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actually you can't piss in there or it fucks up the compost. I just pee outside.


so then... you hang a bunch of them little car air freshener tree hookups in there? What happens when its like 85 degrees in there? your spot smells like warm doo?

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so then... you hang a bunch of them little car air freshener tree hookups in there? What happens when its like 85 degrees in there? your spot smells like warm doo?


na man i put dolomite lime mixed with soil on it and it kills the odor lickety split. my place is kind of dark on the first floor so it never gets hot. just humid. so you gotta keep the toilet lid closed or else the compost mixes with the warm, humid air, and then you have poop mist everywhere.

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I'm bumping this to let everyone know I got a small piece of glass stuck in my hand the other night. I soaked my hand and dug at it with a needle I wiped down with rubbing alcohol but it won't come out.


If I get a cool infection or turn into the Terminator I'll be sure to take pictures.

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i dont get it


many many moons ago, there was a cheating bastard named Diego Maradonna who scorred against England in a world cup match by using his hand to knock the ball over Peter Shilton to score and put us out....


it became known as "the hand of god" for some reason. possibly cos, maradonna presumed he was god like.

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