone stepped on a duck."


I love my mom.

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ill never forget the first time i seen my moms naked, shit i couldnt have been more than 6, maybe 7 years old. she came in my room, dressed like i had chaka kahn herself standing before me. hair blowin in the breeze that my open window allowed in, her choice of course. she always did love the smell of them daisys my father planted next to my window.


she sat next to me, arms on her thighs, knees slightly seperated with her pretty ankles planted firmly together. put an arm around me, held me tight. leaned into my ear, told me today i was going to become a man. and that my father was leaving us. and it was time i found a job. told me thered be no more cereal in the mornings. no more hotwheels after class. explained to me that elementry school was no place for a man like me. and that it was time i be movin on.


shit my feet were only a size 4.5 back then and my pops, he had big ol feet. size 11 at least fro m what i remember. she handed me a pair of old beat up steeltoes. stunk like shit. strange mixture of a real piercing cheese with an uppercut that darn near knocked ya out when you got close enough to em.


she said as she handed me those dakotas, son. they might be a little big on you now. but youll grow, and not just on your feet, but in your mind. and in your sole.


ya know i didnt realize at the time why her hand hand been rubbing my testicles. but it sure did feel good. when i looked down at that little man that used to submarine up out the bath tab on occasion he was sprung like a new condo bein put up downtown. one of them real big ones, 30. maybe 40 floors, accept this was no building. this was a penis. a purple penis.


when she stood up, knowing she had pushed the right buttons in my head, and in my pants. i knew to stand up with her. i was a alot shorter when i was 6, so just stood right up on my bed. slung them old steel toes over my shoulder and open mouthed kissed my mom for what seemed like an eternity.


she smelt so good that day, like a chicken pot pie with all the fixins.


we made love that day. and was was everything it should have been. heck our little dog runnin around starin, sniffin even got a tatse. mom told me whoever said dogs a mans best friend clearly wasnt no woman, cause if it were. that sayin woulda went a little different. said she loved old dozer when hed stick his face between her legs. said sometimes shed even stick a milk bone up there for him to find. but she wouldnt make it easy on him, nope. shed bury that thing right up and inside so you could see not even a spec of crumbs on the outside of her lady part.


bout this time every year i think about that day, and how it made me whom i am today. almost brings a tear to the old eye ball. but then i just laugh it off, smile and go for a jog.


happy mothers day, mom.

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props due to mom dukes and all the women that helped mother me:

grandmas, great grandmas, aunties, babysitters, teachers, friends, boyfriends' moms, etc.


i actually cried picking out a mothers day card the other day, thinking about the love my mom has for me and vice versa, 'cause i'm such an everloving sap.

and i wasn't even surfin' the crimson wave at the time.

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