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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/2010 in all sections

  1. Right, hi from sweden! Apple fried with brown sugar and cinnamon Pankakor Swedish honey Homemade raspberry jam Breakfasty WIN Warm outside, day before was -20 Went to see some Prokofiev Some bitches It was ok, came back, smoked on balcony View from balcony Local Icr hockey field Had some kind of pizza party I guess 'Pizza Salad'm which was basically coleslaw Shit was pretty tasty Swedish people think it is entertaining to watch the qualifying rounds for the eurovision song contest on a saturday night. SO we did. It was not entertaining. Someone gave these scandinavians the recipies for teh krinkz
    3 points
  2. some from last night and sunday. my mate got his first car. he can't afford to insure it until next week, so he spent all day oot in the -5 weather washing the fuckin' life oot it... knob. so i drank some bum rider while he sat and revved the engine in his driveway... went to the local to watch the fitba' and get oot the cold. the boy behind the chair was just rollin' one up on the table. yet again... they've screwed it down with brackets now. chilled with stoner dog, went home, had this. then found this in a bag i thought was empty. fuckin' bonus! walking to a mates hoose. beat club.
    3 points
  3. Ok, so I just got home from a week in Reno/Tahoe. The purpose of the trip was to bond a bit with my little brother by taking him snowboarding, as well as to chill with a few oontzers. Good times were had, and I'm glad I didn't die up on the mountain. :lol: I'll try to keep my pics in order. For the peeps that were there and also taking pics, please feel free to post em in this thread. Landed in Reno - went to eat some pizza while we waited for Suki: After meeting up with Suki, we left our stuff at her place and then went to have some beers w/1988 & Milk Grenades, then to eat at this awesome Vietnamese spot: Called it a night after that.... Had to wake up early the next morning to snowboard at Homewood. MORE............................
    2 points
  4. (Thought I'd mix things up a bit. All black & white pics) this chill dude worked at the Nugget: the one and only banana fish: she got hyphy, got dumb, doin the spider: my lil bro: Reno 911: The good boys & girls went home, the sinners went here: No pics inside obviously - but we witnessed some of the most outrageous things ever. Found a stack of cash, strippers walking on the ceiling, and the best trick of all - THE FLAMING VAGINA! MORE................
    2 points
  5. no homo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1JORVBEjf8
    2 points
  6. www.shutupwomangetonmyhorse.com
    2 points
  7. bryso hows the scanning coming?but who's gonna do some letters like they gottaa purpose? here goes skill so you guys can remember what they look like cuz i know yall forgot or never knew in the first place. and its cool no need to thank me
    2 points
  8. according to wiki it's a 13billion$ industry in the states. so someone is buying all that shit.
    2 points
  9. Drunk walking home, invade the ice hockey pitch Thats it. Var sa good.
    2 points
  10. is it black belt? i think that was a video game
    2 points
  11. seriosuly i know a few of you dude on here bump to them. awesome band, really mellow shit. they are rad. now fucking appreciate them.
    1 point
  12. I love those guys nh/ but im not sure i could afford their expertise.
    1 point
  13. 3 Extremes is a must see.. Here's a link but it's Megavideo, which I believe only gives you 70 free minutes a day
    1 point
  14. when the fuck are you not coked out twinky? is your nose one big nostril yet?
    1 point
  15. porn is free. lube is free condoms are essentially free cockrings are overrated vibrators cockblock you im fucking a bi girl who owns a strap on.....
    1 point
  16. true especially pbr the person below me thinks pbr is tasty
    1 point
  17. one more not done yet
    1 point
  18. rough idea sketch process (didnt get more cuz acrylics dry too fast) rough reference finished
    1 point
  19. Re: a tranny is giving me a handjob right fucking now!!! you must be trippin if you think that shit would stop me playa.
    1 point
  20. you need to step it up sooks! noahs ark and by your side are the fucking jams!
    1 point
  21. i like that 1st pic
    1 point
  22. It started snowing. Did a little benching: Kerse: That's it for tonight..... I gotta go back to work in a few hours.............
    1 point
  23. bout the blazers rappin! Bust a bucket, Bust bust a bucket! for all you youngins who dont know:
    1 point
  24. The next morning, Suki made us some delicious blueberry pancakes. They were "HELLA" good! (ding): I made some of my Almost Famous Frijoles A La Charra (without the bacon, just for Suki) We went to this local graffiti spot. Too windy & cold to paint though: Then we went to Truckee: MORE>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    1 point
    1 point
  26. thanks sey! i love it. i got yours and diligent's by the door. i found pistol's postcard when i was cleaning and then can't find it again..... pistol i know i said i would show up but i can't find the damn addy!
    1 point
  27. no chris farley in this one.
    1 point
  28. http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/clips/bill-sweksis-super-fans/274185/
    1 point
  29. stolen from drlos
    1 point
  30. that daver is ok
    1 point
  31. ill be your mentor just dont be suprised when i corner you in my room and rape you hahahaaaaaaaaa:lol: :lol: :lol:
    1 point
  32. so hows middle school treating you?
    1 point
  33. dude could make a doper album out his hospital bed then half these candy ass fools on the radio
    1 point
  34. props to saute hes still up down the road from me
    1 point
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