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Official Grown ass Man Thread

Poesia [ ] T

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No. It's retarded. It doesnt work. It just makes mountains out of molehills. The sooner you cut it out the better.


the shit about negging, minimal bodily contact, eye contact, vocal tones etc, DO work.


i don't follow it but i use and remember some of the techniques

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Yeah I read "The Game" and a handful of pdf books ***** gave me and took it all seriously for a couple months a almost two years ago. I'm not gonna lie about it. You just said that it's good and it works. Now you're saying you just browsed a website for 30 minutes. I'm not mad. If we can't talk about this shit like mature people it's cool.

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  • 1 month later...

So I went to file for unemployment today and discovered that for the entire year of 2010 my employer had filed my income under the wrong social security number.


#1 I worked for an entire year

#2 I went to a government office instead of just going on a thieving spree

#3 My very first thought was how is this going to affect my taxes

#4 I can't live outdoors any more because I'm a grown ass man

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Ya, i spent two years training to become an electrician but it didn't work out.

From what i can gather, right now it's just an inconvenience but in april it might be a problem. All my former employer has to do is file an amended w2c to the feds and it's all good.

I should get called back to work in a few months but it's just weird to me how my thought process has changed in a few short years. From homeless thieving train hopping to worrying about tax status.

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  • 2 weeks later...

the not shoplifting anymore thing really blows. part of me hopes that the economy really divebombs and there is no hope whatsoever so i can quit this charade of being a real adult and just get back to racking, painting, trespassing, reckless drinking and drug use, etc. it was way more fun than having a job and being responsible. the only reason i'm trying right now is so i don't disappoint a few select family members.

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the not shoplifting anymore thing really blows. part of me hopes that the economy really divebombs and there is no hope whatsoever so i can quit this charade of being a real adult and just get back to racking, painting, trespassing, reckless drinking and drug use, etc. it was way more fun than having a job and being responsible. the only reason i'm trying right now is so i don't disappoint a few select family members.


my hands shake when i walk out of a store without racking something

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  • 3 years later...

This month-

Hurt a foot walking home

Fell down on some slippery rocks and broke a finger

Hopped a shoulder high wall (barely) and got a bruise the size of Texas on my thigh



Feels like just yesterday I was skating off of roofs and jumping stairs and shit :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Grown Ass Men,


In five months time I'm going to roll the dice and live the international starving artist life. (Only thing keeping me today is my lease.)

Couchsurfing will be my accom, the little savings I have will be for medical emergencies and

selling canvases and commissions will keep me afloat.

My life has been straight for about 4 years solid. Stable white collar dead end job, no debt, newish car, gym membership, ect ect,

I'm giving up on it and chasing my dreams, to paint in every city possible.

I'm not planning on coming home. So lets hope this works out eh, I have two large cases

one to be filled with art supplies the other clothes and whatever else.


Advise and tips welcome,




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Stay away from cold climates until you get your street-feet.


go to places with good tourist flow and where street hawkers are tolerated but be sure to understand the local climate as n00bs coming in to crowd out the market might piss folk off.


Register on the DFAT site. Sounds corny but trust me.


Understand what the Chinese like to buy and go where they holiday.


Stay out of Syria.

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