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FaceApp - All fun and games until you realize that you played yourself.


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So everyone is on this new social trend of scanning their face and posting what they'll look like as an old man, the opposite sex, or with rabbit ears or whatever other such nonsense that becomes the flavor of the week. Ironic how in such a short period of time we went from kids terrified to post on message boards under a fake name to now face scanning themselves and posting it on the internet.


Sounds like tin foil hat, conspiracy theory shit from a paranoid old man, but have you ever stopped to consider the situation? 





Viral App FaceApp Now Owns Access To More Than 150 Million People's Faces And Names



Security fears over Russian aging app 'FaceApp' as experts warn it can access ALL of your pictures even if you say not to



Privacy Warnings Issued Over Russian-Owned FaceApp



N.S.A. Collecting Millions of Faces From Web Images (Note this is from 2014!)



Smile: Your Selfie Is A Mugshot For The NSA



Police stop people for covering their faces from facial recognition camera



Moment man is fined £90 for hiding face from police facial recognition cameras



U.S., British intelligence mining data from nine U.S. Internet companies in broad secret program

https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/us-intelligence-mining-data-from-nine-us-internet-companies-in-broad-secret-program/2013/06/06/3a0c0da8-cebf-11e2-8845-d970ccb04497_story.html?Post generic=%3Ftid%3Dsm_twitter_washingtonpost&utm_term=.d4096ace2297


China has started ranking citizens with a creepy 'social credit' system — here's what you can do wrong, and the embarrassing, demeaning ways they can punish you



China's social credit system has been compared to Black Mirror, Big Brother and every other dystopian future sci-fi writers can think up. The reality is more complicated — and in some ways, worse.


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54 minutes ago, misteraven said:


Moment man is fined £90 for hiding face from police facial recognition cameras




gotta be down with the clown




(I am not sure if this is real or satire)

Edited by mn1_fuckos
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Honestly at this point I feel its redundant anyway. They have your facial scan if you've ever had social media or even walked down a busy street and been caught on CCTV. I get the point of not making it easier for them to get an updated scan but really..unless you've always lived deep in the bush odds are they already have you.

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3 minutes ago, Kults said:

Honestly at this point I feel its redundant anyway. They have your facial scan if you've ever had social media or even walked down a busy street and been caught on CCTV. I get the point of not making it easier for them to get an updated scan but really..unless you've always lived deep in the bush odds are they already have you.

Shitty excuse, that amounts to just throwing in the towel... "They're going to do it anyways, so why bother".


Likewise a 2d image at under 1008px posted to Instagram, assuming you even post your face, is far from the ultra high definition 3d face map created from the scans made using these texture mapping apps.

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16 minutes ago, misteraven said:

Shitty excuse, that amounts to just throwing in the towel... "They're going to do it anyways, so why bother".


Likewise a 2d image at under 1008px posted to Instagram, assuming you even post your face, is far from the ultra high definition 3d face map created from the scans made using these texture mapping apps.

Fair enough, I wouldn't use em. Just saying.. Id rather focus on things under my control than worry about that. 

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Still have a flip phone and 0 social media accounts.


Not sure where you're trying to go w/ this topic- that people are giving away their info/privacy through their phones; or facial recognition in general including that, with or without your phone app, big brother is collecting your image through a variety of methods?

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Photographs alone are not reliable enough to be used for facial recognition, you need an actual scan like what one of these apps do.


On the bright side Chinese don't need to carry credit cards to the grocery store, they use "wee chat pay" or "ali pay" sort of their own social media payment system to pay for stuff using face scans.








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a friend of mine took a picture of me at the bar during karaoke last week.

she thought it was funny to use faceapp and text it to me.


the younger version of me looks like a sexy motherfucker.

the current version of me is a sexy motherfucker.

the older version of me just looks like a motherfucker.


seriously, think of a cross between an old irish mafia guy from Boston, a serial killer, and a "Hey you damn kids, get off my lawn!"

