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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo




I want to punch a puppy in the face today. I can't decide if I'm angry, sad, worried.... I guess depressed. Shitty news yesterday followed by a shitty night due to horrible news. Followed by working on my Saturday while not being able to concentrate due to horrible news. Looking forward to more horrible news after i get off work today and go ____. Fuck this shit. Fuck this shit. Fuck...... I VERY want to dive into some drugs right now to get this shit off my mind for a bit. But then I would be totally fucked when i get drug tested at work and lose this gig. I think I'm just gonna get very drunk tonight so atleast I can sleep and maybe have some laughs. Drink to forget the bad and remember the good as they say. If anyone read this, just know you're the only one I've mentioned this to, even though it's very vague. I feel so much weight on my shoulders right now...

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo



shit always gets better, despite the hopelessness that comes along seemingly so frequently. keep pushing forward. everything will be alright in time.

keep yer head up, doggy.



New Stage of Life Approaching,

i have a good feeling about you. thanks for giving me a new kind of opportunity.


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear theo,

in front of all your peers who admire u so dearly. Let it hear by b known that I challenge u 2 a death match. U can either except, in wich case I will put n end 2 your life. Or u can continue to stalk me, neg me, and want to b me... But at least the 12oz community now knows your a faggot ass trust fund baby who sits behind a sceen all day talkin shit.

Get at me pussy.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear theo,

in front of all your peers who admire u so dearly. Let it hear by b known that I challenge u 2 a death match. U can either except, in wich case I will put n end 2 your life. Or u can continue to stalk me, neg me, and want to b me... But at least the 12oz community now knows your a faggot ass trust fund baby who sits behind a sceen all day talkin shit.

Get at me pussy.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo

















Dear Mom,


Stop asking me if the cat is going to *be ok outside. Idk its a fuckin cat


also stop asking me questions that there is no answer to


idk...........i just dont know


love you!


- scust

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Scust,


Cats suck, get a dog! haha


Ps: were you able to watch Shutter Island?


Dear friendboy,


My bad for not helping you eat all the sushi you

ordered last night. You know I don't really eat seafood,

or raw fish alone. I saw that you were kinda visibly upset

when I said "nooo i dont eat that." You should have asked me

what I wanted before you went ahead and ordered six

different kinds of sushi plates!!!Oh well, thanks for the dinner

though I had a good time. The movie was my treat, but that's

because I like you (borat accent). Thanks for being there for me,

I don't even expect you to, but you are. So shut up on the phone,

and go to sleep because I can't understand you anymore. I know

you read my 12oz posts sometimes, and youre gonna definitely see this.

so yeeee can't wait to see you again next week and argue about

dre's new album.

wuv ya,



Dear Family,

You're hella fucked up sometimes.


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear ms.seyer


its my moms cat and i want a dog but im not stable enough right now for one.$$$


yeah i saw shutter island it was dope one of those flicks you cant half ass watch or you

wont like it


but yes scust approved

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dearest 12 oz Men.

happy fathers day to those of you taking care of business and lovin your kids.


and especially to those of you who have stepped in and took the place of the father to someone elses kid. (you go un-noticed way too often)








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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Me,


Niggas are mad---------they are mad because they are bums------

niggas are bums compared to you-------bum swag-----broke niggas

will always be mad--------you see niggas with a screw face and you laugh------

bum niggas are clowns---------they are afraid to step they're life up-------

look at your shoes-------look at your shirt---------look at your brim--------

broke niggas are rockin' 5 dollar hats and wrangler jeans with a pair of airwalks-------I laugh----------




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear dad,


today always has me conflicted. i know you care but damn dude you are totally wrapped up in self. you didn't even call when you had to start getting your treatment again, but i'm sure that's cause it's your own fault. bro told me you were moping around looking for sympathy when you hide booze in your draw at the BUSINESS you two started from the ground up. i know you've had a shit life adult life for the most part but damn dude, you never should have let your mom's make it out like i'm the bad one when i was 12 not writing your ass in PRISON. who gives a shit about a will, i would like to know my grandparents (well, maybe not, they did have a 'boycott france' sticker on their fridge when we visited when i was preggers but not one single pic of me or rich). it's not a kids responsibility. yes still mad all these years later.


- your daughter

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear boats.

keep your head on straight man, pm your address i'll get at you with some swiss chocolate to cheer you up.



dear Dose.

you're still kinda meh. but you really gotta stop thinking about that broad and move on. her best friend even told you herself that you were a catch and if she wasnt best friend status she would sleep with you, so its not you, and quit letting it bother you. plus at your school the ratio is like 7:1 so why you letting it bother you mang?

get out there. there has to be one girl who wants to kick it with you.




Dear Marshall Mathers.

I'm listening to recovery (dont hate) and although it is much better than relapse, which is probably what anal rape sounds like when no lube is used and she isnt biting down on the pillow, why cant you sound more like this?


I mean sure you hadn't hit puberty at this point, but at least your flow was decent.


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear all,

california rolls have smoked salmon in them, and a lot of spicy tuna rolls have coooked tuna in them. Not all sushi is raw, if that will help to overcome the mental block of raw foods. It's really just rice, fish, and veggies. :D


fresh raw fish kicks ass.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear red,

im pretty sure california rolls have either real or imitation crab meat in them. cooked though.

spicy tuna is raw tuna mashed with spicy sauce.

at least that's how it is at the places i go to.

<3 ssn


dear sey,

try the rock n roll. it's avocado & cooked shrimp.

also try the seared tuna nigiri.

i just got back from sushi and i have the poops now.

<3 ssn

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Cali and Suki,


I'll keep that in mind next time my ol man tries to get

me to eat sushi- that it's just rice, sauces, avocado,fish, and seaweed.

Suki- I''ll try that. avocado and cooked shrimp don't sound too bad,

and that seared tuna sounds better. However I did like that one roll

with a deep fried soft shell crab leg covered with panko in it.



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