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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear frate raper


im excited to see you guys!! the 10th, right? all that paint will be used by then, but im sure i'll manage to restock :)




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear frate raper


im excited to see you guys!! the 10th, right? all that paint will be used by then, but im sure i'll manage to restock :)





dear edizzle


23rd is more bout right


dear fat ralph


you talking to me?

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear self

what are you doing?? do what you need to do. portland may be overly hipster/crusty but it's not here...and it's that much closer to home. Do you really want to stay and forever be the familys crutch and support? They are all adults now and for once all employed at the same time. Also, stop being so antisocial and make an effort to meet people beyond the very few you seldom kick it with already. theyre not all gonna be like the fake ass people you already got rid of/no emo. at least make it a bit more tolerable here.


-almighty ranting and raving

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear cali g,


bitches shouldnt go out on dates when they're bleeding. sucks man, let me write a haiku for you:


she bled all damn night

dont let it phase you playa

prolly stanks anyways






fifty dollars spent

tell her she owes you money

or make with the head

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear imchritiezzy


you are awesome ...cant wait 4 u to visit. you gonna love my kids and i swear they have funny lil mindss of there own.so if they facebook you dont worry...oh yeah and i may be headded your way soon





dear calig,


i am thinkg about making a day trip to your area soon. got to check the money first....



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo



she did that shit on purpose. make you front a dinner, then...."oopsie..im on my period"

but i know you didnt have too much of a problem feedin her.....you know you liked it when she was shoving food all up in her face.

she still coulda hooked up the skully


talkin shit,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear edogggggggggggy


dont get sick again.. seriously. not cool. take a fucking nap! you got to much to do to be sick all weekend!!





ps enjoy the single life

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


deal soul,


pick me up on ur way to cG's



dear cG,


6mo car insurance bill = $291 and $86 registration bill just came in.. yet another week or so till i can come out.



dear people that send out my unemployment checks,


cant you just overnight me the check since i overnight u my time card?



<3 always miss sky walker

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear "hawaii speedo student",


please put on your damn clothes and stop jerking off on desks. it is fucking nasty. i do not get what the fuck you are trying to accomplish with these speedo pics and cuming on desks at a university. keep your damn dick in your pants


thanks laughs

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear laughslast


it's obviously a witty commentary on how he has been screwed out of shit loads of money by the education system, hence the retaliatory loads dropped on desks and speedo photos.






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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear cali g,


bitches shouldnt go out on dates when they're bleeding. sucks man, let me write a haiku for you:


she bled all damn night

dont let it phase you playa

prolly stanks anyways






fifty dollars spent

tell her she owes you money

or make with the head



lol...word up...thanks for the haiku.

when i offered to take her out this friday, she shoulda told me she was "feeling under the weather" or something...but she did say...."i want you so bad right now and if it wasnt that time of the month, I would invite you back to my place later tonight"


no big deal though....shes only been with 5 people her entire life (one of them a female) and shes much older than me....but i got it in the bag next time for sure.



dear calig,


i am thinkg about making a day trip to your area soon. got to check the money first....




dear souls,


make sure you plan to come out when my bread situation is on point too.





she did that shit on purpose. make you front a dinner, then...."oopsie..im on my period"

but i know you didnt have too much of a problem feedin her.....you know you liked it when she was shoving food all up in her face.

she still coulda hooked up the skully


talkin shit,



dear sm,


lol...its all good...im not mad...last time we hung out i got to suck a tittie...and yeah, shes a big girl and all, and they usually love to give head, but she has only done it to two men and only a couple of times....the problem here is that she likes pussy more than dick, and sucking dick is way outta the question...her last relationship was with a woman for 11 years.





dear cG,


6mo car insurance bill = $291 and $86 registration bill just came in.. yet another week or so till i can come out.



dear christeezy,


no rush.

i got hella bills too...and after that last trip to reno, its gonna be a minute till i have the snaps to kick it.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear edoggg


sick again? really??? the fuck is wrong with you!!! this is some bullshit. get better asap or there will be hell to pay.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear fat ralph...


Note to self, you need to follow those guidelines at meal time sucka. No more double meals and shit..

283 is a little too close to the three bill mark, you may wear it well my good man but you know u meant to be the lean mean machine u was back when.


Its 300 calorie smart ones for lunch and dinner big guy...maybe some jerky for a snack. No buts or "well once in a while is ok". Nah....never, u get no love until u under 250....remember u gotta look good for your album release and the wedding in july.


For real,


The medium Ralphy trapped within

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