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Come ups: Flipping money and the hustle


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You've got to start small so that you don't lose all of your money while you're getting the hang of whatever it is that you're trying to do.



This is on point. If you let one fuck up discourage you, you won't win at this game.


Also, glad to see this thread coming back. Hope it inspires some folks to make money


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You've got to start small so that you don't lose all of your money while you're getting the hang of whatever it is that you're trying to do.


P.S. cock fights, dog fights, etc... are lame.



Never been to one. I also see it as abuse, but I'd like to see a cockfight as an experience.



Swampfighter: this is true. scared money doesn't make money.


If I could add to this: Smart money makes more money.

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It's all about multiple streams of income. Having one cashflow is weak and will eventually fuck you over. Even if the other sources of money seem lame or pebbles it's still makin you less dependent on the others and that's the key. To not depend on one thing.


Ma always said "Don't put all your eggs in one basket"

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The key is also quantity in this case... One thing isn't going to make you million bucks, but five or six sources might (unless of course you've got some brilliant idea, but those are few and far between).


You need one cash flow source to cover your living expenses, another that just feeds your savings account (for the hard times), another to support your lifestyle, and so on.


This way if one folds you're not a homeless bum talking about the good old days when you used to be rolling in it.



This is why I advocate midget slavery.

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Never been to one. I also see it as abuse, but I'd like to see a cockfight as an experience.



Swampfighter: this is true. scared money doesn't make money.


If I could add to this: Smart money makes more money.

cockfights are the truth. fun as shit, plus you get to gamble and get loose.

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A friend of a friend was interested in golfing. In looking for clubs found that the sports stores could not sell last years models. Went to every store and purchased the stock they had left over. Became power seller on ebay, got a warehouse and hired people to run it. Around 100 K a year almost hands off the last I heard.


On the less profitable trip, if you can cut out the middle man that employers are when selling your labor you make a lot more. Real simple concept but important to remember. When I was a kid I mowed lawns, working directly for the home owner I would make 25 per hour using their equipment, at the time my method of transport was a bike. Working on a crew I would make around ten or twelve before taxes.


Come on folks, someone has to have some more ideas to contribute....

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A friend of a friend was interested in golfing. In looking for clubs found that the sports stores could not sell last years models. Went to every store and purchased the stock they had left over. Became power seller on ebay, got a warehouse and hired people to run it. Around 100 K a year almost hands off the last I heard.


On the less profitable trip, if you can cut out the middle man that employers are when selling your labor you make a lot more. Real simple concept but important to remember. When I was a kid I mowed lawns, working directly for the home owner I would make 25 per hour using their equipment, at the time my method of transport was a bike. Working on a crew I would make around ten or twelve before taxes.


Come on folks, someone has to have some more ideas to contribute....



That golf club deal sounds like a sweet come up.


More ideas? Customizing/modifying things for people. Before my sis got into pharma tech, she would buy lightswitch covers/power outlet covers and take cartoon wallpaper and affix it and coat it with clearcoat, then sell on ebay to parents who were making their kids room "themed". She did pretty well from what I recall. One could easily do the same thing with graffiti, bands, etc.

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If you guys are looking for some quick money take one of those sheets the use to sell like cookies and shit and say it's for your school.

Tell them the teacher says cash isbest

You get checks, but just throw those out.

I made about 100 bucks in one day with like 2 sheets.

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Ticket Scalping.


Grinding is the easiest, buy your tickets as far away from the door as you can, for as low as you can. Sell as close to the door as you can for as much as possible. Pretty simple cut throat capitalism. Shrug your shoulders like you have no control over the prices, point to another scalper and say they are paying less or charging more.


Buying in advance is a little trickier but can yield great results. Here is your chance to use your hipster knowledge of up and coming bands, etc. Example of this working out well is when NOFX came to Seattle to play a smaller club. Sale price was 15 per ticket in advance. On the sidewalk out front some German tourists paid 300 per ticket, this is of course a extreme example.


Come on folks, I know some of you are holding out.

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  • 1 month later...

Something i didn't mention because it's small-time but still effective is colleges. at the end of the year kids throw fucking EVERYTHING away when moving out, this includes a ton of useable appliances and other good shit you can keep or flip. if you hit up the more expensive/rich/preppy schools you can usually surf away with gold. for example: i helped some friends move out of Georgetown this week and was able to get this...




for free. $200+ jacket. yeah it needs dry cleaned.

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  • 3 months later...

get nitrous tanks guns and friends. sell to rich neo hippie hipster kids at phish/grateful dead parking lots. buy apartment complex buildings and maintain them till you can pay someone to do so and then collect.


or you can have a regular job and get an IRA, if you make it to 60 then maybe get some guns and some land too.

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