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I have been trying my best to call people what they prefer- plus Bay Area so we have the woke culture on steroids.


Yeah honestly, @mr.yuck same sentiment here like idgaf you want to be called she/her or hersheys with almonds or they/them.


I generally fuck it up a bit and it sounds awkward but its a work in progress. 

Reminds me of this:



which later ended up producing a dope hip hop track:




But all jokes aside, call people whatever they want to be called. 


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24 minutes ago, fat ralphy said:


I generally fuck it up a bit and it sounds awkward but its a work in progress. 


Haha my man. I default pretty much to they/them for everything and my new hack is gender neutral titles like sport or tiger. Who doesn't wanna be called tiger?


Kind of a little off track but my wife and I were just talking about how quickly complete strangers get comfortable with us. I don't know if this kinda shit happens to everyone and we aren't special,  but this shit is like all the time. We were getting sweet frog one night and out of nowhere the cashier starts making wild jizz references with us. Like my wife looked at me like what the fuck part of the game is this? The dude didn't get the instant laugh he thought his shit should have gotten so he said it again and louder and more directly to the point where my wife busted out laughing barely able to get her what the fuck to come out. I say something like Jesus Christ kid, we got it the first time.



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24 minutes ago, mr.yuck said:


Haha my man. I default pretty much to they/them for everything and my new hack is gender neutral titles like sport or tiger. Who doesn't wanna be called tiger?


Kind of a little off track but my wife and I were just talking about how quickly complete strangers get comfortable with us. I don't know if this kinda shit happens to everyone and we aren't special,  but this shit is like all the time. We were getting sweet frog one night and out of nowhere the cashier starts making wild jizz references with us. Like my wife looked at me like what the fuck part of the game is this? The dude didn't get the instant laugh he thought his shit should have gotten so he said it again and louder and more directly to the point where my wife busted out laughing barely able to get her what the fuck to come out. I say something like Jesus Christ kid, we got it the first time.



you were doing what with the frog? I don’t understand what that is

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5 minutes ago, mr.yuck said:

Oh that bullshit is local? It would be. Every other ice cream place is better. You only ever to go to sweet frog out of proximity.

That’s because it’s not ice cream bruh.

So, did they say they wanted to jizz in your frozen yogurt or what?



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@mr.yuck bro couple weeks ago I am paying for some shit at a gas station way the fuck out of my area - hours away. I dont know anyone except my girls family in the area.


This hefty broad working the counter, bout 8 years older but looking about 15 years older….beat basically.


I put my card in to pay - mind you my card puts in work bro, balling out frequently. So sometimes the chip readers trip on it because its a high mileage card, shit is beat up.


It doesn’t work the first time…..so she proceeds to say “stick it in slow” in a sultry ass way and then when i basically internally cringe and dont react, she says it again trying to get a response. I dipped hella quick. 



Edited by fat ralphy
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23 hours ago, LUGR said:

This sounds like a much more interesting conversation than 99% of discussions you probably hear around the lake or I see around 12oz.

speaking of lakes, or rivers, I will update My van thread with the latest goings on as given it is almost Summer here I have light to film before I settle up for the night.


Also I did said currency wipes in front of My colleagues at work to make a statement.


@morton that story is crazy if true, but at least I know I am not alone in having wiped My arse with money.

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12 hours ago, mr.yuck said:


Cool. Cuz I'm gonna relieve him of extra money. He's gonna pay it too because we have a certain report. 


@ndvwhy the pushback on pronouns. I automatically default to they/them if I don't know the gender of some one I'm talking about. 


Like this:


NDV: I'm gonna miss gender the next trans person I see!


YUCK: why would you want to make them feel uncomfortable like that? They will probably be sad.


It's super easy! Even a Yuck can do it. 😂



It's not that I intentionally do it, if their Trans or gay I will refer to them as she.  For some reason, they really like that.  But as for the master bed room being misapprehended as primary, that's just nonsense.  I mean, depends how one looks at it, but single or a couple both (all 3) are the masters of the domain.  And quite frankly some dudes like it when the woman is the master of the bedroom.  So when I really look at asomething such as a catalyst of a movement or change. I stop and think about it deeper than most, understand where they are coming from, but also have my own assessments and go from there.  


We all have the right to choose how we want to interact with social norms and I always respect someone's choice who they choose to cope with this type of topic.  Most of it I do not agree with but to me it's their right and I don't wanna be the commie stepping on their parade. 


I don't know, most of this social morn stuff I'd just nonsense to me so I typically poke fun at it to a certain degree.

