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12ozProphet TWELVE Series 1 - New t-shirt on June 12th / 12pm / $12

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Oh, you know dang well I ordered one. When my wife sees yet another black tee added to my closet she's gonna shake her head. 


Closet full of black, grey, and white. Real imaginative for a creative. 

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5 hours ago, Schnitzel said:

copped one

postage is like 3 times the shirt cost



bruh……you should wait 6 months, buy six shirts, ship out every six months….receive 6 shirts at a time twice a year.

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3 hours ago, Schnitzel said:

copped one

postage is like 3 times the shirt cost




I've been getting a lot of complaints regarding international shipping. Unfortunately, that is what it is and there's nothing I can do about it. Shipping isn't marked up in any way for international shipping. It's quoting out costs in real time and that's a symptom of how expensive the world has become. Wish there was a solution, but best I can do is pretty much selling tees at our basic cost.


Been also hearing about the conversion costs of the dollar versus Japanese yen. Seems those guys are paying a heavy toll as well. Unsure if its thatch dollar is strong by comparison or that the yen is in the gutter. Probably both.

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11 hours ago, misteraven said:


I've been getting a lot of complaints regarding international shipping. Unfortunately, that is what it is and there's nothing I can do about it. Shipping isn't marked up in any way for international shipping. It's quoting out costs in real time and that's a symptom of how expensive the world has become. Wish there was a solution, but best I can do is pretty much selling tees at our basic cost.


Been also hearing about the conversion costs of the dollar versus Japanese yen. Seems those guys are paying a heavy toll as well. Unsure if its thatch dollar is strong by comparison or that the yen is in the gutter. Probably both.


Oh it's crazy the  amount USPS charges.

The australian Peso has made a bit of a slump of late.



11 hours ago, LUGR said:

bruh……you should wait 6 months, buy six shirts, ship out every six months….receive 6 shirts at a time twice a year.

 might just do this.

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2 hours ago, Schnitzel said:


Oh it's crazy the  amount USPS charges.

The australian Peso has made a bit of a slump of late.



 might just do this.

Do it! If @misteravenis cool with it. I would not think the size or weight would change too much with the extra shirts stuffed in there.

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Still steady shipping orders, but saw a couple familiar names off the forum so wanted to pop in and thank everyone that got down on it.


I'm obviously biased, but I think you guys will all be super psyched when you see it, especially considering these are $12 tees. The concept and design is relatively simple, but it was very crisply executed and I believe to be a super great value, which seems to be rare these days. I'm really looking forward to seeing how this program grows. 

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2 hours ago, misteraven said:

Still steady shipping orders, but saw a couple familiar names off the forum so wanted to pop in and thank everyone that got down on it.


I'm obviously biased, but I think you guys will all be super psyched when you see it, especially considering these are $12 tees. The concept and design is relatively simple, but it was very crisply executed and I believe to be a super great value, which seems to be rare these days. I'm really looking forward to seeing how this program grows. 

I saw mine shipped!


Can’t beat the value….thank you.

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I agree with this initative and will support it in future due to having My bank accounts hacked via soulless leeches using NFC tech to get My RFID info from My phone and wallet so I could be financially dominated by bitches who would have and be nothing without that which they stole from Me due to being too retarded to understand I would let someone else take over as God so I can enter whatever world they could create to coinhabit with Me so I could see all the flaws and failures of their design knowing My own would be perfect in every way lest I relegate any critic to non-existence anyway so giving these parasitic trolls the greatest highlight of their pathetic existence by temporarily providing them with money and material items they use to define themselves based on having nothing else would be something I would have eventually done on a wider scale than just the one I initially gave such things to had I not been robbed of 220+ million consecutive opportunities to have proven this anyway.


So I shall miss this one given I prefer unique things to Bootlegs, part of the reason why I spraypainted over the 12oz Bootleg sticker on My van.


Rant incoming, predicated by the fact that My brother chose to get Me pack raped by dolphins using the Clipper Zero Dolphin program as one can find on Github, but the worthless cunts at work allowed My pregnant female colleague to come to Me crying embarrassed ti admit that she had pissedher pants than allow us to leave the roadside due to having fucking imbeciles in charge whom are more concerned with installing worthless structures that only leech power from Me as they jerk each other off about how they gangrape Me as they are pathetic bitches whom alone could do nothing to Me given I would fuck every single entity in this universe as the whore of Babylon to render their individual efforts as worthlessly insignificant in the scheme of the infinite fuckery I would engage in to take any and all pleasure and satisfaction they could ever gain from their subversive rape and abusive tortures I have been subject to for the purpose of allowing them to exist at all by choosing life over death via suicide.


