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What book are you reading? Part 20

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2 hours ago, Dark_Knight said:

I refuse to give sci-fi a chance

You're missing out, dude. What makes you say that?


I recently got done with the Culture series by Iain M. Banks. I've never read such fiercely creative SF as his, they really stretch your mind. Currently, I'm about 4/5 through Parliament of Whores or "A Lone Humorist Attempts to Explain the Entire US Government" by PJ O'Rourke which for a book written in 1991 is still surprisingly relevant. I guess for as much as has changed, things really do stay the same.

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8 hours ago, DisgracedCosmonaut said:

You're missing out, dude. What makes you say that?


I recently got done with the Culture series by Iain M. Banks. I've never read such fiercely creative SF as his, they really stretch your mind. Currently, I'm about 4/5 through Parliament of Whores or "A Lone Humorist Attempts to Explain the Entire US Government" by PJ O'Rourke which for a book written in 1991 is still surprisingly relevant. I guess for as much as has changed, things

really do stay the same.

Well not entirely true. Dark Matter by Black Crouch was incredible. I guess I just associate the genre with low quality.

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Finally got around to and just finished, The Catcher In The Rye.

I almost didn't get through the first chapter because I hate the way Salinger wrote Holden's dialog but I guess it's dated and maybe I need to read more Salinger to see if it's the writing or the character.

Overall, It was good. A very privileged, young rebellious intellectual, describing, "a day in the life."



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On 7/22/2018 at 11:43 PM, metronome said:

Finished these.  Next up:


Just read some of the synopsis on the books you posted. 


If you like enders game type shit. Ernest Cline - the ready player one guy, has another book called Armada. Think he wrote it before Ready Player One. It’s an easy, enjoyable read. A bit predictable at times but I was ok with it. Reminded me of a cross between the last star fighter and enders game. 

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My current read. Murakami takes his magical realism to another level in this one. Would more fittingly group it in the fantasy genre and as always with his work it’s nearly  impossible to give a synopsis without sounding crazy.  Nonetheless it’s great so far. Have yet to run across any murakami that I didn’t latch on too.


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@metronomeStarted the malazan books. About 6 hours in. At first I was like,I don’t know what the complaints about it are, seem easy enough way to introduce you to the world but I see what they mean now. Too much bouncing around and it’s a little unclear on abilities and motives. Sticking with it a bit longer though. 

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1 hour ago, diggity said:

@metronomeStarted the malazan books. About 6 hours in. At first I was like,I don’t know what the complaints about it are, seem easy enough way to introduce you to the world but I see what they mean now. Too much bouncing around and it’s a little unclear on abilities and motives. Sticking with it a bit longer though. 

GotM definitely has a lot going on.  It's so worth sticking with though.  Let me know how it goes and I can try and clear stuff up without spoiling if you have questions.

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23 hours ago, Dark_Knight said:

Also, I think we should organize a forum book club of sorts. Would be nice to have discussion beyond a local setting.

I was thinking the same thing. 

my only restriction would be that the book would need to exist in audio format - most do anyway. 


on another note,  in an effort to stop the clutter in my house, i hit up my local library a year or so back.

shit has really changed. for my library, i can search all their books from a browser, they'll send books to the branch nearest me if i dont want to go pick it up.

but the biggest change is alot of them will let you check out audio books and even movies through various apps.


its cut down on my pirating a ton and in some ways is actually easier.


all you have to do is have a library card number and a pin. 

the app i'm using is called Libby but theres another one called Kanopy thats more for movies.


My local library even gives access to Lynda.com.


maybe alot of people already know this shit but it was a pretty rad for me to find.


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Started this book about a week ago. Began really action packed, then dragged for half the book, then got really good again. Another one of those books where the author pulls various current events and then extrapolates them into a societal collapse scenario, which comes off terrifyingly real since it’s likely not far from the truth. 




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On 8/1/2018 at 6:12 PM, diggity said:



all you have to do is have a library card number and a pin. 

the app i'm using is called Libby but theres another one called Kanopy thats more for movies.


My local library even gives access to Lynda.com.


maybe alot of people already know this shit but it was a pretty rad for me to find.


We have the same apps/programs here at our local library too. ..also, you have the option to check out gopros, digital cameras, musical instruments,  lawn equipment, etc etc. ..plus they have 3d printers you can use as well as a book binding machine to make your own books...definitely keeping up with the times! 


Oh and btw, i'd be down for a forum book club too.

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If you like historical fiction, I highly recommend The Symapthizer. What a ride.



The Void is next on the agenda. Starting it tonight. This book was written in entirety without using the letter “e” once. Both the French and the English translations. That in itself is worthy of praise.


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