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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/2024 in all sections

  1. Runs smooth over here. I need to take some time with it but it feels nice.
    4 points
  2. Did some real gangster shit and took 4 bags of cans and bottles mostly acquired in a .05 deposit state and redeemed them at the “we give no fucks we’ll take anything “ bottle drop in a .10 deposit state. In the same zone as the bottle drop…call and response
    3 points
  3. Blast from the past that @Mercer , @psm026 snd maybe @Grassy Knowles will recognize. OG 12ozProphet studio / office at about the hey day of the forum in the mid 2000s down in SOHO, NYC (Greene Street between Broome and Spring Street).
    3 points
  4. It's just dope to have 12oz as an app, one click you're in the forum. Notifications are kinda dope as well.
    3 points
  5. 3 points
  6. How to setup "Push" Notifications on the (un)Official 12ozProrphet Forum App: So once you've followed the steps above to get the app installed, I highly recommend you setup push notifications. This is so you can have events on the forum push to your phone outside of the app itself. This is how its done... 1. You need to login to your forum account. 2. Tap the icon for the menu in the top, right and click "Account". 2. From there, click on "Account Settings". 3. Scroll down to "Notification Settings". 3. Click on "Notification Settings". 4. Here's all the options for notifications on the forum. You can disable them and for most, select between Push, Email, Notification List or a combination of those options. The main two that I suggest changing to "Push" Notification is "Mentions & My Content" and "Messenger". But there's a bunch others so setup it how its best for you. Enjoy!
    3 points
  7. Is it taxed? I'd take the guaranteed mill. That puts me as 100% debt free, and a good chunk more acreage purchased. I could borrow to build spec houses on some of that acreage, sell at profit immediately, rinse, repeat.
    3 points
  8. 555twitter.com_1708564649358.mp4 rapidsave.com_clipping_the_palm_trees-kxk4w4otm7jc1.mp4 555twitter.com_1708477970054.mp4
    3 points
  9. It’s great. Already have a lot of stuff underlined and pages dog eared to come back to. I have a photo of a couple
    3 points
  10. Does anybody else feel like uploading pics is painfully slow since the recent update? *edit Mainly when updating multiple pics. Not as noticeable on single pics. Example: In my bench thread I usually upload 20ish pics at a time. It is much slower than it used to be. Have to sit there running my finger up and down the screen to keep it from going to sleep and killing the upload for a long time compared to before. Uploading in same location as usual and on WiFi.
    2 points
  11. Now that deine mudder is gone, I'm gonna start neg propping y'all to make it feel like he's still here. Talk shit about delicious pizza and shit.
    2 points
  12. I have think once we roll out that big update, it’s going to be on another level. Can’t compete with the social brainwashing dopamine hit that is social media, but think this might help the forum really turn a corner.
    2 points
  13. I haven't given trump enough credit over all of these years. He went full retard and never looked back. My man has a go fund me for these sucker ass morons to bail him out. He said he would encourage Russia to attack any NATO country that doesnt pay their military pledge. Imagine the sheer audacity it would take for a motherfucker like trump to chastise some one for not paying their bills. Dude is amazing.
    2 points
  14. I am tired of Gmail and all their paid ads. And if I am going to pay for an ad free email account, I'd rather see my money go to someone other than a corporation.
    2 points
  15. I’ve been pretty consistent these days with the Breethe App. I’ve also been listening to audio books on the subject of positivity and affirmation. I have to admit, it’s isn’t easy. In fact I’ve been struggling with stress and depression quite a bit since the holidays. My diet is literally as clean as can be… Essentially I only eat whole foods. I consume zero added sugar with anything and am still on the ultra low carb diet that falls half way between Keto and Carnivore. Supplements and even been testing CBD and micro dosing THC and some days (bonus especially), I feel like I’m getting crushed. Anyhow, just letting everyone know that if you feel the same, you aren’t alone with it. In my case, I think it was amplified after COVID and considering how off the rails the world has gone, it’s far more stressful than ever. Nothing to do, but try and embrace it. Seems like the harder you fight it or try and hide, the longer it lingers. Anyhow, just an update for anyone still following along.
    2 points
  16. Okay. So this is for iPhones only right now?
    2 points
  17. 20240222_172447.mp4
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. yeah, I too want to get on this thang
    2 points
  20. Got the app installed. Not sure if the notifications are working yet.
    2 points
  21. Yo! How can I get in on this beta version of the app!?
    2 points
  22. @tutleone/turtz dipped out on social media a while ago in 2019 on some getting cancelled by social justice warriors irl and online so he nuked all of it save for his SoundCloud. We where friends on Instagram and Facebook, but never got a chance to meet when it was in New York the second time . Hope dude is doin good along with his bajillion member strong family.
    2 points
  23. Damn, 2016 and here we are in 2024. Pretty freakin nuts how time keeps on ticking… World is literally a different place. Granted, seems like most has happened (or maybe it’s just accelerating) in this last couple years. Covid almost feels like 9/11 to me looking back in that it ended up being a sort of bookmark in history… The time before and the time after. Anyhow, I’m on team sleep problems for the night and reminiscing and figured I’d bump this and see if we might be able to rally up and reach out to all the OG’s. Instagram has fallen far since 2016 and it’s going to get harder to find people. That and maybe since that place sucks, it’ll be that much easier to get people back on and LOLing again. You guys up for round two of a reunion?
