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you - have / have not


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been in a high speed police pursuit,driving.

called the chief of police a faggot then i ran away,lolz

shot off a gun in my own home

been lock in a padded room for a few hours


have not;

completed what i have wanted to do in life yet.

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Made a mistake that cost 58k to fix.

Worked for 26 hours straight.

Been to the Soviet Union and a couple years later Russia.

Distributed large amounts of illicit substances.

Kicked heroin cold turkey.


Have not-


Met anyone famous


Come up with anything all that interesting for this thread.

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I have:

-unknowingly smoked PCP the first time I smoked weed.

-smashed one of those one-piece white plastic patio chairs over someone's head.

-smashed a few married women, some on a regular basis.

-met Ghostface and Raekwon and ODB's dad and his dad's girlfriend.

-had a friend that murdered someone.

-walked out on jobs.

-been fishing and caught a shitload of bass in the middle of a snow storm.

-street raced and then had a cop chase both of us and took an exit at the last second and got away.

-been arrested for graffiti and then again a week later.

-threw a yard dart at my little brother and hit him in the face.

-had brain surgery twice and had more stitches and staples from various injuries than anyone I have ever known.


I have not:

-been out of the USA

-brought a girl home to meet my parents.

-done heroin.

-bought a new car.

-broken a bone.

-learned how to swim.


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I made one for DAO since he doesn't seem to understand the point of this thread:




Fought a bunch of people

Moved cross country to get away from some warrants

Had a kid

Shot a dude in a movie theater for being too loud

Eaten Lobster


Have not:

Eaten sushi

Managed to get away from the cops every time

worn tight pants

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I have


lots my mind through taking too much acid

had the polie contact my parents to ask if i was mental as I did my best to destroy a police cell

woken up covered in blood (not my own) and had no idea how it happened

smoked crack

kicked heroin


I have not

taken ketamine or PCP

eaten lobster

done anything balling

supported myself through selling drugs

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7 hours aint shit for holding cell time.

Other than the boxers part, sounds like the usual shit that I'm used to. Only you get out quicker.


I'm not 100% sure, but I believe it was Providence that made me go into holding with just my boxers and a wifebeater on, dead of winter. That shit fucking sucked

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I have:

- Partied and painted with a lot of people on or used to be on this site. Some I met here, some I met through mutual friends, and some don’t even know I am on this board

- Been everyone’s favorite partner in crime thanks to my unsuspecting looks and friendly demeanor

- Been skiing in the Andes mountains and almost flew off the edge of the cliff

- Been approached by creepy Dov Charney at an American Apparel warehouse sale for my phone number and photos and turned him down

- Seen a bicyclist’s dead body laying on street seconds after he was hit by a drunk driver

-Had gangsters pull guns on me and my friends

- Seen an obese black thug galloping a horse like a real equestrian in the middle of the hood


Have not:

- Smoked cigarettes

- Gone to prom, homecoming, or any of those high school extracurricular activities

- Watched any Pixar movies. Not a single one

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- Competed on a national level for rock climbing. Got 4th.

- Learned to drive on a stick shift

-Had a job since I was 11. There hasn't been a time more than a couple of months that I didn't have one.

-"Found" 150 bucks in my bank account last night. Haha I didn't know it was there.

- Jumped from one roof to another a few times.

- Broke into an abandoned factory only to find out it was not actually abandoned. Ran.

- Eaten lobster (seriously...who hasn't even tried it)

-Walked out of stores while talking to the cashier while wearing and or holding clothes or items from the store.

-Been arrested by the military after belly flopping on pavement from the top of a 10 ft fence after my shoe got stuck in it.


-Drank Alcohol

-Smoked anything

-Been on any type of drugs besides pain killers

-Been in a fight

-Crashed a car

-Drank a cup of coffee

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-driven across the country twice

-lived in my car with my dog for 2 months.