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4 hours ago, Mauler5150 said:

speaking of lakes, or rivers, I will update My van thread with the latest goings on as given it is almost Summer here I have light to film before I settle up for the night.


Also I did said currency wipes in front of My colleagues at work to make a statement.


@morton that story is crazy if true, but at least I know I am not alone in having wiped My arse with money.

@mortonis an honest man, please don’t doubt the truths he shares.

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22 hours ago, mr.yuck said:

Listening in on other people's conversations is probably the most entertaining shit ever. 


I was painting two freshly remodeled bathrooms at some 83 year old guys house today. He made mention of the master bathroom and then quickly was like "oh crap, you're not supposed to call it that any more. I guess I mean the primary bathroom." I was sitting there thinking to myself "wow that's cool. Old ass white dudes making social progress or whatever." Wrong. He immediately followed that up with "nah. I'm gonna keep saying it anyway." Then later that day he doubled down and started referring to the hall bath as the 'slave bath'. 


I don't find that shit overly offensive due to his age, but I don't find shit like that mildly amusing either. So he asked me if I could paint 2 more bedrooms and a hallway. Normally I would tell people like him 'no' but I also feel like I should take as much of his money as possible. Am I the asshole?

I had a client (a few, actually) who was too comfortable saying ignorant shit at my table. I would often remind her my dude was Mexican and my daughter was black. She would always follow with “that’s different”. Short story to say-I felt like I was perpetuating it by allowing her to say such snide ass remarks. I eventually fired her as a client. I saw her every two weeks and we had to sit face to face and touched. I couldn’t do it anymore.

I still have a very very hard time referring to people as they/them. Reasoning is-growing up I was raised racist af and didn’t know it. Whenever the term they/them was used it was ALWAYS to point out (everyone else who wasn’t a white person) so it always carried a negative connotation to me. I just try my damndest to remember the name of the person and use it   

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9 hours ago, ndv said:


It's not that I intentionally do it, if their Trans or gay I will refer to them as she.  For some reason, they really like that.  But as for the master bed room being misapprehended as primary, that's just nonsense.  I mean, depends how one looks at it, but single or a couple both (all 3) are the masters of the domain.  And quite frankly some dudes like it when the woman is the master of the bedroom.  So when I really look at asomething such as a catalyst of a movement or change. I stop and think about it deeper than most, understand where they are coming from, but also have my own assessments and go from there.  


We all have the right to choose how we want to interact with social norms and I always respect someone's choice who they choose to cope with this type of topic.  Most of it I do not agree with but to me it's their right and I don't wanna be the commie stepping on their parade. 


I don't know, most of this social morn stuff I'd just nonsense to me so I typically poke fun at it to a certain degree.



You'll never be right. I heard some one refer to it as the owners suite. How long before some one starts calling you classist for those that don't own their home.  It's coming and I'm gonna lead the charge. Lol. 

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1 hour ago, mr.yuck said:



You'll never be right. I heard some one refer to it as the owners suite. How long before some one starts calling you classist for those that don't own their home.  It's coming and I'm gonna lead the charge. Lol. 


Now, the owners retreat sounds much better than master.  I can get behind that.  But when they start shoving their point of views down them societies throat, (doesn't matter what groupd or cause, but when they force it down them throat) that's when I have a problem with they said group. 


I strive to respect everyone and treat everyone like I like to be treated, the truth is, not everyone is equal and they show it. So I treat everyone equally to their output. 

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I’ve always known I’ve been “double jointed” (hyper mobility). I remember kids in class, sitting behind me-if I raised my hand they would have a joking comment like “ew. Call on her. So she can put her arm down” haha. And my kid would always notice that when I extended my arm to point I wasn’t actually pointing at the object I was aiming for ha. 
what I didn’t know is that if I didn’t manage it I would constantly hurt myself. Took almost half my damn life to understand and know this. It’s so difficult to correct/manage at this point in my life but I have to to ensure a healthy one here out.   PSA for anyone who notices they are double jointed. 
This pic is from spring this year. This backwards ass elbow of mine. IMG_1838.jpeg.52fb8aeada26d8fdcf72a34608706109.jpeg

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Whilst attempting to get back to "true reality" by needing to escape the Circle of Hell that has everyone walking around with their head on backwards, My head being backwards as the result of being sucker punched by My brother back in 2018 after I told him to kick his junkie scum associates out of the place we shared at the time, the massive amounts of increasing entropy I currently percieve within the visual range of light that My eyes pickup. So with whatever is going on in the ionosphere that has Me being able to read words and see faces and avatars on My skin and in the pattern of My veins.


