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So I had three guns pulled on me last night.


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First incident:

We were leaving this one bar cause they were fronting on my boy about his ID being expired. I cop a marker tag on some pole as we're walking to the car, and my boy's like "damn, that dude just saw you".

"That dude" turns out to be a cop that I didn't even see lurking wherever he was lurking.

Pig walks up and grabs my arm and I instinctively bolt (forgetting that I'm too out of shape to outrun some rookie ass cop).

Pig cracks me in the back of the head with his nightstick, I toss marker over some fence, pig checks me against fence.

I get back up to run again and pig shoves his gun in my face talking about "GET ON THE GROUND!!!".

I get on the ground.

Pig talks all kinds of pig talk about respecting his uniform blah, blah etc.

Then told me that what I did was a felony.

I told him I was just putting out a cigarette.

"Then why'd you run?"

"I'm scared of cops."

Rookie pig finds no marker on me, so I guess he buys my story of just putting out a cigarette.

See's blood leaking all down my head and figures he fucked up and tells me to "get the fuck outa here".



Second incident:

So I meet up with my boys at some other bar down the street. Then bounce to another bar.

I'm playing pool, and realize the blood is still leaking down the back of my neck, probably due to the alcohol thinning my blood and the fact that instead of drinking and playing pool at the bar, I should've probably been getting my dome stitched up.

So I go to the bathroom to clean up this bloody mess that won't stop bleeding.

Come out of bathroom to some nigga with a hoodie and a white bandana across his face shoving his gun in my face.

I'm like "WHOA.... I'M COOL DOGS..."

I keep it moving and see some other niggas jumping over the counter grabbing the register, and another nigga runs up and sticks his sawed off shotgun in my face yelling something about "WHERE'S THE MONEY!!!".

I'm like " WHOOAAA...I don't know nothing dogs, I don't work here".

Dude points his shotty at someone else behind the bar, and I keep it steppin to over by the pool tables and just chill there with my hands up while niggas is hiding behind tables and bitches are all crying and shit.

I look up and they're gone.

Me and my one boy decide to peace the fuck out before the cops show up, while my other boy decides to stay put at the bar finishing his beer and my other homie apparently decides to play hero and try and chase these niggas.




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naw thats crazy though... in my city the cop would have taken me in after he used the tazer gun.. real talk.. and the pool hall is retarded.. why rob a pool hall.. they got like $400 max




Not a pool hall, it was a bar with pool tables.


And considering it was Saturday night around 1:00 or so, they probably had a good amount of doe.

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thats one thing iv refelcted on that surprises me from over the years. of all the fucked up shit iv seen reguarding violent crime iv never walked in on a robbery.


and im talking looking a killer in the eyes within 3 minutes or less of a double homicide where the guy had nothing left to live for but life in prison.


carjacked and robbed by three, two with knives one to my throat one to my stomach.


and whatever else hasnt popped into my head as i type this.


im pretty calm under intense high pressure situations, not in a "im to cool for this" kind of way but in a "this is serious buisness and if i show any signs of weakness im dead, also. if i show any signs of confidence, im dead"


that bar scene shit sounds like a trip.


my moms is a bank teller and has been robbed personaly at the till about 3 or 4 times in her life at gunpoint. along with a bunch more while she was in the bank but not the teller.


shes a champ.

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I'm like "WHOA.... I'M COOL DOGS..."

I keep it moving and see some other niggas jumping over the counter grabbing the register, and another nigga runs up and sticks his sawed off shotgun in my face yelling something about "WHERE'S THE MONEY!!!".

I'm like " WHOOAAA...I don't know nothing dogs, I don't work here".



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So you got one friend that is ready to rat you out to the cops for slapping a base head and another that goes all hero on armed fools to protect some bar owners money?


Your stated opinions on snitching do not seem to keep step with the company you keep. It might be time to start hanging with squares and other parents.


And a gay bar owner none the less.

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and why aren't you on some police brutality shit. if he believed you were putting out a cig, and cracked you in the head to make you bleed, i figured you'd be like OMG I'M SUING YOUR PIG ASS FOR THIS AND THAT AND THIS AND THIS AND THIS.




I've got too much of a record to be pressing my luck like that.

I could see that backfiring on me if I tried.

Cops always win anyways.

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