-been shot and stabbed. (not in the same sitting)

-pulled a gun on 4 thugs trying to steal my truck, and avoided the almost sure thing gunfight.

-hit someone with a mag-light

-made it through all the fights and bullshit a better and pretty nice person.

-driven a garbage truck

-skated and placed in the tampa am contest(10 years ago)

-hopped a freight across a couple states



have not


-done meth or heroin

-played on a football team

-been to utah

-gone to college(hope that one changes some day)

-drank a colt45, i grew up a mickey's kinda kid

-skated the hubba ledge, or love park.

-been anywhere outta the country other than puerto rico.

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1.taught myself to drive a stick on my first car that had a synchronized transmission

2.rolled a car

3.hit a target from over 1000 yards with a .308

4.robbed a house with people in it

5.wiggled my way out of jail time 4 times

6.counted over 50,000 dollars in cash (not mine sadly)

7.applied to own an arby's, forged the bank statements proving i had enough net worth or something and met for lunch with them. then they realized i was bullshitting them (im not old enough to buy smokes...)

8.drunkenly told an army soldier wielding an AK-47 to "shut the fuck up and let me walk home!" in africa (i guess he couldnt speak english)

9.had stitches on my eyelid

10.woken up and found stitches in my arm, but no cut. (still cant figure this one out)

11.had pneumonia


have not


1.broken a bone

2.learned to swim

3.succeeded in getting my parents to stop smoking (its killing them)

4.done nay drugs other then weed and pills

5.had more then a thousand dollars. (not including liquifiable assets)

6.gotten an STD

7.ridden on a train that i didnt hop

8.ever had surgery other then stitches

9.ever been "knocked out" by a hospital. the only times ive been unconscious were from injuries, alcohol and illness.

10.ever held a 100percent legitimate job. always been under the table type deals

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7.applied to own an arby's, forged the bank statements proving i had enough net worth or something and met for lunch with them. then they realized i was bullshitting them (im not old enough to buy smokes...)


explain. cuz imma be 18 soon and this might be tight.

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Nigga you said you was IN Chernobyl.

You even made a thread and posted pics about it.

You was lying?

Pripyat is about 2 miles from the reactor called Chernobyl

Chernobyl township itself is about 11 miles from the reactor in the other direction.

I have been to all three.

when I say outside it is literally outside the fence of the power plant like the springfield one in the simpsons.

so no, not lying

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i have

survived a roll over in a car

stabbed someone(with a screwdriver in the leg then bit part of his skin off his arm,he wanst seriously injured tho)

had a gun pointed to my head

found a dead body(hooker)

smoked weed that was laced(unbenounced to me)

been arrested 4 times


i have not

had a girlfriend in 2 years:(

done coke

gone camping

lived in a house.always apartments or trailers.

driven a car even tho im 16

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I Have:


Had a 3some

Had multiple drawings of mine tattooed on people

Had a tiger eat out of my hands, literally.

Partied with Elisha Cuthbert on my brother in laws stag. (She is kind of a bitch, but smash)

Picked up hitch hikers because I was bored.

Lit a guy on fire (welding class high school, he was un hurt)

Rode a sled towed by a truck,

Driven 276 km/h on my bike.

Went to a guys job at a restraunt, walked into the kitchen and proceeded to kick his ass for fucking my girlfriend at the time (ex now of course).


I Haven't:


Ordered a steak

Been in a jeep with no doors

Been to the east coast (up here in Canada)

Driven a rhd car

Never bought weed still to this day


Banged anyone other than white girls *sadface*

Never been to the southern hemisphere

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i like the green and orange so im stealin it too /nh


been addicted to adderol

smoked weed

friends in jail

friends addicted to heroin

gone to more concerts than i can count on both my hands

smashed prom queen

smashed homecoming queen

painted every day for two weeks


have not

been arrested

gotten an f in any class

been with anyone younger than me/my age

lived anywhere else

ordered a salad

owned an x-box

had brainfreeze

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