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Mexico State Congress asks ban of video game




"A game set in the border town of Cuidad Juarez has angered local officials who are busy fighting all to real violence.


About 6000 people died in drug related violence in the city in 09 and 10, making the city one of the deadliest in the world."



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New Skyrim trailer. I haven't been this excited for a game ever.


From reddit comments:


NiggerJew944 40 points 3 hours ago****[-]


It was titty fucking awesome. There was like this dude running through the woods and a dragon was like "who the fuck is this guy? Ima gonna breathe fire on him. Rawrrrrr!" And then the guy/dragonborn, whatever, was like fuck this. So he turned around and called the dragon some kind of racial slur. I couldn't understand what he said but it must have been the equivalent to: Nigger dragon get off my lawn. Because that dragon backed the fuck up.

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I'll want to give Homefront a try.


Bulletstorm is alright, but it's a huge assault on the senses. And for a game that made of COD's whole thing of having shit pop up on your screen, this game does it waaayyyy more, and in the campaign. Very addictive, though, and the boss battles are pretty damn epic.


Theo, check the official site for LA Noire. There is some sick footage of the facial animation. You've never seen anything like it in a video game.

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Weapon X: Yeah I seen that facial animation video... reminds me of Avatar.


They said L.A. Noire will have the biggest map by Rockstar ever. So it will be bigger than Red Dead Redemption or San Andreas...


And I agree the boss battles on BulletStorm is epic. Like Shadow of the Colossus.


Boris: Everyone keeps talkin bout Fight Night Champion's storyline... gotta check that out.

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Started playin Homefront... the concept & storyline & presentation is nice, but the graphics are outdated... like they're 2005 graphics when the 360 first came out...



I hate that shit so much the graphics really do look terrible.

Storyline is nice, but They end it a bit too soon with so many questions left unanswered.

I would like to do know more about what happens after we retook the bridge and if the EU is still standing why the fuck didnt they help before.


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