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My New Year's Resolution. What's Yours? (even though I think it's stupid)

Weapon X

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bump bob ross! happy trees. im pretty sure that ill just do what i do if i decide to change something then rad if not it's cool too. although i may cut back on goin to the bar every night. that shit gets expensive for sure. that and i need to get back on my skateboard. more smash less trash. gotta be a little more picky

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-lose like 30 pounds

-goto the gym more for basketball / weights again

-get a dime piece girlfriend, hang on to her for a few months atleast

-get out of debt

-finish both sleeves, and more tattoos elsewhere

-get a house hopefully by summer time

-get a second car to throw my system back into. something cheap but pimpish.

-drink a little less.

-start a company on the side to make some extra money

-read more books

-more to come...

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no new years resolutions, but here is a list of my current goals:

*more yoga

*start jogging/running

*more sewing

*more photography

*start painting

*get out of debt

*more socializing/making friends

*more dating

*more writing

*get my bike fixed

*get a better job

*take the GRE

*apply to grad school

*learn how to communicate better

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Get enough credientials and merit by the end of the first quarter to quit my job..

Boss around and stack paper through the second quarter

Actually quit in the third

Be settled in my new location and career by the fourth..


And I will be scatting on atleast a car a month this whole year.

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