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My dad stole my identity hahaha


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Here's what happened. I went to get an apartment, they called me the next day to say that I couldn't get it to a prior eviction. I explained that's not possible because I've never been evicted in my life. I did a credit check online to see what the problem was and under my name were multiple bank accounts, phones, medical bills, and apartments. "I" owed collections tens of thousands of dollars. I've never even had a contract with a phone and only had a bank account for about a year when I was 16. My dad and I have the same exact name and were born on the same day (different years of course haha). and with little investigation I found out that the eviction was from apartments HE used to live in and the phones had HIS old phone numbers. :lol: I had to file stupid reports and freeze all his accounts. I've only met my dad a handful of times but I told him the next and last time I was ever going to see him was in a court room. FUCKING BLACK PEOPLE


BUT, I got the apartment today AND I had court today and the judge dropped 3,000 out of 5,000 dollars of my restitution due to a mistake. so today was not so bad.


TL;DR: black people fuckin suck.




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yo sorry about your pops, but I did the same thing but to my dad. years ago when he was strung out on dope and I figured he would die soon I asked for his ss number and dob. best buy credit card, check. sprint phone that took almost 5 months without paying a bill before it was shut off, check. aarons, kind of like rent a center, never asked for my id, check. multiple phone cable and internet bills in wow and comcast cause they clear you every couple years from debt, check. online fraudelents, check.


now my dad is 63, been clean for about 8 years or so, and funny situation is, he lives in the same apartment building that I just moved out of downtown, and had to get cable phone and sexbox privaledges in his girls name, cause he aint getting shit in his!!!!!


cool story broseph. once again, sorry your pops got you like that.

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Your Dad is white, right...?


No, my moms white. My dads black.


I swear he like had it planned since before I was born or something haha I picture it like this


"This is the one..."




He REALLY fucked up by having shit in my name like apartments when I was 15 :lol: that's not gonna look good in court. And anyone who knows me knows that I'm a huge disbeliever in calling the cops and getting law enforcement involved. This is just one of those times when it's needed.

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damn dude.. glad you're taking all this bullshit with a smile..

i'd be telling old man "next time you see me will be be right before the next time you're gonna be in the hospital"......


that's some straight up fucked up behavior on his part.

how you gonna fuck up your kids future and credit like that an think it's not gonna come back and smack ya in the face?


anyway, good luck and congrats n'ats...

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damn dude.. glad you're taking all this bullshit with a smile


That's all you can really do haha It'll all be worked out in the end. Plus I got over half of my restitution dropped and a sick ass apartment with 2 hot girl roommates so the whole identity theft thing doesn't bother me that much :D

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shouldnt that whole pie chart be called 'shit black people fraudulently do under the false justification of reparations'? or would that be the 'buy rims/hennessey/gucci' chart?



doesnt it suck when shit plays so hard into a stereotype that it almost sounds made up?

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If you havin credit problems I feel bad for you son /

I got 99 problems but managing debt responsibly ain't one


show me the way...?





and forsit. your black card is about to be revoked. not that you seem to want it anyways.

my scummy fathers done far worse than any of that shit, black motherfucker he is.

but you seem pretty umad as a whole my dude. i stay joking with all these honkies round here.

but it's still jokes. and no matter what piece o shit black daddy ejaculated me into this world

i still love all my nurgas all day. no matter how utterly ridiculous the majority turns out to be.


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