So with this said, I am going into the ocean as I 

left to wonder whether I have some sort of blood parasite that comes from some water I have either showered in or drank.

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Well after My swim I came back to the van to go get some lunch only for the battery to be completely dead as the motor won't even crank.


So rather than wait for RAC in the hottest part of the day I walked to the pub fot fish and chips as I do what I can to bury emotions as I have become too sensitive, especially to sound of all things, in My old age.


Another reason for burying My emotions is how concious I am of being on the edge of complete nihilism to where I will just say fuck it, no point retaining morals and decency in this fucked up world as I limit Myself from experiences others indulge in as I am considering just getting aome drugs and a needle and mainlining My way out of this realm if only so I can learn the appeal of what these moralless degenerate junkies find so appealing.



Essentially such a decision would be made on the iterated proof of having "No Control"  as I have to become "Billy" and exchange My friends (of which I have one at this point in time) and future for a needle and a spoon as I become the "blues man" Billy Lee aka Player One from Double Dragon as Marian ran off with Jimmy apparently. So fuck that bitch for settling for anyone who would send their brother to Hell for Her because that worthless cunt of a brother is too pathetic to even attempt to make the journey let alone go to Hell and back as I have done.


Whilst this part of the post is a hypothetical, having met and been in the vicinty of the missing teeth, cold, dead and soulless with ice flowing thru their veins people in this city leaves Me to wonder whether My reluctance to particpate in such activites is moreso the result of Me labelling such behaviours based on the marketing of the heroin junkies throwing up and passed out in alley ways as was sold to Me in My youth or whether My lack of desire to have needles of any kind penetrate My avatar, as lets be honest, a needle going inside you is pretty much the pussy's equivalent to sticking a big dildo inside of them in respect of seeking pleasure thru the violation of your avatar, as both activities leave a hole in you.


My nihilism comes from having My university education and career experience in finance rendered moot in the wake of COVID guvrn that without having had 2 needles to enable Me to tick the vax box in job applications I am left to work the most brain dead and boring job ever as I financially tread water and find Myself living paycheck to paycheck with no hope of a better tomorrow. The main evidence of this is how I listed My guitars and musical equipment on Facebook last week, as the likelihood that I can ever get a place to live and have the space to setup My studio and My Master King sized bed

only gets further away with each passing day. As I have zero desire of living with anyone that isn't My wife, and as She would rather fuck around than speak to Me in any form other than as technology.


I make this post with the utmost seriousness and the fact I choose to publically raise such topics of conversation as I iterate My point of personally being done with being a passive observer to a prewritten scripted movie that is My life with not a single person that isn't some iteration of an internet dwelling AI/persona. I would hope that the residents of Channel Zero would discourage Me from choosing such a path given that I am getting to the point of choosing to protest the fact I am on the scrapheap at 42 with zero prospects of a future that doesn't resemble Groundhog day whereby one instance can simultaneously see Me homeless, without transport, and without any ability to get to work to finance My van getting repaired all because a selfish cunt of a woman took all My money and uses it as a tool to subjugate Me whilst I am supposed to respect the worthless cunts she would rather speak to and joke about Me as opposed to speaking to Me face to face.


The final question I will leave this post on? if I have shown and proven Myself capable of goinh to Hell and back and choosing not to become a dead inside cold blooded demon who shot up drugs in the process, why should I have any respect for any woman who would subject Me to such a fate given the journey was the result of her choosing to leave Me physically as she turned the only "true" happiness I have ever known into being contextually tainted by the lies she left Me with of a tomorrow that never came in any form beyond her choosing some other fucktard over Me as she broke the Golden Rule in the first instance?


TLDR - Yes I am mad at the world and I have every reason to be as this world is completely fucked in every single aspect and there is no hope if I am having to "sell My best friend" in the first guitar I ever owned which I have had for 26 years as My only means thru which I can get enough money in My bank to exist in the event that My van breaks down and I become homeless, carless and jobless all at the exact same moment while I go thru each day hearing the laughter of delusional fools whose heads are buried in the sand or up their assholes such that they try to convince themselves their shit - and this world we coexist in that many of these people birth kids into - doesn't stink.

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I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read the above.