    2 points
  24. I didn't. Infact I swapped all of my crap coins for BTC. All I have now is Amp, HBar, Eth, and BTC.
    2 points
  25. @T4M*I did appreciate that vid post and thought of it today, the acoustics of skipping rocks on ice is quite satisfying
    2 points
  26. This one kinda heart my inner penny pincher. As your official unlicensed/unsolicited financial advisor, this is not financial advise. Paying in advance during high interests rate times is good for your landlord, bad for you. Marcus by Goldman Sachs is paying 4.40% interest right now for their online savings accounts. $1500 rent X 3 months advance ($4500), @ 4.4% APY that's $16.18 a month, or $198 a year (compounding) Most banks have auto-pay, and will auto-ACH or mail out a check for free, less effort required than paying 2 x a year. Landlords like interest, but they like reliability even more, auto check/deposit same day every month = the best tenants Same thing applies to taxes, underpay out of your paycheck, get the interest gains, owe/pay during filing & keep the interest you earned. TLDR: fuck landlords & government.
    2 points
  27. 3 years ago ended a 16 year relationship that was very unhealthy, at the time I thought it was the worst thing that could have happened. Now in hindsight its the best thing that could have ever happened to me - despite the fact I now only get to spend halftime with my kids. I have a partner now that uplifts me, works with me and wants to work to make a healthy lasting relationship. At times it feels like I am in a whole new world. @Tails0nEsounds like you are already putting the rubber to the road and starting to separate yourself from an unhealthy relationship- I applaud you and encourage you if its possible to do some counseling/therapy. I did 18 months of therapy and going into it I thought I was the one who was unhealthy in my previous relationship - turns out she was gaslighting me hella and she had all kinds of personal problems that were affecting the relationship overall. I rely on affirmations and healthier lifestyle to help me when I start to spiral. I also am communicating completely with my partner and that is new - being 100% vulnerable is scary but I will say that it helps us to keep everything in the open. I think that’s required to have real growth. I put work in and I still have stuff to work on - my upbringing has led me to an “insecure attachment” type. I have anxious attachment but it is getting better and truthfully I am getting to the point with my current partner that I have secure attachment. Rambling a bit now but overall it really comes down to our happiness is our responsibility and takes work to cultivate. Props for starting that process.
    2 points
  28. found it. You actually posted it. More than a little while ago I guess… such a great thread… https://forum.12ozprophet.com/topic/83879-great-moments-in-12oz-history/?do=findComment&comment=6323947
    2 points
  29. So it looks like in 2005, you said you wanted to "pee in her butt" and then referenced "boogie hands..." Is that correct?
    2 points
  30. @Mauler5150they refunded purchases - definitely a bummer though. Initial shows got canceled by Covid, the reschedule was canceled after De La Rocha hurt his ankle and didnt want to perform at less than 100% I have seen RATM before fortunately but I was looking forward to a final send off.
    1 point
  31. @misteravensolid points - I think you are definitely right and in all honesty while the forum originated in the graffiti aspect it has become so much broader. I think the most room to grow falls to the off topic areas of the forum anyway -
    1 point
  32. Bumping this since a 12ozProphet podcast is back to being discussed and podcasts are good entertainment, along with audio books.
    1 point
  33. Yeah, I’d have to since I don’t have a big team. I’ve considered sort of partnering on it so there’s that chance as well. As mentioned it’ll probably begin as a 12ozCollective podcast and if I can get that sorted out, I’ll take the learnings and general format and apply to a 12ozProphet podcast. To be clear, a 12ozProphet podcast is a bit of a stretch goal for me. The brand will be rebuilt and relaunched with new tees and products for sure, a new website is coming, a massive forum update is coming and almost certainly a dedicated app. I hope to do a podcast, but I have a lot to dial in and get going before I think I’ll have the bandwidth to take it on. Also, I don’t have nearly as clear a vision for that project as I do the rest. I know if I do it, it’ll have a video component. My thought was 1 episode a week that would be a standard interview/ discussion format (think JRE) and maybe 1 episode a week that would be a sort of radio station throw back (guest DJ, good music, and a little discussion, perhaps driven by user submitted questions or call ins). As far as the discussion format, this is tricky in that I can’t see myself doing an entirely graffiti focused discussion. Being honest, I’m not even sure I’m qualified at this point since I don’t track what the youngins are doing very closely these days; I’m just too busy. That and my interests and focus are a lot more diverse (kinda always have been). Likewise, the 12ozCollective podcast is also not intended to be solely an industry podcast about screen printing / embroidery. The idea with it was to explore all kinds of creative topics, including art, design, fashion, brand building as well as topics related to production. In fact, I could see graffiti occasionally making an appearance in that type of creative conversation. I keep leaning towards a 12ozProphet podcast being more of a bootleg JRE that covers the gamut of subjects you see here on the forum… Maybe 33% graffiti, 33% art and culture and 33% channel zero and news / current events. Just not sure if that works and haven’t had time to come up with a better idea that is also authentic to both 12ozProphet and myself.
    1 point
This Hall of Fame listing is set to New York/GMT-04:00
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