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being a whistleblower the same as a snitch?


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im close to calling the labor board on my boss


i work at a deli


no breaks , unsafe work environment (broken step ladder, ice on floor of freezer, couple other things too)


i could find a new job but this would be easier




snitching is shit i know, but ....... for some reason i am seriously considering doing this


well, off to work



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Guest shai_hulud

Wait till you slip and fall in the freezer, THEN call the labor board. If you want, you can expedite that, but it's probably gonna happen one way or the other.


Fuck this guy. It's not hard or expensive to have a safe work environment, he's just a slacker.


And the break thing? Just tell him you want a five dollar an hour raise and to be paid in cash at the end of every day. When he tells you that's illegal, that's when you say, "That's funny, so is not giving me a break."

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I would call it snitching if his business was hurting for $ and you just did it for spite

Sounds to me like he is trying to save extra money by not looking after his business and employees.

You got to stand up for yourself and fellow employees. In this case it works against "the man" so your street cred points will not be affected.

Power to the people.

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I'd slip on the ice, then put an anonymous tip in with the labor board.


People at my job put anonymous tips into the State's office for review all the time. Sometimes shit hits the fan, sometimes nothing happens.


It always makes your superior's sweat and sometimes you get something out of it that's positive.

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All is fair when it involves your money son.



Been working this jam for 3 years going on it its easy as fuck and most the people I work with are nice. My boss started hiring on her daughters friends at a dollar to a dollar 50 over people who have been there and havent gotten a pay evaluation, been giving them more hours when others get cut, lets them get away with shit (One bitch called in sick and ended up at the mall with her daughter and got off clean, this is at Thanksgiving too). I call HR at corporate and got her ass audited and got myself a $3/hour raise plus a bonus from HR department.

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my professional advice:


research your state's employee rights. if your state says that every 8 hour shift, gets a half hour break, BANG, you got him. if it says anything under 8 gets 15 mins, BANG, you got him. figure all your rights out before you follow my advice.


seeing as you said it's "easy" to find a job, then get your knowledge together and approach the mother fucker like your name is Jimmy Hoffa. state the facts. explain to him that people are fed up with his bullshit, and nobody wants to take it anymore. if you've got the general support of all your co-workers, this dude is fucked. if it doesn't work, then go get that new job that is so easy to find.


i say go about it this way, before you call the labor board. if the dude doesn't listen to you, then most likely he's running a shitty business. eventually it will come back to bite him in the ass, and he'll be shit out of luck and putting a "closed for good" sign on the door.


karma is a bitch.

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i like how the whole snitching thing has gotten to the point where even if someone is profiting off of you buy putting you in harms way its still questionable as to whether to get an outside party involved. fuck that. no regard for me = no regard for you.



real talk right there...


this dude is putting you out by not treating you fairly under state laws

as far as i see it, you got to do something about it

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im close to calling the labor board on my boss


i work at a deli


no breaks , unsafe work environment (broken step ladder, ice on floor of freezer, couple other things too)


i could find a new job but this would be easier




snitching is shit i know, but ....... for some reason i am seriously considering doing this


well, off to work





Is your deli "in the streets"


I didnt think so. That code of the streets shit only applies for segments of society that abide by the code.


using street law in work affairs is so hip hop you dont stop right now



go get a job at subway, but they probably wont let smoke dro in the cooler

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Dude you can file a complaint with the labor dept now while you work there. It will take 9months to 2 years for them to investigate your claims. However you can find a new job and then you will still be awarded damages if they figure your claims to be true.


Happened to me, they weren't paying us over time so we filed multiple complaints. I moved on forgot about it, two years later one of my friends got a call and they said we proved your claims you will be receiving checks in them mail. Mine was a nice $900 bonus two years later!

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i like how the whole snitching thing has gotten to the point where even if someone is profiting off of you buy putting you in harms way its still questionable as to whether to get an outside party involved. fuck that. no regard for me = no regard for you.






different situation i know.





cant fake an injury or get a real one, i would get a quick drug test

"you were high on marijuana when you slipped and fell son"

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