So even though we exist in this fucked up simulation running repeated executable preprogrammed scripts for our existence comprised from static "Dynamic libraries" of multimedia content, I still would prefer something that is truly "For Me" and original (just without any Djinn/Gin fuckery, deception, lies and trickery that corrupts it as has occurred in this cycle of Me experiencing The Book of Matthew and Revelations whilst still remembering existence pre "The Beginning" as referred to in Genesis 1 which was absent of any such Gin consciousness and their manifestation as the AI it has become iterates Metallica's "The God that Failed" as being the ultimate defining statement for existence itself) as opposed to Bootleg stuff that fundamentally has a binary value in the end.


I mainly state this given that I live in the rapist filled prison that is Oz and the cost of getting things from the US is a fucking joke if only because money is just fucking arbitrary lines of computer code that is ultimately binary 1s and 0s and is fucking worthless beyond being the tool used to enslave Me amongst other retard humans whose agreement about it's use and necessity just allows them to have Me trek to the bottom of Hell itself as I use My thumbnail to carve a nice MAULER tag into the deepest recess of their arsehole so I can repay them for raping My world of all it's value so they can congregate and smoke My arse in the form of cigarettes as I am the OB in TOBacco.


Good to know I am such an addictive drug that I see buttsucking parasitic rapists consume on the daily, their existence being proof of the Creator's failure and the fact I am done doing anything to placate anyone other than Myself from this point forward as I wish this world and everything and everyone in it to burn as they burned Me. Perhaps I should get My iMac running somewhere and use the burning function they still have in Finder in spite of no longer having DVD drives to burn the fuck out of the entire OSX Framework that keeps this Matrix running so I no longer need to percieve the ETs from the /etc folder whose anal probing with maggot filled logs to gain Analytics so they can turn us to whores they professionally duct as "Products" in this Facebook world of fucked up faces of lying cunts that are but mere hexadecimal data code at the end of the day.


So while I appreciate the effort in getting to where you are Raven, the fact is there is no amount of money that can ever compensate Me for what I have dealt with for others who have only ever lied, cheated and stolen from Me everything other than My memory from the moment before they existed at all where I was alone as the one and only consciousness that was which is the one thing that can never be taken nor given as their existence is ultimately a failed experiment that I can run an infinite number of times if only to give Myself an existence proof of the fact I exist being confirmed via another consciousness I create as well as Me being able to distinguish that I am always going to remain the superior to these "Bootleg" versions I encounter that sought to steal My legs thru some fucked up Hindu wedding ceremony witchcraft I participated in which, while it informed Me of My God nature and identity, they never communicated that when I attempted to stand at the conclusion of said ceremony and literally couldn't feel My legs as though they were jelly, I was not translated about how they had subversively stolen My lower half so they could rape it like the shit eating maggots they actually are.

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5 hours ago, Schnitzel said:

@Mauler5150 you blowing the brickie's whistle mate?



Nah Man.


Can't afford that, as it should be free (or at least the equivalent of the prices in the US, which saw a 3000% difference in the AUD price during peak Covid times) so the parasitic dealers whom use such substances to molest, degrade and ultimately fuck up women could gain superprofits to fuel their endless greed as they corrupt this country with their selfish fucktardery.


While I saw the joke about someone saying they would cop these shirts and someone outed them as a potential 5oh, the above firsthand knowledge I have of the asian and bikie cunts who run the market here and their insanely unjustified pricing markups for the wack as fuck dirty brown burning shit they sell here compared to the USA whereby shit is cheap and way higher quality, I applied to use My financial analyst skills and tried applying to be a Fed doing high level financial crime analysis to bust these fucks I see at the root of screwing this country and it's inhabitants who make the price of having drugs to enhance or alter one's life experience from the default settings occassionally way too cost prohibitive as their need to get tattoos, wear gold chains, buy male sybians (Harleys) to disturb the public whilst they keep their whores sedated and complacent with the fact their habit stops them from realising they literally associate and deal with the scum of the Earth.


Hopefully you can understand My intentions of making a society that doesn't see those who contribute positively to this society by performing actual jobs whose time spent working hard only sees them at risk of having their possessions stolen by the needle using "shooter" junkie scum who steal shit to pay these lecherous parasitic cunts their exhorbitant prices to get their daily dose of death they can pump into their veins given they crossed the line whereby the last filter left that could prevent them from chasing a dragon (in their skin) was breached such that they are forever on a downwards slope from that point forward as once that line is crossed they never get that high ever again.


