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True Life: Im a Juggalo


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guaranteed that was a true story


his sister was named Lotus, and his brothers wer Jack and Jake, middle names Jeckel (rofl!)



them dudes were there cause we're business men.

The only thing we care about is cash, and those kids bring it to the table (believe it or not)


i went to that Gathering concert a couple times with them dudes, made more loot then you can imagine. Nothin like rich suburban kids with their mom and dads money!

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I was gonna youtube these people and see exactly why they are so bad but after seeing these last pictures I am not even gonnna make the effort... I never listened tothem because everyone who is actually into them is ugly. There is no attractive people that are into ICP



If pretty people aren't listening than SomeJuan hab not has teh interests...

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i remember this kid i knew in eighth grade who was all hardcore into icp and he would always spout all this shit about how punk is dead and the juggalos are taking over.

fucking douche, he totally looked like he did meth.

im sure he paints his face and has a 230lb girlfriend who was raped but a german sheppard at her fathers request now.


but seriously whats the clown gayness with these guys?

seriously this shit is worse than girl pant wearing wannabe emo skaters.

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[Violent J]

What is a juggalo?

Let me think for a second

Oh, he gets butt-naked

And then he walks through the streets

Winking at the freaks

With a two-liter stuck in his butt-cheeks


[shaggy 2 Dope]

What is a juggalo?

He just don't care

He might try to put a weave

In his nut hair

Cuz he could give a fuck less

What a bitch thinks

He tell her that her butt stinks

And all that


[Violent J]

What is a juggalo?

He drinks like a fish

And then he starts huggin people

Like a drunk bitch

Next thing, he's pickin fights

With his best friends

Then he starts with the huggin again



[shaggy 2 Dope]

What is a juggalo?

A fucking lunatic

Somebody with a rope tied to his dick

Then he jumps out a ten-story window



[Chorus (2x)]

What is a juggalo?

A juggalo

That's what it is

Well, fuck, if I know

What is a juggalo?

I don't know

But I'm down with the clown

And I'm down for life, yo


Southwest? (we juggalos)

Down river? (we juggalos)

Jefferson? (we juggalos)

Fuckin everybody (we juggalos)

I'm that juggalugga locoroni

Get the fuck up

Get the fuck the out of here


[Violent J]

What is a juggalo?

A dead body

Well, he ain't really dead, but he ain't like

Anybody that you've ever met before

He'll eat monopoly and shit out connect four


[shaggy 2 Dope]

What is a jug..?

What the fuck? Connect four?

Man that shit is whack

Don't worry about my shit

Just rap motherfucker


What is a juggalo?

He ain't a bitchboy

He'll walk through the hills

And beat down a rich boy

Walks right in the house

When you're having supper

And dip his nuts in your soup, gloop!


[Violent J]

What is a juggalo?

Well, he ain't a phoney

He'll walk up and bust a nut in your macaroni

And watch you sit there

And finish up the last bit

Cuz your a stupid ass dumb fuckin idiot


[shaggy 2 Dope]

What is a juggalo?

He's a graduate

He graduated from....well

At least, he got a job

He's not a dump puts

He works for himself scratching his nuts


[Violent J]

What is a juggalo?

A Hulkamaniac

He powerbombs motherfuckers into thumbtacks

People like him till

They find out he's unstable

He Sabu'd your momma through a coffee table


Detroit? (we juggalos)

Cleveland? (we juggalos)

St. Louis? (we juggalos)

Everybody? (we juggalos) [3x]

Fuckin everybody? (we juggalos)

Everybody? (we juggalos)

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I've been harrassing people on the ICP youtube comments for a while. And it's kinda awesome, cause they reply almost instantly.


Here's a new one with good ratings and only like 16 comments, 12 oz attack :lol:




Oh, and I learned that when they respond with MMMFCL it means Much Much Mother Fucking Clown Love.


Just so ya know.

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as evidenced by these photos and all the people i've met who like icp, if you like icp, you are guaranteed to be white trash, semi retarded, or a combination of these and/or other kinds of fuckups


i thought about it, and if i had to choose, i'd choose icp fans over emos though


so youd chooose 'juggalettes' over hot 'emo' broads?


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