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NBA live is dope, has good graphics, but some things about it are gay.


sometimes the player icon dissapears, which makes shit hard to play.


sometimes the players will stop al of a sudden while your tryna layup, run, etc.


kinda slow, the computer controls the tempo of the game too, all of a sudden the 76ers will be ballling on your ass back to back to back and theres nothing you can do!

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Welcome to the XBox family! I was thinking you were loyal to Playstation...
yeah I am loyal and all but this was too good a deal.


I played that Kane and Lynch today, can't get past the 2nd mission before boredom crept in, the graphics and idea is awesome but the controls are just shit and the movement of your character I can only describe as 'clunky'. I started to play Need for Speed Prostreet, haven't tried PGR3, Tiger Woods 06 was ok, umm, I can't even remember what else.


Oh and the Guitar Hero 3 control on the PS2 is much better than the 360 comfortwise, and responsewise as the 360 one always tends to activate starpower as soon as you get it. Although the game on 360 is easier as the scrolling bar looks much larger and you can see things well in advance.


And why did 12oz have a cry at me on the forum page for not posting in a week or so. I been busy job hunting ahaha

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the third one is just as good as the first, if not better. It's hard as hell though


no, dude, the third one was a step back in the right direction, but not very good.


I hope this one is alright, but I'll pick it up way later when I've finished all the games I own and own a PS3. I need DMC for PS3. Just because.

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Nah I will always come back.

Just the past few times I came on here there wasn't as many threads I felt like reading. Plus also just been in a fucked mentality lately, trying to get my shit together. I know I need to, but there is just too many games I can play, but I am lacking patience. I'm sure if I was working 8 hours a day I would be coming home wanting to blast some fools on video games but I think I won't really get too full on into them until GTA4.

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NBA 2K8 -- slightly less impressive graphics than NBA Live 08, but far better gameplay and fluid controls.


The NBA Live series tends to outsell NBA 2K8, but that's only because people are usually brand name whores. The NBA 2K series tends to be rated higher overall by game reviewers.


The 2K games are always more true to life, and the LIVE series has always been an unrealistic dunkfest. They have the alley-oop option way too accessible, and they've been known to let players like Chauncey Billups or even Jason Kidd dunk all game. I do like the NBA Live for the wii because you can use the remote to steal, shoot, block etc.

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lol That Street Chaves game for the pc is pretty fun. It combines Street Fighter and SNK. The Only thing thats annoying is the music when you battle.


However, i did manage to change the songs and put some of mine. I still have to mess with it. when the game starts, and when you pic a character, it has no music. I have to go an see if i can put music and make it to work.

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I think that time frame is about how long that GTA:SA took me. playing thru about 60 to 70% of the game.

I so can't be bothered with the games I got, Tiger Woods can eat a dick until i get a HD tv.

Shit is blurry as and at 5 ft away I can't see shit.

Has anyone else played that Kane and Lynch and actually got thru it? I want to know if it is worth playing, as that 2nd mission sucks.

I think the downside of having/getting so many games at once is that since they make the controls rather complex on alot of games these days (ie, each button does something different dependent upon other buttons being triggered as per Assasins creed) makes me think I just can't be fucked. I can understand it adds to the value of games but hey, I got these for fuck all so I can't be bothered with em ahha.

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Partial Equipment List for the Kipnis Studio Standard Beta CinE:


Picture Elements:

Sony SRX-S110 Professional Video Projector

Stewart 18-by-10-foot Snowmatte 1.0 Gain Laboratory-Grade Motion Picture Screen

Players and Sources:

Sony BDP-S1 Blu-ray Player

Sony PlayStation 3 Gaming Console

Toshiba HD-XA1 HD DVD Player

JVC HMDH-5U D-VHS Recorder

SATA Drive (72 HDTV Hours Total)

Mark Levinson N° 51 DVD/CD Media Player

Pioneer HLD-X0 Hi-Vision HDTV MUSE Laserdisc Player

Surround Processing and Decoding:

Theta Digital Generation VIII 32-bit 8x Oversampling Dual Processors (13)



Mark Levinson N° 33h Amplifiers (2)

McIntosh MC-2102 Amplifiers (30)

Crown Macro Reference Gold Amplifiers (3)



Snell 1800 THX Music & Cinema Reference Subwoofers (16)

Snell THX Music & Cinema Reference Towers (8)

MuRata ES103A Super Tweeters (10)

Snell THX Music & Cinema Reference LCR-2800 Center-Channel Speakers (3)






It can be yours for a cool $6 million.

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