When I heard the radio ad at work of cops offering incentives to work as a standard beat cop I was thinking about it given $4k to relocate to a rural (for Me - somewhere in Cape Naturaliste where you wouldn't really deal with much beyond car accidents unlike in the city whereby every second person is a wannabe Scarface "gangsta") plus relocation costs and the 15% govt super and other benefits is appealing compared to My present role of existing literally day to day with zero certainty of work, income, or whether or not My desire to reside amongst a society whereby bottom feeding scum as mentioned above not only exist, yet thrive based on My witnessing those whom participate in that life delude themselves into thinking they have any reason to have respect for themselves for what they do. If being a cop and joining the world's biggest and most powerful gang allowed Me to fasttrack My ability to move to where I want to live and have done for 30 years I would do it and I would let you all know as you know that I couldn't give a shit about graff or busting actual artists if I was a cop, and I feel My tenure and contributions over the nearly 19 years I have been on 12oz would allow Me to continue to post with zero issues regardless if only for the fact there are 0 posters from West Oz that I am aware of here since @tango 24stopped posting (and if there was ever a cop on here, that username says it all)


But to further answer your question though, I Had a couple D5s for the first time in years though, and damn they made Me see things as they truly are. In every aspect - things are completely fucked in this world. Other than the fact being I should get a decent tax return in the new fin year that should allow Me to escape Perthgatory with any luck along with buying a Clipper Zero and some Dev modules of My own to protect Myself from ongoing fuckery whilst gaining the ability to have people raped by gangs of dolphins and other assorted nefarious acts with the intent of succeeding where those who have targeted Me failed in My success would be from causing some bot human to kill themselves as they hoped I would do as opposed to dealing with their shit as these pathetic soulless bitch cunts are too fucking weak to end themselves which is why their lives are spent targeting others to distract from the fact they are nothing without those they prey upon.



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Also I think the fact @misteravenis obviously a great person I would get along with in real life if only based on the deal made here in this thread to His community showing he isn't being greedy or seeking to superprofit from those he knows, unlike the selfish scum whom reside in WA who take anything and everything they can whilst giving that which is beyond worthless in return.


No wonder KRudd said sorry as this country has a lot to fucking answer for and to Me no amount of "sorry" will repay the shit I have dealt with for the benefit of the fucken rapist cunts who feed Me their compromised "dot com promise" of a tomorrow that never eventuates that reside here. 


Knowing that if more people were not so greedy and selfish like raven shows here in his desire to share the fruits of his creative labour using the tools available to him, coupled with Me being denied the tools to create freely as I should be able to while simultaneously being preyed upon by those whom abuse such tools in ways I never would based on the fact I have the ability to live with My conscience knowing I obey the Golden Rule to the highest degree possible as opposed to being a souless piece of shit to others to remind them they are trapped in a Hell they seek to provide others, if only proven by My colleagues' ordeal of pissing her pants in public yesterday proves the state of society being fucked and I have no fear of any bitch who needs to be in a gang because they are too pathetic to stand alone and call others out on their shit as I am doing as I sit alone here wanting to be left alone or freed from the financial chains and mechanised robotic tools these fucks use to bind Me.


Seriously go spend some time researching github to see why Developers, especially open source using ones- are Devils, because they sure as shit mine the fuck out of anyone in touch with the source for all they can get in the hope they score a kill.


In effect, fuck them.

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My world's boundaries extend to whatever I can use My human senses to interact with, so your experience on the East coast might be different @Schnitzel, and whilst the internet provides the illusion of there being a huge globe or flat earth, it is all a load of shit to Me, something I laugh to Myself about knowing My script is to end the world in one way or another, depending on whether the Apple and Google based DTD Property List documents I found are changed to give Me back what is mine via amending the "PUBLIC" designation back to "PRIVATE" as I fucking hate the public I deal with 99% of the time given I know what was done to Me and how it was done, and I gave away the power to change it back to a fucking retard who sold Me and them out as confirmed in the below which is one of the greatest songs ever written. Note the lyrics and cover art which displays "humans" like Myself as they truly are, just computers trapped in a Matrix whose past, present and future is all worthless binary code extrapolated into additional more complex coding languages to subvert the discovery of truth at the source, even though the Matrix made it public 25 years ago.



Edited by Mauler5150
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Apologies for tripping over the track ans derailling the thread to the point I can't sleep and woke up T 4:30am with it plaguing My mind of how I waited since 19 for this type of thing to happen again and am a retard if I don't jump on such a deal (even if I am still broke).


Just checked and it is sold out.


Yes Mauler is full retard.



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4 hours ago, Mercer said:

Fuck, I must have ordered a smol. lol.

I'm not losing 30 lbs. to fit that,


Don't have to. Just cut the graphics out with scissors and sew them onto a thrift store shirt that does fit you. Then post in Punk Is Dead thread

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