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the find my iPhone was in the off position before it was wiped clean. The phone won't let the user continue the setup process without a sim. could the location services be running in the background after it's been wiped?



Location services could be running in background even after it is wiped. Location services run in the background even when the phone is off.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My friend just got a new laptop, and she asked me to help set it up but didn't mention that it came with W8. So even though I rarely use Windows and avoid modern interfaces (too distracting) W8 didn't confound me in the same way that OSX did at first...but it's a pretty big metaphor shift for MS. I figured out the ribbon well enough to get by and the start screen did what it needed to do...the learning curve was tolerable, especially if you use anything with a touch screen and/or cover flow (iPhone and XMBC come to mind).


Since it wasn't a touch screen, I turned off the corners/gestures so things would stop zooming around but didn't tweak anything about the interface besides that (and that was only so I could get things done). The terminal (DOS) seems the same aside from adding a "sudo" feature (elevated command prompt), which was long overdue but at this point seems like another example of MS adding something everyone else has had since the 80s (i.e. mounting ISOs, disk imaging, virtual desktops, etc...if you're talking about a root account, it's really more like the 60s but hey).


You may not like it, but based on everything else I've seen out there it looks like this is the direction the user interface is headed in....and for once, MS got a pretty solid jump on almost everyone with W8.

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So anyone know where I can find drivers for sony dvd burners? I am trying to burn a dual layer dvd with a player that is capable of burning it but it won't recognize the disc when I insert it, yes I have the right dvd dual layers for the burner, but I think I need to update the firmware to get it to work properly on my system. Google has been no help to me thus far.

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So maybe someone here can help me maybe not. I'm trying to boot my ppc g5 off a usb which isn't supported and install 10.5 on my system. When booting my computer refuses to detect the USB drive. I've looked into it and from what I can gather usb booting isn't supported on my model. Anyone know how I can do this?


EDIT: also thanks for that sony link but they claim to have no knowledge of my dvd burner.

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  • 4 weeks later...
So maybe someone here can help me maybe not. I'm trying to boot my ppc g5 off a usb which isn't supported and install 10.5 on my system. When booting my computer refuses to detect the USB drive. I've looked into it and from what I can gather usb booting isn't supported on my model. Anyone know how I can do this?


EDIT: also thanks for that sony link but they claim to have no knowledge of my dvd burner.


If it doesn't support booting an OS from a USB, then attempt to burn the .dmg onto a disc and install 10.5 from there.




**This may or may not work, since you said that it doesn't support USB booting. Try it anyways**


Make sure that the USB drive is formatted to what a OSX hard drive would be normally formatted to, Mac OS X Extended (Journaled), in order for it to be bootable and recognized as a bootable drive by your G5.

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  • 3 years later...
you can try deepin linux. you dont need a lot of computer knowledge to install programs. you cant get viruses, and it's free. it also uses less resources than windows.


LOL, that advice literally came 4 years after the fact, but appreciate your spirit of helping out. How good are you at website stuff?

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Computer security has many facets.  My basic recommendations for a home user are the following:


* Use a good brand of router, do not rely upon what the telco provided you to be secure.

example: I have google fiber at home.  The WAN IP is set to pass through the google fiber box and get assigned to my Mikrotik router.  This puts me in control of my traffic and makes the google fiber box just a stop light I have to go through to "exit my hood".


* There is no "safe" software that you can just install and call it done.  Security is a mindset and a practice that is constant.  If you browse the internet, use a secure browser with plugins that assist in securing your surfing activities.

example: I have always used netscape/firefox.  I highly recommend using "no script".  I never got on the google chrome wagon for, what I believe to be, very obvious security/data related reasons.  It is for this same reason that I will not own a phone with an operating system that google wrote on it (read: android phones).


* Use a VPN, even in your home.  This will secure your traffic from your telco spying on it.  One thing it will not prevent is DNS queries being seen by them.  This means that if you type hotchickswithbigdicks.com in your browser, they will be able to see that you went to the site, but all the data stream after that is encrypted and not able to be spied on (easily).

example: I use privateinternetaccess.com.  I've used them for years and have no reason to use any other VPN service.  You can even configure network hardware (like a mikrotik router) to send all traffic meeting certain criteria through the VPN.  This would mean that you don't have to run a VPN client or even think about it on the computers you use at home, because the router will always put the traffic through the VPN.



example: if you log into your email with a password, don't use that password as your authentication to paypal.  You're just asking to get hacked to fuck if you use the same password ANYWHERE.  What I do is keep various passwords memorized that I use.  For very secure things I've memorized passwords that look like this: Afvb4e44##df6^r.  For everything else I use the format of:
<digit><digit>.<word>.<WORD>.<digit><digit>  20.fat.CHICKS.69 is a secure password that won't be cracked or guessed easily, but is very easy to remember.  Structure your passwords like this and you should never have a problem with your stuff getting hacked (because of your negligence anyway).


* Change your password frequently.  I know this is a pain, but do it anyway.  The last thing you want is your paypal or bank account to get hacked because it will make you have a sad time.


* Use 2FA if it's available.  BE VERY CAREFUL if you use an app on your phone like google auth.  Google auth is fine but if your phone takes a swim and you don't have your recovery codes, you are like.... royally fucked for recovering your account.  Recovery codes for 2FA are provided when you enable 2FA on an account.  You would be VERY naive to not copy these down on a piece of paper and hide them somewhere.  This is the one case where I will tell you that it's ok to write something like this on a paper and put it away.


* You can save your passwords written down somewhere, but there's a secret way of doing this securely.

example:  I have a note on my iphone that is locked.  It has all my usernames and passwords for everything in it.  Pretty dumb right?  Well let's say that my password for my bank account is billybob.  I can write this down in a note as "gf$#wsbillybobasd###@ffh56^"..... and as long as I know that the password starts after "ws" and ends before "as" then I can show this to someone and they still cannot use it to hack my account.  They don't know what part of it is my password but I do.


If anyone has any questions about computer security stuff please feel free to ask me here or DM me.  I will be more than happy to help anyone that's interested in being helped with this subject.

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Little Snitch

Link: https://www.obdev.at/products/littlesnitch/index.html


As soon as you’re connected to the Internet, applications can potentially send whatever they want to wherever they want. Most often they do this to your benefit. But sometimes, like in case of tracking software, trojans or other malware, they don’t. But you don’t notice anything, because all of this happens invisibly under the hood.

Little Snitch

makes these Internet connections visible and puts you back in control!



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Thanks @KILZ FILLZi appreciate it. I read the post above about vpn's and passwords so im bout to check out some of these websites cause i dont trust this mcafee at all.. but my main question @Dirty_habiTis besides vpn's if i want to download music or movies is utorrent or any torrent sites still even a thing? my last computer was running windows XP and last time i was really even downloading anything thats when pirate bay and everything got shut down. i just bought this new lenovo ideapad mainly for music production and photoshop but even with all these music and movie streaming apps being so easily accessible i do miss just downloading an artists entire discography and jamming out for days. any idea where i can start this journey? also any antivirus software or anything you could recommend to prevent this beaut' from fucking up on me..? much appreciated in advanced 

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