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What book are you reading? Part 20

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I picked all 3 up at the same time, read the murder city one first ,shit was crazy. Reading marine sniper now and its bad ass, and BMF I got pretty much for the local history of it, meech and his brother lived about a mile away from me before going to atlanta and los angeles

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gettin ready for school:





shit is awesome. Has a breakdown of how policy analysis figures into public history on back to shaman, and further it's relation to various epistemological positions.


I'm just now getting into the actual types of analysis and forecasting.

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The ‘Painted Bird’ is a holocaust novel that mentions

the concentration camps only in passing, and rarely

details the Nazis and their terrible work. This is the

story of a young boy who gets separated from his

parents when they send him to the (perceived) safety

of the countryside when World War II breaks out in

Eastern Europe. What happens to the boy – the things

that are done to him, the things he sees and

endures – is staggering. It’s a shocking description of

hell on Earth. This book is a carnival of torture.

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Picking this up tonight to try and tide me over somewhat waiting for Skyrim to come out.


The Infernal City is the first ever tie-in novel to the long-standing Elder Scrolls series of fantasy computer role-playing games. The setting is very much a traditional Western fantasy, with its pseudo-European medieval magical realm populated with various familiar fantasy races. On the other hand, it is built on a mythology, history, and lexicon which is entirely its own. The result is that a reader not familiar with the games, especially the fourth iteration, Oblivion, will be hopelessly lost. Make no mistake, this book is meant for fans and only they will get anything out of reading this book.

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I'm on my phone so no pics, but I'm currently working on In the Heart of the Sea...it's an account of the Essex, which was a whaling ship from Nantucket that was attacked and sunk by a sperm whale. Crazy story, plus it has a ton of interesting information about whaling/maritime life in the 19th century. Highly recommended to anyone looking for some nonfiction aside from the usual military/crime stuff

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Steinbeck and Brave New World are both excellent.


I just finished the Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera,


Other books I read recently and liked are 100 yrs of Solitude by Maquez (Spelling?)


and Men Without Women by Hemingway.


Photo's later.

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Steinbeck and Brave New World are both excellent.


I just finished the Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera,


Other books I read recently and liked are 100 yrs of Solitude by Maquez (Spelling?)


and Men Without Women by Hemingway.


Photo's later.


Men Without Women was the second Hemingway I read and it cemented how much I like his work.

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Life as a Roman soldier, Burgundian cannonier, and violent Viking in the East Midlands all come under the remit of Tim Moore, who turns his entertaining eye for detail to the lifestyle of those people who partake in historical re-enactments.


just in case somebody wonders what it's about

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