The TLDR version is a woman lied to Me and sent Me to Hell and if she ever returns the only logical step is that she sends every single character I encountered over the past 7 years to the Hell of non existence to where they never  existed in the first place as no amount of money can compensate Me for giving up everything in My life except love and going to Hell for a woman who would send Me there in the first place whilst she indulges inferior clones and leaves Me to laugh alone in the process

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And ultimately I can't wait to tell her to fuck off and entertain these other cunts when she returns as I only choose to live in this world knowing that all she creates is effectively already dead as the only thing certain in this life is the death humans and all creation faces as a result of the lie that took the place of the love I gave yet failed to have returned and reciprocated as she chose to give it to a world full of derivative clones who can only take as they have nothing to give her but an excuse to not own up to her fuck up with the lies I was told of a tomorrow that will never come as the world as it existed at the time that tomorrow was referenced is dead and buried under an infinite amount of lies and the entire data of the internet to back it up.

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The above posts were assisted ny a diet of bullshit, a single pint of Heineken and witnessing worthless degenerate gamblers do nothing except talk shit about money as the sole way in which they can distract themselves from admitting how they exist in a hopeless world where they die in the end and that that no amount of gambling in the interim is going to change the joy I experience in the present and beyond their death in laughing at them the entire time as their meaningless existence beyond portraying the type of shit character I would never choose to personally become from within the entirety of the infinite possibilites afforded to to Me as a human.

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And for clarity's sake, if I had the red button to launch a nuke that would end this world and everyone in it, I would refrain from hitting the button just like I have to install the red kill switch arcade button in My JS guitar I referred to above that I am selling as a result of having no ability to make, create or indulge in music due to m9neh making Me a slave to other's agendas.


The only reason I wouldn't hit the button whilst laughing maniacally would be due to the fact that the fate of existing in this world as slaves to money whilst having no control or free will is a much worse fate than death. And luckily I have learned this lesson prior to dying such that I can appreciate existence for what it truly is.

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On 11/15/2023 at 5:24 PM, mr.yuck said:

Listening in on other people's conversations is probably the most entertaining shit ever. 


I was painting two freshly remodeled bathrooms at some 83 year old guys house today. He made mention of the master bathroom and then quickly was like "oh crap, you're not supposed to call it that any more. I guess I mean the primary bathroom." I was sitting there thinking to myself "wow that's cool. Old ass white dudes making social progress or whatever." Wrong. He immediately followed that up with "nah. I'm gonna keep saying it anyway." Then later that day he doubled down and started referring to the hall bath as the 'slave bath'. 


I don't find that shit overly offensive due to his age, but I don't find shit like that mildly amusing either. So he asked me if I could paint 2 more bedrooms and a hallway. Normally I would tell people like him 'no' but I also feel like I should take as much of his money as possible. Am I the asshole?

Slave bath lololol!!!!

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Situationally I could find this type of shit funny. Not when it comes out the mouth of some 83 year old segregation south white motherfucker country club racist ass bitch. So anyway he wanted two bedrooms painted and I told him it would be $3200. Lol. He doesn't need it.



Edited by mr.yuck
Wanted to add some extra profanity to really drive it home
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On 11/15/2023 at 8:42 PM, fat ralphy said:

I have been trying my best to call people what they prefer- plus Bay Area so we have the woke culture on steroids.


this always amused the hell out of me how conservative and farther right online culture actually managed to meme the corrupted " woke" buzzword into existence via twitter and reddit with 4chan tactics , and all it took was for the blm floyd era white savior ally types to gentrify the word within 3 months.  

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8 minutes ago, MOOGLE? said:

this always amused the hell out of me how conservative and farther right online culture actually managed to meme the corrupted " woke" buzzword into existence via twitter and reddit with 4chan tactics , and all it took was for the blm floyd era white savior ally types to gentrify the word within 3 months.  


Lol. I'm trying to uno reverse this shit. When family members start talking that wild ass far right script, I'll tell them that's woke as fuck. Gears start grinding, ears start smoking, 😂

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I think woke has been in my vocab for at least a decade - but you are right the shit is a crazy trigger for them at this point.


I actually thought it was nuts when De Santis was saying the shit. 


Being from the Bay Area, diversity here has always been the norm. Tripped me out when I have visited other parts of the country to see self segregation and shit like that. 

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3 hours ago, mr.yuck said:

Situationally I could find this type of shit funny. Not when it comes out the mouth of some 83 year old segregation south white motherfucker country club racist ass bitch. So anyway he wanted two bedrooms painted and I told him it would be $3200. Lol. He doesn't need it.



Sounds about right under the circumstances lolol 

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