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Everything posted by WallsDC

  1. haha he hit up adams morgan twice now in the past couple of years. i've got some more katsu skulls on my other computer that i'll post when i can get to it!
  2. Couple of flicks i never posted
  3. KGB founder arrested http://mobile.dcist.com/2011/07/cops_nab_leader_of_kgb_graffiti_cre.php
  4. Actually I got it to work perfectly, the tar isnt lumped at the bottom, just 2 gallons of liquid tar, stuck it in a ketchup bottle and it pours out with a smooth and easy consistency! I'll get some flicks later, been killing the sidewalks with it haha
  5. Yea I was thinking about a ketchup bottle or something like that. My only concern is that the shit's just gonna shoot out without a regular consistency and just make huge blotches haha. Guess i'll just try it out!
  6. Yea I guess I could do that too I was thinkin more along the lines of this though. The first picture is a tar piece. I've just got no idea what he uses to write with http://www.robotswillkill.com/graffiti/showgraff.php?artist_id=10803&PHPSESSID=5293224e8eaebb767666113053bb9478
  7. So I recently just came across a huge bucket of tar at a construction site..so of course I had to take it. Does anyone have any ideas as to how to write with tar? Bottle with a hole cut in the bottom? Any ideas? Edit: *sidewalk tags only, not even going to try writing on a wall with tar
  8. edit, gotta rehost all the flicks..
  9. killed my eyes for no reason
  10. Katsu came to townnnn
  11. what's the tag next to JU?
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