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Did you ever find porn in the woods?


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Who would of figured finding porn in the woods was so universal?


I remember back in the day, me and my crew of buddies descended into some woods behind the locol home depot and found a homeless fort. We found a big ass bowie knife, a pellet gun and a pair of Binoculars. All of which we kept of course, sorry Mr. Hobo.


We found a second fort in the same woods months later, and it was covered in porn pages and pictures. My friend picked up a plug in Vagina becuse he didnt realize what it was, and as soon as he did made the ''yuck!'' face and tossed it like the disease covered piece of plastic it was. Why the fuck would a bum have that anyway, there werent any outlets/


Cliffnotes: My boy picked up a used dirty ass plug-in vagina in a hobo fort and preceded to get laughed at.

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We used to find Hustlers and Penthouse all over the place at the work sites and housing developments and that lead to a nearly 20 year porn addiction.


I'm pretty much acustom to finding that stuff at jungles and sketchy townie wooded spots. It's rare when you don't, just when you were a kid it was the shit (depening on what kind of porn it was).

Now you know some pervert was there and quiet possibly left DNA everywhere and you should probily disinfect yourself immidiatley. Besides who the fuck still buys porn mags any damn way.

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In the 70's when my dad worked at a state park or camp ground he found a decomposing dead body in a trash bag in the woods.



i wouldnt want to find this.

id rather find porn.


they say 70% of murdered/missing people are found by joggers...this is why i jog indoors on a tradmill.

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We used to find Hustlers and Penthouse all over the place at the work sites and housing developments and that lead to a nearly 20 year porn addiction. .


Construction workers and other such types love to have porn at work, huh?


First time I ever actually found porn was in an abandoned house being remodeled. Also, just a few months ago I found a Playboy from the 70's inside a wall of a warehouse I was doing demo on.


I don't usually do much of my pr0nz viewing with other men, so it seems kinda weird to me

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You can come across some sketchy shit jogging, especially at night.


haha hell yeah, i went out for a jog one night and i was going down this little nature trail around 9 and i see a creepy van that looks abandon i peeked inside i saw 2 bums fucking 1 black hoe and 2 other bums shootin up, in the dark. I sprinted the fuck outta there

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i wouldnt want to find this.

id rather find porn.


they say 70% of murdered/missing people are found by joggers...this is why i jog indoors on a tradmill.


you jog on a treadmill? "taxi for homo?!?"


i'd put my life on you never finding porn on a treadmill...


i've always fuckin' hated treadmills... i feel i always just bouce off the belt rather than use my whole legs... plus you get to look at shit rather than a shitty wee pishy dim screen. probably why i have little or no knees left actually...


rant over. carry on everyone...

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A friend/neighbour of my friend caught up with us when we walked home from school, he said there's a porn mag in some woods near our houses. I remember seeing a damp mag (I think a part of a page was covered in shit or mud) behind a log and seeing a few pages being turned carefully, then we suddenly walked away from it.



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we'd lift penthouses from the bookstore in the mall and hide them in this old storm drain short-cut place on the way back home. we had a good collection going for a while; then one day they were gone. someone in this thread probably found them.


would it be sketchy for 33-year-old me to do that shit now just for old time's sake?

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I break into a lot of abandoned spots, it's sort of a hobby of mine and porn is probably in the top three on the list of the weird shit I expect to find. (Drug paraphernalia and sleeping spots being the other two.) To answer the question the thread poses- yes, I've found porn in the woods, among other crazy places.


On a side note my friend just dumpstered a half ounce of some pretty good weed and some markers the other night. The weed lasted about a day, I still have the markers. The same guy dumpsters ridiculous amounts of beer on the regular...I'm talking 500+ at a time. 200 is a bad run for him.


Too bad I'm trying to cut back on my drinking, free beer is really fucking hard to turn down.

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When i was 11 I used to steal porn mags and super glue after school and we would walk down one of the main shopping/tourist streets in town super gluing porn to peoples windshields. We would always put it on the drivers side so when they got in their car the first thing they would see is porn. We must have done this for 2 months straight 5 days a week after school.

Also I was walking through the woods near the highway drinking a 40oz with a friend yesterday and we came across some bum watching porn on a portable dvd player with the volume turned up full blast trying to jerk off and shoot up at the same time. We yelled at him and then laughed as he tried to decide whether or not to run off or continue shooting up and jerking it. Eventually he left but forgot his needle full of drugs and we caught him walking back down the path and he asked us if we had seen it.

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I break into a lot of abandoned spots, it's sort of a hobby of mine and porn is probably in the top three on the list of the weird shit I expect to find. (Drug paraphernalia and sleeping spots being the other two.) To answer the question the thread poses- yes, I've found porn in the woods, among other crazy places.


On a side note my friend just dumpstered a half ounce of some pretty good weed and some markers the other night. The weed lasted about a day, I still have the markers. The same guy dumpsters ridiculous amounts of beer on the regular...I'm talking 500+ at a time. 200 is a bad run for him.


Too bad I'm trying to cut back on my drinking, free beer is really fucking hard to turn down.


You Westcoasters and your expendable incomes!

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I stayed in a backpackers hostel one time that was run by the biggest pack of cunts EVER. Like 1 coffee at breakfast, NO MORE. Strict ass fuckwits. And I found a couple stick mags there so when I left I stuck em all over the windows and closed the blinds so whoever opens them got a full porn display. And I folded the pages up so they were the same thickness as the fan blades so if ya look up ya wouldn't see anything but if you turned the fan on it'd start raining porn on you. And other such fun stuff

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this is hilarious because when i was younger and lived in the country i found like a fucking trunk full of old huslters and shit in the woods.it was crazy.i was in like 3rd grade.but it was real close to this one chicks house.she caught me one day and peeped her head out the window and was like "i see you aaron" but being a straight g like i am i flipped her the fanger and kept at it.hahahaha.
















my name aint aaron btw.

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