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So I had three guns pulled on me last night.


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I didn't back down from anything in this thread.


You high too?


I was under the impression that when you offered me a cookie that you were conceding the point.


And while I am not high I am working on my 12th can of beer and as such may have somewhat dampened skills of perception.

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You're so full of shit.


Only someone with a masters degree and 39 years on the job makes more than $11 an hour.









For management, or for flipping burgers?


You were probably so high that you thought the bitch handing you your Big Mac meal was making that shit.



it was just a sign on the window that said "NOW HIRING, STARTING WAGE $11/HR"

since there was no specification of it being management, i'm going to assume it was a general McD's register jockey/burger n fry guy type thing.


and no, i wasn't that high. i'm pretty sure i could do any drug and still comprehend where and how my bag of processed food is coming from.

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It didn't blow my mind that somebody was making $14.00 an hour, it blew my mind that you pretentious faggots were shitting on dude and acting like $14.00 an hour is some minimum wage shit.


Then you tried to say that you started out at $14.00 an hour when you worked at McDonalds. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


where I live, oil & gas is the main industry, and the only way they can get people to work full time at a mcdonalds, or anywhere like that IS to pay them $15.00/hour. believe it or not, I really don't care, that's the way it is.

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nothin wrong with a little blue collar action.

i loves me a union man.

those guys are more paid than your average office/restaurant worker for sure.


fuck a union.

turning everybody into a lazy piece of shit.

my line of work puts me in direct contact with union workers everyday, and I hate those lazy fucking pieces of shit.

always looking for handouts, no work ethic at all, making my life harder.

fuck a union.

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i would like to put it out there right now that i'm twenty five, have a college degree, and make nine dollars an hour in new york city.


and i still look fly and eat good.


bitches be pinchin' pennies. catchin' deals. etc.


it's only temporary til i'm done with school, but still...ain't no shame in my game!


$9 p/hr sucks in nyc. how do you live? working a shit job in retail pays more.

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I am a member of the union, but only because I have personally been fucked over by employers in the past. however my lecturers taught me how unions end up distorting wages and thus there becomes an inefiicient allocation of resources so that we will never let the free market dictate what job should be paid what wage.


I'm all for efficiency wages in theory, but fuck having them in practicality hahaa.

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youre trippin.



here's an example of what I mean.

my day starts at 07:30, we have our toolbox talk and then head outside.

I start signing work permits for the crews foremen around 08:00.

then they have to go back and get their crew.

then they have to go have a safety meeting.

then they have to go look at the job.

oh, now its 9:45 and time for first coffee which is half an hour.

then they have to go and get their tools.

by now its almost 11:00 and they haven't even turned a wrench, when I gave them authorization to work at fucking 8:00 am.

maybe they work for half an hour and now its time for lunch.

and so on and so forth.

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I don't fully agree with you Metronome. But, I do get what you are saying. The laziness and ridiculous amount of Red Tape is concentrated mainly in the Auto Industry in the U.S.(which has failed) "My contract says I can't weld that part" It's the lack of integrity within the Union organizers AND the union workers in that specific field.


I am not implying by any means that this is the status quo for any other Union organization. Just what I have observed in the Auto Industry.

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Fuck Unions, I was local 3 when I first moved here, they sucked.

I've always made more money at non union jobs because the company has/makes more money to pay you.

Honestly, if the Unions here didn't have a vice lock on shit through intimidation and connections they'd be out of business.

One of the reasons everything here costs 5 times as much as anywhere else, the Union.

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4.) I seriously doubt that McDonalds pays $14.00 an hour to anybody anywhere in any part of the world.






























































also i would just like to say this picture is fucking amazing


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felony for marker tag? state pole? that why? what? them girls 69ing..props..and i am jealous of GLENq...Loot. (systemFAILURE: here is the LOOT you requested)


I thought he was talking about the tag at first too, but now that I think about it I think he was talking about the running from him part.

They call that a felony down here.

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where I live, oil & gas is the main industry, and the only way they can get people to work full time at a mcdonalds, or anywhere like that IS to pay them $15.00/hour. believe it or not, I really don't care, that's the way it is.




So then if that's the case, where do you get off shitting on someone who lives in a normal place telling him that $14.00 an hour is highschool kids pay?

You just admitted that the Bumblefuck town you live in is so far removed from the rest of society that they HAVE to pay niggas a real wage to get them to flip burgers.

You're the one who was making fun of niggas for making $14.00 an hour in the first place talking about how anybody who makes that little is a failure at life.

When really, you're the dumbass who lives in a desolate, baron wasteland.










































































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