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^ :lol: :lol:

good one.

not to go off topic but they should bring back the girl from season 5.. them two working together as serial killers was cool, and a lot better than the same shit from seasons 1-4.


They did the same thing in season three.



I can't wait for walt to get back into being the Heisenberg Persona and wearing his business hat all the time. Haha

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only a matter of time before hank catches onto walter


1. he was curious about the meth haul on the tv at the party / tags along to the lab raid

2. walt's a chemist teacher / his equipment goes missing with a mask found near crazy 8's car

3. pro made meth found on streets soon after

4. he's been associated with jesse who's been slangin blue crystal

5. he has a vast amount of money all of sudden...even if he claims it's from gambling

6. the w.w. in the notes...even if it can be explained

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only a matter of time before hank catches onto walter


1. he was curious about the meth haul on the tv at the party / tags along to the lab raid

2. walt's a chemist teacher / his equipment goes missing with a mask found near crazy 8's car

3. pro made meth found on streets soon after

4. he's been associated with jesse who's been slangin blue crystal

5. he has a vast amount of money all of sudden...even if he claims it's from gambling

6. the w.w. in the notes...even if it can be explained


my thoughts also.


it's not like there's an abundance of people with that much chemistry knowledge in a small town.


and nobody acts ashamed like that when they win a vast sum of money. he would be considered a gambling pro. not a gambling addict.


suspecting Walt would also jive with that false emergency call to hank's wife. it took inside knowledge to pull that off.

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Albuquerque isn't necessarily a small town and their investigation has produced leads from all over NM and other neighboring states as far as the blue meth is concerned. Not just the local school district.


There are a few universities there and a bunch of industry, so skilled chemists are probably around. Hank being able to separate one chemist from another in terms of skill level is like asking some normal dork at work how to make Krink.


I'm not saying all the other shit won't add up and send a whiff of crime detection up Hank's pig nose, but those two points I just mentioned are a stretch.

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Damn Walter what did you say!

I'm sitting here thinking "Damn Walt just came out and said 'the guy is still out there' and Hank didn't even think of W.W in the folder!". But then I realised when you're reading stuff and trying to figure something out the most obvious answer can be right in your face and you'll miss it.

They're doing this super well. I bet Jesse's going to get an ego on him now and become more of a tough guy. But who knows, he could be careless taking on that persona and get sloppy there.


Either way, good episode, keen to see how they progress. Wonder if Skyler will confront Walt about Gale and his murder.

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Great episode




all i said after the episode was over was. OH SHIT!!!! :lol:

also, looks like I/we have scared all the idiots and naysayers away.

but if they are still lurking, hey retards... still crying this show is not as good after this episode?




since when do vegans eat fried chicken



awwwww sheeeeeet


this ^


so fucking crazy, i wanna know what the numbers/letters on the pollos bag mean!

can't wait for next week...


Damn Walter what did you say!

I'm sitting here thinking "Damn Walt just came out and said 'the guy is still out there' and Hank didn't even think of W.W in the folder!". But then I realised when you're reading stuff and trying to figure something out the most obvious answer can be right in your face and you'll miss it.

They're doing this super well. I bet Jesse's going to get an ego on him now and become more of a tough guy. But who knows, he could be careless taking on that persona and get sloppy there.


Either way, good episode, keen to see how they progress. Wonder if Skyler will confront Walt about Gale and his murder.




you drunk, cocky fucking idiot!

why why why why why!!!!!!!!!! hank just said he was over the case, he got nothing! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO YOURSELF! YOU DUMB FUCK!

walt got drunk and let his ego take over right there... he got mad they were calling a 2nd rate chemist a genius... hell i would be too if i was a grade a+ meth "chef" :lol: but fuck.. it's been what.. 4 seasons... you think he's been in the game long enough to have some drug dealer/supplier/kingping common sense....


also, i think hank will have one of those moments... like you said (when you don't even see something infront of your face) but then.. one random day.. you're on the crapper... or doing something completely random.. and BAM! it hits you.. "oh shit this means that!" so i think soon hank will be like "FUCK... W.W. COULD BE WALTER!!!!!"....


and the shit with jesse.... didn't see that coming... that is what i love about AMC.

the writers are awesome.

i don't think he will get an ego, unless he saves the day again.

i love that gus set that shit up, gus is one smart dude...

good to see jesse is back.

also, i knew jesse wasn't going to go down like a wounded animal...


nah, skyler doesn't know about gayle.

but she will say something about walt being an idiot and leading hank to himself basically..

i think next episode there will be a big argument about that when they get back home from the dinner, or the day after.



The show has me shaking my head. Not really sure whats going on.


how are you not sure what is going on?

walt basically just handed hank a "oh hey, look for heisenburg some more.. you didn't catch me yet NA NA NA NA NA" card.

gus made some shit happen so jesse got his groove back.

and skylar is mad as fuck at walt for telling hank to keep looking.

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how are you not sure what is going on?

walt basically just handed hank a "oh hey, look for heisenburg some more.. you didn't catch me yet NA NA NA NA NA" card.

gus made some shit happen so jesse got his groove back.

and skylar is mad as fuck at walt for telling hank to keep looking.


Tryin to figure out what Gus is doing with Jesse. All that make him feel like a hero type shit.

No question about Walt or Skyler. Both of them are developing egos. You play bad you act

bad and you act bad you play bad. Walt and Skyler with the Carwash, and last night at the end

with Hank. Perhaps his biggest mistake yet.

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Gus was testing Jesse after they'd been watching him and his self destructive habits since he killed Gale. Gus set it up so that Jesse would go and collect the dead drops with Mike and then the dude with the shotgun would roll up. he'd see if he would bitch it or try to survive, now he's Mikes new 'guy'.

You know how Mike said in the car "I had a guy, and you're not my guy, you can't do shit, you aren't capable of being my guy"

Well, Jesse proved he can do it so now he's Mikes guy.

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i don't think he will get an ego, unless he saves the day again.


I reckon he's gonna start getting ahead of himself, even when Walt came back to the lab he was being cocky and all "get back to it, we've got shit to do" and "I was just out with Mike, don't worry about it".

Which I think also may have made Walt spill the beans about Gale being an inferior cook, because Jesse now has this important role and Walt is now JUST the cook, he's feeling not so special anymore.

Ahhh I love delving into the possibilities of this show!

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