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I look like an aged pedophile on a news report in the old version. the younger version I look like a balloon.


I played myself - was bored since everybody at work was doing it so I joined in the fun.


 About 5 minutes later it was a flash of realisation about how badly I fucked up.


Havent ever done anything like rabbit ears but yesterday gave  me a lot of food for thought.



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Facial Recognition + Smart Glasses + Augmented Reality = real time, perpetual social media structures and personalized advertising among other things.  Imagine walking down a crowded street and having AR list a person's name and social media handles plus their friends and content, to see price tags and purchase options for every product in view.  


Soon, I feel, society will look like a cross between Minority Report and Wall-E.  Not to mention that AI, algorithms, and social credit systems will define the parameters of our Augmented Reality.  


Society will be influenced (controlled) and Luddites will be the terrorists.

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Realistically, I don't think we can advance much more technologically without putting an end to totalitarianism. I think we should be walking around with cameras like @6Penniesdescribed, I just don't want someone to have centralized control over it.


Without first establishing a true free society, technological advances towards decentralization either won't be allowed/capitalized upon properly, or they will inevitably be used to create more centralization, and control. Sometimes I think only the technology that lends itself well to Orwellian aspirations is promoted, or allowed to flourish. Technology that can actually help people is availiable only to those willing to swim upstream and access it against the current.

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I unlock my iPhone XR w/ my face.  I like the feature and I full on knew what "I was getting into."  I've become a bit less tin foil hatted..... BUT, I refuse to use any social media or whatever the new fun app that everyone is playing with for the current week (don't get me talking about the attention span of "normal" people these days as a result of using social media heavily).  I think when the rest of the followcats decide that these companies have "raped" them for their info.... then we will see a shift and likely the crumbling of these business that have built around scraping info and selling it.  That is LITERALLY how all those free services that everyone loves to use so much make money..... they sell your shit to people that pay for it because you agree to it in the fine print when you sign up.  Nobody, including myself, reads fine print and they use "fine print" and long format EULA's because they know that people won't read it all unless they've got a degree in law.

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Also honestly, this isn't a situation where you should throw up your hands and say "we already gave up privacy by being on social media" - if you can create and maintain verified sock / fake accounts on Facebook, you know there's a fair amount of public anonymity to be had

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Imagine cheating your way to a masters degree with a brain implant and google assistant, or being able to connect with other people telepathically through your phones. One day we’ll all be chipped with pornhub compatible neural implants..

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3 hours ago, Mercer said:

Imagine cheating your way to a masters degree with a brain implant and google assistant, or being able to connect with other people telepathically through your phones. One day we’ll all be chipped with pornhub compatible neural implants..

Like demolition man.   

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4 hours ago, Mercer said:

Imagine cheating your way to a masters degree with a brain implant and google assistant, or being able to connect with other people telepathically through your phones. One day we’ll all be chipped with pornhub compatible neural implants..

Masters degrees will be meaningless at that point, as will education. It'll be like the matrix where you just do a data dump just before you need the knowledge.


Assume by then robots will take care of most manual labor so unsure what we'd be doing.


But yeah, starting to get way off topic... 


Seems everyone is suddenly talking about the Russians and how they now have access to everyones camera roles... Meanwhile I'm sitting here thinking that I'd rather have the Russians holding that personal data than my own government, but maybe thats just me. Either way, stupid is as stupid does... Next month the cycle will start all over again with the next dumb ass app that scans your face. Or here's a good idea... Lets pay to send a DNA sample in somewhere so we can *discover* our heritage.... SMH!

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I guess I'm a sucker then. 

I did the DNA testing more so for medical knowledge than for heritage anyways.

Genomics interests me... I'm also interested in CRISPR and the possibilities with that. 

But i knew what i was getting myself into..i mean c'mon, the ceo of 23andme is married to the founder of Google lol

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