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dear guy trying to "date" my little sister-


im gonna fucking kill you. do not mess with her, dont break her heart, no fucking games.

shes a pain in my ass 99.9% of the time but i love that tall ass bitch with all my heart.

you step one toe out of line with my little sister and im gonna fucking gut you with a spoon.



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Dear Caligula,


I thought you'd be all for Sarah Palin after she stood behind the natural right to be fat and lazy. She is fighting Michelle Obama on her keeping kids fit and healthy tirade, she is keeping the fat machine going.


Think about it, in 30 years you'll have a bottle of pills keeping the wood afloat and a plethora of BBW bittys to bounce on.


Well that's if Palin and the other tea party members win this political lynching. If they don't? Well, you'll have to get used to average to athletic sized girls. Maybe softball players.


So do you really hate Sarah Palin?



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Dear Earl,


Rarely do I give this compliment but you definitely have a knack for wording a story and making it sound like it should be read and not something that was just written.

I'd like to think I was also blessed with the gift of gab, but definitely it is something you have.


more so on the subject, Sarah Palin? Really?

does anyone honestly think glen beck and sarah palin are anything more than a cry baby and an ex governor/future playboy model?




P.s. - Yes id put a hurt on Sarah Palin *presidential thumbs up*

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Dear fellow readers.


I agreed to take in some foster pups. I have completely lost my mind. they have only been here a few hrs, and I am worn the fuck out. They are 2 out of 8, girls, and 9 weeks old...and tearin shit up as I write this. I was told we could name em...the kid says Amber and Ginger..

any other suggestions?












ps..please dont get upset, if i whore them out on the oontz...i havent had dogs in a long time



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Dear Smxxl,

OMFG theyre adorable. My heart just melts when I see puppies.

From bitch to softie in no time..Alll it takes is puppies.




Dear Rolf,




Dear Dad,

Fuck off my kitchen space. Don't be jealous that I know how to cook too and

that people want my cooking at the superbowl party.

in yo face,



Dear Ryan,

I kinda miss you, wtf?


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dear SMXL


cute doggies, I just got a puppy (first time ever owned a dog), his name is pepper.



just gotta teach him im the big dog and to stop trying to bite my crotch lol





Dear Decy


damn you just messaged your dad, you havent spoken in over 6 years, I hope you have done the right thing. too late to retract the message now.



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thanks for the wishes with my dad, bit of a weird situation lol


Yea definitely like having another child, we got my sons old travel cot thing out and the puppy loves sleeping in there, I have a lot of respect for you fostering those dogs, I dunno if I wouldbe able to give them up after building an attachment for a few weeks.


we are gradually introducing our cat to the puppy, she is wary of him and bopped him on the nose earlier, but he was kind of hyper which freaked her out a bit, but hopefully they end up as friends, they certainly tolerate eachother lol.



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One way to show the dog you're boss is to lay them down on their side and hold them down by their ass and throat when they act up. Don't choke them out or anything, but just firm up to teach them to calm down. We had to do that with our dog, and even though she's still a pain in the ass, she knows who's boss. Do it while they're young.


Dogs rule,


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Dear earl.

that is good advice..we are doing it with these pups, and did it with our hounds. It definitely makes a difference. Even though you dont apply pain, our male basset, would howl and carry on in such a manner as if you were pulling out his claws one at a time...mostly, when people were around...just to make me look bad.

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Yeah, it's not about inflicting pain on the dog, it's about restraining them and showing you're in power. I still do it from time to time when my little retard gets too crazy.


Your neighborhood spiderman,






Do me a favor and never yell at your dog like a human. One thing to remember is that unless you catch the dog in the act and can step in right then, it's useless to yell or scold the dog after the fact. The dog won't associate the two even if you rub its nose in it.


I saw some hood rat walking is pit the other day and he was yelling at the dog like an abusive husband. "What the fuck did I tell you bitch, get over here bitch, fuck you bitch, stay bitch." That shit is useless and only fucks with the dog's head more and more. Most of the time, it's not a pets fault if they're "bad," it's the owner.



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