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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear everyone


do you go through periods where you hate everyone, everything people say makes you angry and you want to punch facials and break everything for long periods of time?


or should i get some meds?



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo



shit happens to me pretty often, and can last a week or two. I use herb(s) to keep my cool when it happens to me, as i am not willing to support pharm companies unless absolutely necessary. Maybe it's time to leave the area and start anew somewhere else.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear calig and almighty

i am a bartender now at the wild horse saloon..

team flaming jaj jay



dear souls,

we are coming to see you at your new job asap!


<3 ssn


dear everyone

do you go through periods where you hate everyone, everything people say makes you angry and you want to punch facials and break everything for long periods of time?

or should i get some meds?



dear swindlerama,

i go through this once a month.

i usually end up throwing shit our of my car at other cars since it raises my

road rage to a higher level.

lame as it sounds, working out, running, or riding my bike helps.

<3 ssn

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear swindlerama,

i go through this once a month.

i usually end up throwing shit our of my car at other cars since it raises my

road rage to a higher level.

lame as it sounds, working out, running, or riding my bike helps.

<3 ssn


dear suki,





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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Seyer,


Bingo! That't the frijolero that says it. Some car passed by with that song (chopped N Screwed) bumping and it hits pretty nice.


Now i can find the instrumental and put my own lyrics.





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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear IOU,


Tread light mother fucker. Consuming copious amounts of alcohol, drugs and repeating the saddest songs ever is a recipe for disaster. The more fucked up your attitude the more you should make an effort to help someone else have a better day. Stop trying to start fights with people who have nothing to do with your bullshit. Some times being right isn't enough, especially when the other person can't be reasoned with because denial is stronger than you think.




P.S. Next time don't be such a tool and post about. Write it down and keep it to yourself.



Dear IOU,


You have some fucking amazingly awesome friends. You might want to let them know that every so often.




Dear IOU,


Stop rambling, the pills have dulled your thoughts dumb ass.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo



dear swindlerama,

i go through this once a month.

i usually end up throwing shit our of my car at other cars since it raises my

road rage to a higher level.

lame as it sounds, working out, running, or riding my bike helps.

<3 ssn


dear suki


i love throwing shit out of cars at other cars but you are onto something with the working out. i remember how relaxed i felt when i went to the gym erryday. ive been meaning to renew my membership and turn from fattykins to chiseled. maybe it'll happen




Dear Swindle,


That's me everyday. Youll learn to control it maybe!





dear chops


you lyin', i bet you are the chilllest tattoo guy ever!



dear suki,







dear girl in the picture.


i had a crush on you when i was way younger. i wanted you and me to jet from earth on my imaginary space ship. true story.



- million dollar swindazzler

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear crazy oontzers,


me and the fam participates in the NAMIwalk every year and it's coming soon for 2010!! you all should visit my page and donate cause i know you all are either mentally ill yourselves or have mental fam. they do good work. check it out!!!!




thanks homeys!!


- superpuddles!

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo



i thought WE (as 12 oz'ers) the mentally ill...and we helped eachother by talking shit to one another..postin perv pics of innocent ...reading random people propose to you , getting play by plays about Cali's dates ... looking at Boris' line up of thick ass girls speaking a language no one irl would onderstand...so on and so forth

then again, i dont know if 12 oz helps or hinders everyone's mental state.


Dear Tmrw.


you will fucking suck.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear san francisco,


thank you for having awesome weather.


the news said it was going to rain, but it didn't and was such a beautiful day..


me and my mom were able to enjoy an awesome mothers day at golden gate park, ocean beach and north beach.


see you soon for bay to breakers,



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