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  1. she still looks like a dude ugly ass bitch. wasn't she amish?
  2. Dude i am all for tattooed chicks but one that look like guys and f-ugly come'on. Jesse can get way better looking chicks than that POS. Sandra is way better looking may not be super model material but her personality and looks make her a good catch IMO.
  3. waiting on the blkmrktgallery.com site for the new Kinsey Prints to drop.
  4. just got out of a meeting and thought i would drop by 12oz to see whats new.
  5. sitting outside the local laundry mat waiting for my clothes to dry.
  6. ^^ that's dope picking up a GrowLab this weekend ;)
  7. one more thing have you shot the Querreros market wall on York & 56 in Highland Park?
  8. thanks for the flicks IOU. question do you carry your camera around and shoot random tags you see? or do you know all the "spots"
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